

Paths of type indices #

In this file, we define the notion of a path, and the derivative and coderivative operations.

Main declarations #

inductive ConNF.Path [Params] (α : TypeIndex) :

A path of type indices starting at α and ending at β is a finite sequence of type indices α > ... > β.

Instances For

    A path of type indices starting at α and ending at β is a finite sequence of type indices α > ... > β.

    Instances For
      def ConNF.Path.single [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} (h : β < α) :
      α β
      Instances For
        class ConNF.SingleDerivative [Params] (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) (β : outParam TypeIndex) (γ : TypeIndex) :
        Type (max u_1 u_2)

        Typeclass for the notation.

        • sderiv : Xγ < βY
          class ConNF.Derivative [Params] (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) (β : outParam TypeIndex) (γ : TypeIndex) extends ConNF.SingleDerivative X Y β γ :
          Type (max (max u u_1) u_2)

          Typeclass for the notation.

            class ConNF.BotSingleDerivative (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) :
            Type (max u_1 u_2)

            Typeclass for the ↘. notation.

            • botSderiv : XY
              class ConNF.BotDerivative [Params] (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) (β : outParam TypeIndex) extends ConNF.BotSingleDerivative X Y :
              Type (max (max u u_1) u_2)

              Typeclass for the ⇘. notation.

              • botSderiv : XY
              • botDeriv : Xβ Y
              • botDeriv_single (x : X) (h : < β) : x ⇘. Path.single h = x ↘.

                We often need to do case analysis on β to show that it's a proper type index here. This case check doesn't need to be done in most actual use cases of the notation.

                class ConNF.SingleCoderivative [Params] (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) (β : TypeIndex) (γ : outParam TypeIndex) :
                Type (max u_1 u_2)

                Typeclass for the notation.

                • scoderiv : Xγ < βY
                  class ConNF.Coderivative [Params] (X : Type u_1) (Y : outParam (Type u_2)) (β : TypeIndex) (γ : outParam TypeIndex) extends ConNF.SingleCoderivative X Y β γ :
                  Type (max (max u u_1) u_2)

                  Typeclass for the notation.

                    theorem ConNF.deriv_single [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [Derivative X Y β γ] (x : X) (h : γ < β) :
                    theorem ConNF.coderiv_single [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [Coderivative X Y β γ] (x : X) (h : γ < β) :
                    theorem ConNF.botDeriv_single [Params] {β : TypeIndex} {X : Type u_1} {Y : Type u_2} [BotDerivative X Y β] (x : X) (h : < β) :

                    Downwards recursion along paths #

                    def ConNF.Path.recSderiv [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → α βSort u_1} (nil : motive α nil) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β Amotive γ (A h)) {β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                    motive β A

                    The downwards recursion principle for paths.

                    Instances For
                      theorem ConNF.Path.recSderiv_nil [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → α βSort u_1} (nil : motive α nil) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β Amotive γ (A h)) :
                      recSderiv nil sderiv ConNF.Path.nil = nil
                      theorem ConNF.Path.recSderiv_sderiv [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → α βSort u_1} (nil : motive α nil) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β Amotive γ (A h)) {β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                      recSderiv nil sderiv (A h) = sderiv β γ A h (recSderiv nil sderiv A)
                      theorem ConNF.Path.le [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                      β α
                      def ConNF.Path.recSderivLe [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β αSort u_1} (nil : motive α ) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β motive γ ) {β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                      motive β

                      The downwards recursion principle for paths, specialised to the case where the motive at β only depends on the fact that β ≤ α.

                      Instances For
                        theorem ConNF.Path.recSderivLe_nil [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β αSort u_1} (nil : motive α ) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β motive γ ) :
                        theorem ConNF.Path.recSderivLe_sderiv [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β αSort u_1} (nil : motive α ) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → (A : α β) → (h : γ < β) → motive β motive γ ) {β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                        recSderivLe nil sderiv (A h) = sderiv β γ A h (recSderiv nil sderiv A)
                        def ConNF.Path.recSderivGlobal [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : TypeIndexSort u_1} (nil : motive α) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → α βγ < βmotive βmotive γ) {β : TypeIndex} :
                        α βmotive β

                        The downwards recursion principle for paths, specialised to the case where the motive is not dependent on the relation of β to α.

                        Instances For
                          theorem ConNF.Path.recSderivGlobal_nil [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : TypeIndexSort u_1} (nil : motive α) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → α βγ < βmotive βmotive γ) :
                          theorem ConNF.Path.recSderivGlobal_sderiv [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : TypeIndexSort u_1} (nil : motive α) (sderiv : (β γ : TypeIndex) → α βγ < βmotive βmotive γ) {β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                          recSderivGlobal nil sderiv (A h) = sderiv β γ A h (recSderiv nil sderiv A)

                          Derivatives of paths #

                          instance ConNF.instDerivativePath [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} :
                          Derivative (α β) (α γ) β γ
                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          instance ConNF.instCoderivativePath [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} :
                          Coderivative (β γ) (α γ) α β
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_nil [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                          A nil = A
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_sderiv [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : β γ) (h : δ < γ) :
                          A (B h) = A B h
                          theorem ConNF.Path.nil_deriv [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                          nil A = A
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_sderivBot [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : β γ) :
                          A (B ↘.) = A B ↘.
                          theorem ConNF.Path.botSderiv_bot_eq [Params] {α : TypeIndex} (A : α ) :
                          A ↘. = A
                          theorem ConNF.Path.botSderiv_coe_eq [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {β : Λ} (A : α β) :
                          A = A ↘.
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_assoc [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : β γ) (C : γ δ) :
                          A (B C) = A B C
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_sderiv_assoc [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : β γ) (h : δ < γ) :
                          A (B h) = A B h
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_scoderiv [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : γ δ) (h : γ < β) :
                          A (B h) = A h B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.botDeriv_scoderiv [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : γ ) (h : γ < β) :
                          A ⇘. (B h) = A h ⇘. B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.coderiv_eq_deriv [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : β γ) :
                          B A = A B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.coderiv_deriv [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : β γ) (h₁ : β < α) (h₂ : δ < γ) :
                          A h₁ h₂ = A h₂ h₁
                          theorem ConNF.Path.coderiv_deriv' [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} (A : β γ) (h : β < α) (B : γ δ) :
                          A h B = A B h
                          theorem ConNF.Path.eq_nil [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (A : β β) :
                          A = nil
                          theorem ConNF.Path.sderiv_index_injective [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} {A : α β} {B : α γ} {hδβ : δ < β} {hδγ : δ < γ} (h : A hδβ = B hδγ) :
                          β = γ
                          theorem ConNF.Path.sderivBot_index_injective [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {β γ : Λ} {A : α β} {B : α γ} (h : A ↘. = B ↘.) :
                          β = γ
                          theorem ConNF.Path.sderiv_path_injective [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : α β} { : γ < β} (h : A = B ) :
                          A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.sderivBot_path_injective [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {β : Λ} {A B : α β} (h : A ↘. = B ↘.) :
                          A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_left_injective [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : α β} {C : β γ} (h : A C = B C) :
                          A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_right_injective [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A : α β} {B C : β γ} (h : A B = A C) :
                          B = C
                          theorem ConNF.Path.sderiv_left_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : α β} {h : γ < β} :
                          A h = B h A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_left_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : α β} {C : β γ} :
                          A C = B C A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.deriv_right_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A : α β} {B C : β γ} :
                          A B = A C B = C
                          theorem ConNF.Path.scoderiv_left_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : β γ} {h : β < α} :
                          A h = B h A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.coderiv_left_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A B : β γ} {C : α β} :
                          A C = B C A = B
                          theorem ConNF.Path.coderiv_right_inj [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {A : β γ} {B C : α β} :
                          A B = A C B = C

                          Upwards recursion along paths #

                          inductive ConNF.RevPath [Params] (α : TypeIndex) :

                          The same as Path, but the components of this path point "upwards" instead of "downwards". This type is only used for proving revScoderiv, and should be considered an implementation detail.

                          Instances For
                            def ConNF.RevPath.rec' [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → RevPath α βSort u_1} (nil : motive α nil) (cons : {β γ : TypeIndex} → (A : RevPath α β) → (h : β < γ) → motive β Amotive γ (A.cons h)) {β : TypeIndex} (A : RevPath α β) :
                            motive β A

                            A computable statement of the recursion principle for RevPath. This needs to be written due to a current limitation in the Lean 4 kernel: it cannot generate code for the .rec functions.

                            Instances For
                              def ConNF.RevPath.snoc [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} (h : γ < β) {α : TypeIndex} :
                              RevPath β αRevPath γ α
                              Instances For
                                def ConNF.Path.rev [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} :
                                α βRevPath β α
                                Instances For
                                  theorem ConNF.Path.rev_sderiv [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                                  def ConNF.RevPath.rev [Params] {β α : TypeIndex} :
                                  RevPath β αα β
                                  Instances For
                                    theorem ConNF.Path.sderiv_rev [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                                    theorem ConNF.Path.scoderiv_rev [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : β γ) (h : β < α) :
                                    (A h).rev = A.rev.cons h
                                    theorem ConNF.RevPath.snoc_rev [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : RevPath β α) (h : γ < β) :
                                    (snoc h A).rev = A.rev h
                                    theorem ConNF.Path.rev_rev [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} (A : α β) :
                                    A.rev.rev = A
                                    def ConNF.Path.recScoderiv' [Params] {γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) {β : TypeIndex} (A : RevPath γ β) :
                                    motive β A.rev
                                    Instances For
                                      theorem ConNF.Path.recScoderiv'_nil [Params] {γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) :
                                      recScoderiv' nil scoderiv RevPath.nil = nil
                                      theorem ConNF.Path.recScoderiv'_cons [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) (A : RevPath γ β) (h : β < α) :
                                      recScoderiv' nil scoderiv (A.cons h) = scoderiv α β A.rev h (recScoderiv' nil scoderiv A)
                                      def ConNF.Path.recScoderiv [Params] {γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) {β : TypeIndex} (A : β γ) :
                                      motive β A

                                      The upwards recursion principle for paths. The scoderiv computation rule recScoderiv_scoderiv is not a definitional equality.

                                      Instances For
                                        theorem ConNF.Path.recScoderiv_nil [Params] {γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) :
                                        recScoderiv nil scoderiv ConNF.Path.nil = nil
                                        theorem ConNF.Path.recScoderiv_scoderiv [Params] {γ : TypeIndex} {motive : (β : TypeIndex) → β γSort u_1} (nil : motive γ nil) (scoderiv : (α β : TypeIndex) → (A : β γ) → (h : β < α) → motive β Amotive α (A h)) {α β : TypeIndex} (A : β γ) (h : β < α) :
                                        recScoderiv nil scoderiv (A h) = scoderiv α β A h (recScoderiv nil scoderiv A)
                                        theorem ConNF.Path.scoderiv_index_injective [Params] {α β γ δ : TypeIndex} {A : β δ} {B : γ δ} {hβα : β < α} {hγα : γ < α} (h : A hβα = B hγα) :
                                        β = γ

                                        Cardinality bounds on paths #

                                        def ConNF.Path.toList [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} :
                                        α βList {β : TypeIndex | β < α}
                                        Instances For
                                          theorem ConNF.Path.toList_sderiv [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (h : γ < β) :
                                          (A h).toList = γ, :: A.toList
                                          theorem ConNF.Path.eq_of_toList_eq [Params] {α β γ : TypeIndex} (A : α β) (B : α γ) :
                                          A.toList = B.toListβ = γ