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Topic: Build errors (sorry)

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 16:26):

Just a note to apologize for creating a number of small build errors in the Lean code. An unintended consequence of accepting a PR to update Mathlib was that my local copy decided that it had to rebuild all of Mathlib, a process that is still ongoing right now. I thought somewhat naively that I could continue coding without the safety net of actually compiling the code but that was probably a mistake. Anyway, hopefully it will all be straightened out soon (and I will be significantly more wary of accepting major update PRs in the future). Thanks to everyone who already helped clean up the code!

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 16:28):

If it is rebuilding from scratch, you should probably run lake exe cache get

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 16:29):

It will significantly speed up the process

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 16:29):

Yeah, I tried that but I think I made the mistake of doing it while VScode was still running and it created some weird issues. I'm currently at 1283 of 1644 and am inclined to just try to wait it out

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 16:32):

Depending on your machine that is easily enough time to make some fresh coffee (in the range of 5-15 minutes)

Mauricio Collares (Nov 19 2023 at 16:45):

open ProbabilityTheory as well as replacing U : Ω → H by U : Ω → G in the two formulations of entropic_pfr fixes the build, but I don't know if isUniform H U μ is supposed to imply that the measure of the complement of H is zero. I can submit a PR if it is.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 16:47):

Thanks, you are right, the intention is for U to range in G, and for isUniform to check that the complement of H is almost surely not attained.

It's somewhat eye-opening for me to realize how much I implicitly rely on the Lean infoview to check my work at every line; the moment that safety net is gone, all sorts of typos start creeping in...

Yaël Dillies (Nov 19 2023 at 16:55):

You can always close VS Code, open a terminal inside the project folder and run lake exe cache get there.

Yaël Dillies (Nov 19 2023 at 16:57):

What you encountered earlier is that the Lean extension builds the files and writes them to your disk, meaning that any attempt of getting cache will fail because the freshly downloaded cache will have been overwritten by the extension.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 16:58):

Yeah, but it's a risk-reward calculation at this point. I'm at 1461/1644 right now and am wary that if I touch anything at this point I go back to 0/1644 (unlikely, I know, but it looks tantalisingly close right now).

Mauricio Collares (Nov 19 2023 at 17:04):

Yaël Dillies said:

What you encountered earlier is that the Lean extension builds the files and writes them to your disk, meaning that any attempt of getting cache will fail because the freshly downloaded cache will have been overwritten by the extension.

That's what I thought as well, but wouldn't this only lead to 8 (or however many cores you have) rebuilt files, since the downloaded cache and the locally-generated file will be the same? Or does lake check all hashes before building all files instead of doing it on-demand?

Mauricio Collares (Nov 19 2023 at 17:06):

I understand it processes files "top-down" starting with Mathlib.lean and ends up building them bottom-up, but there still seems to be an opportunity for short-circuiting if the olean/hash is rechecked right before it actually gets built.

Mauricio Collares (Nov 19 2023 at 17:07):

I'll take the liberty of pinging @Mac Malone (sorry for subscribing you here!)

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 19 2023 at 17:15):

Terence Tao said:

Yeah, but it's a risk-reward calculation at this point. I'm at 1461/1644 right now and am wary that if I touch anything at this point I go back to 0/1644 (unlikely, I know, but it looks tantalisingly close right now).

You never have to compile mathlib (unless you're editing mathlib itself), so in some sense there's 0 risk in aborting any attempt to compile mathlib. However it can sometimes be an art to get cache to work -- right now cache is failing to download 9 files for some reason (the experts are working on it). Right now my strategy is: (1) exit VS Code and fire up a command line (2) lake exe cache get (3) lake build (which will fix the "9 files didn't work" issue) (4) safe to open VS Code again.

Richard Copley (Nov 19 2023 at 17:20):

If lake exe cache get downloads all the files but fails to unpack them because Lean is still running (as a server for the editor), I've sometimes needed lake exe cache unpack! to fix the resulting mess.

Kevin Buzzard (Nov 19 2023 at 17:25):

yeah, running lake exe cache get when there are some other Lean's running somewhere gives unpredictable results. Instead of closing VS Code I sometimes fire up a terminal and type killall lean and then lake exe cache get.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 17:42):

Yay, it reached 1644/1644, and infoview is working again! I'll add the lake suggestions to the troubleshooting section of my phrasebook, though, for future use.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 17:43):

Oh, wait. every lean file wants to rebuild mathlib? OK, now I'm going to try the lake cache thing

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 17:47):

Probably not necessary

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 17:47):

Now that you built it once, it will be quicker

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 17:55):

Hmm, lake build is actually building all of mathlib all over again, not just the 9 missing files. (I'm currently at 609/1946). A bit faster than before, though.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 17:59):

It should be done by now. lake should just be looking for oleans + some other stuff and finding them at this point.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:01):

It seems to want do redo everything.


Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:03):

It is a strange feeling though to see multiple substantial PR contributions to the project occuring simultaneously right now while my own copy remains stalled. This project has really started taking off...

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 18:04):

Is the repository on github the latest version you are trying to build right now?

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:04):

I believe so (plus or minus an hour or so)

Rémy Degenne (Nov 19 2023 at 18:11):

What I do in those situations where the build is broken beyond my ability to fix it is delete the folder, clone again and lake exe cache get. Takes 2 minutes, does not require understanding lake, works every time. That's good only if you have no local changes you want to keep though.

Shreyas Srinivas (Nov 19 2023 at 18:12):

I just tried building it and it works for me.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:13):

Yeah, I did that once before for the symmetric project (ironically, again because I was trying to update mathlib). I am close to taking that option right now, but I'll see if this most recent build fixes all issues first. I wonder if there should just be a big button in the VSCode version control to do precisely this (i.e., nuke everything, clone from master, and retrieve cache).

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:16):

Shreyas Srinivas said:

I just tried building it and it works for me.

Well, it's good to know the problem is localized to my copy at least. There were at least five different contributors to the project in the last few hours, so there doesn't seem to be any global issue.

Terence Tao (Nov 19 2023 at 18:17):

Rémy Degenne said:

What I do in those situations where the build is broken beyond my ability to fix it is delete the folder, clone again and lake exe cache get. Takes 2 minutes, does not require understanding lake, works every time. That's good only if you have no local changes you want to keep though.

Though in the current situation with 9 missing files, one may still have to run lake build? Not sure why it is deciding to build even the files that were successfully unpacked from cache though.

Rémy Degenne (Nov 19 2023 at 18:35):

Those 9 missing files don't cause a lot of building thankfully. If lake exe cache get was successful the build should be quick (either from lake build or from rebuilding the dependencies of a file of the project in vscode).

Mauricio Collares (Nov 19 2023 at 19:20):

Previously Lean wasn't fully killed when you closed VS Code and this led to problems when running lake exe cache get even on a terminal. Closing VS Code should be enough in the most recent version (which you just updated to) though.

Last updated: Dec 20 2023 at 11:08 UTC