Zulip Chat Archive

Stream: Rutgers Lean seminar

Topic: Work on convex polygons

Ian Jauslin (May 26 2023 at 20:34):

Vlada and I met today, and we started working on convex polygons again. After a bit of head banging and some Zuliping, we finally got the definition to work with FinEnum

Ian Jauslin (May 26 2023 at 20:34):

The work is done in the IsConvex branch

Alex Kontorovich (May 26 2023 at 22:26):

Sounds great! Want to have a meeting, either virtual or in person? If the latter, I could come in, perhaps, next Thurs June 1?

Ian Jauslin (May 29 2023 at 15:16):

Yeah, that would be great! I would prefer in person, but am open to zoom. I'm free any time on Thursday except 2-4.

Alex Kontorovich (May 29 2023 at 22:54):

Great; let's do in person, say, at 10 am on Thurs? Does someone have the mailing list? I think Brittany and Andre are both away for the summer?

Ian Jauslin (May 30 2023 at 05:23):

Could we make it 11?

Alex Kontorovich (May 30 2023 at 18:26):

Sure, 11 is good for me. Thanks!

Vláďa Sedláček (May 31 2023 at 13:38):

I'll join. Brittany and André are both busy.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC