Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Copenhagen Masterclass 2023

Topic: Repo for the masterclass

Adam Topaz (Jun 22 2023 at 19:30):

Hi all -- some of you may have already noticed that we made a dedicated github repo for next week's masterclass: https://github.com/adamtopaz/CopenhagenMasterclass2023

We will send invites to all the participants on the first day next week, but if you're already here and would like an invite, please let me know.

Adam Topaz (Jun 22 2023 at 19:31):

For some reason I tried to ping the stream with @stream but it seems I don't have the necessary permissions

Adam Topaz (Jun 22 2023 at 22:57):

I should also mention that the "schedule" on the README file is just a general guide, and may change especially later in the week depending on the participants' interest, etc.

There is a wiki page in this repo called "Topics". Please feel free to add things there! I hope there will be time to discuss those topics at least during the group-work/unstructured times in the afternoons.

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 12:44):

I think there's an error in the installation instructions linked in the repo. Here: https://leanprover-community.github.io/install/macos.html it says to write

elan toolchain install stable
elan default stable

but stable is a lean 3 toolchain. It should be something like

elan toolchain install leanprover/lean4:nightly
elan default leanprover/lean4:nightly


Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2023 at 12:50):

not only that, it also says to install mathlibtools, so that's definitely for lean3.

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 12:51):

Right, I think you only need to install the VSCode lean 4 extension, and then write those two elan statements in the command line

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 12:51):

Maybe also install elan

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2023 at 12:54):

Well, as long as elan and the vscode extensions are installed, it should be okay to work with projects that already have a lean-toolchain file, so I think the current instructions will still suffice for the copenhagen repo.

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 12:55):

Ah, so the lean-toolchain file installs the correct elan toolchain for you?

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2023 at 12:56):

right. once you open a lean project in vscode, it looks for the lean-toolchain file and installs the version needed by the project if it's not already there.

Adam Topaz (Jun 23 2023 at 12:58):

@Dagur Ásgeirsson would you like to add "Solid abelian groups" to https://github.com/adamtopaz/CopenhagenMasterclass2023/wiki/Projects ?

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 13:01):

Well I already have lots of lean 3 code for that, so it would be more of a porting project once we have the basics of condensed mathematics in mathlib 4

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 13:03):

But it's easy to write down the definition once you have that limits exist in condensed abelian groups and the functor Profinite.{u} \func CondensedSet.{u}

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 13:07):

In https://github.com/adamtopaz/CopenhagenMasterclass2023/blob/master/IDEAS.txt, I think
2) Example of {closed point, open point} showing set-theoretic issues? is irrelevant for us. The set theoretic issues are solved by universes in Lean.

Patrick Massot (Jun 23 2023 at 13:14):

Adam Topaz said:

not only that, it also says to install mathlibtools, so that's definitely for lean3.

Oh sorry, we missed that bit when updating the page.

Mauricio Collares (Jun 23 2023 at 13:24):

The OS X instructions also mention Rosetta, which shouldn't be needed for Lean 4 nightlies if I understand correctly

Dagur Asgeirsson (Jun 23 2023 at 13:25):

It's needed to install elan though, right?

Mauricio Collares (Jun 23 2023 at 18:41):

I don't think so, elan releases aarch64-darwin binaries: https://github.com/leanprover/elan/releases/tag/v1.4.6

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC