

Partial permutation #

This files defines permutations on a set.

A partial permutation on α is a domain Set α and two functions α → α that map domain to domain and are inverse to each other on domain.

Main declarations #

structure PartialPerm (α : Type u_1) :
Type u_1

A partial permutation of a subset domain of α. The (global) maps toFun : α → α and invFun : α → α map domain to itself, and are inverse to each other there. The values of toFun and invFun outside of domain are irrelevant.

  • toFun : αα
  • invFun : αα
  • domain : Set α
  • toFun_domain' : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x self.domainself.toFun x self.domain
  • invFun_domain' : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x self.domainself.invFun x self.domain
  • left_inv' : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x self.domainself.invFun (self.toFun x) = x
  • right_inv' : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x self.domainself.toFun (self.invFun x) = x
Instances For
    theorem PartialPerm.toFun_domain' {α : Type u_1} (self : PartialPerm α) ⦃x : α :
    x self.domainself.toFun x self.domain
    theorem PartialPerm.invFun_domain' {α : Type u_1} (self : PartialPerm α) ⦃x : α :
    x self.domainself.invFun x self.domain
    theorem PartialPerm.left_inv' {α : Type u_1} (self : PartialPerm α) ⦃x : α :
    x self.domainself.invFun (self.toFun x) = x
    theorem PartialPerm.right_inv' {α : Type u_1} (self : PartialPerm α) ⦃x : α :
    x self.domainself.toFun (self.invFun x) = x

    A Perm gives rise to a PartialPerm defined on the entire type.

    • π.toPartialPerm = { toFun := π, invFun := (Equiv.symm π), domain := Set.univ, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
    Instances For
      def PartialPerm.symm {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :

      The inverse of a partial permutation.

      • π.symm = { toFun := π.invFun, invFun := π.toFun, domain := π.domain, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
      Instances For
        instance PartialPerm.instCoeFunForall {α : Type u_1} :
        CoeFun (PartialPerm α) fun (x : PartialPerm α) => αα
        • PartialPerm.instCoeFunForall = { coe := PartialPerm.toFun }
        theorem PartialPerm.coe_mk {α : Type u_1} (f : αα) (g : αα) (s : Set α) (ml : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sf x s) (mr : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sg x s) (il : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sg (f x) = x) (ir : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sf (g x) = x) :
        { toFun := f, invFun := g, domain := s, toFun_domain' := ml, invFun_domain' := mr, left_inv' := il, right_inv' := ir }.toFun = f
        theorem PartialPerm.coe_symm_mk {α : Type u_1} (f : αα) (g : αα) (s : Set α) (ml : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sf x s) (mr : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sg x s) (il : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sg (f x) = x) (ir : ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x sf (g x) = x) :
        { toFun := f, invFun := g, domain := s, toFun_domain' := ml, invFun_domain' := mr, left_inv' := il, right_inv' := ir }.symm.toFun = g
        theorem PartialPerm.toFun_as_coe {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        π.toFun = π.toFun
        theorem PartialPerm.invFun_as_coe {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        π.invFun = π.symm.toFun
        theorem PartialPerm.map_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {x : α} (h : x π.domain) :
        π.toFun x π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.iterate_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {x : α} (h : x π.domain) {n : } :
        π.toFun^[n] x π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.left_inv {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {x : α} (h : x π.domain) :
        π.symm.toFun (π.toFun x) = x
        theorem PartialPerm.right_inv {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {x : α} (h : x π.domain) :
        π.toFun (π.symm.toFun x) = x
        theorem PartialPerm.symm_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        π.symm.domain = π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.symm_symm {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        π.symm.symm = π
        theorem PartialPerm.eq_symm_apply {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {x : α} {y : α} (hx : x π.domain) (hy : y π.domain) :
        x = π.symm.toFun y π.toFun x = y
        theorem PartialPerm.mapsTo {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.MapsTo π.toFun π.domain π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.leftInvOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.LeftInvOn π.symm.toFun π.toFun π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.rightInvOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.RightInvOn π.symm.toFun π.toFun π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.invOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.InvOn π.symm.toFun π.toFun π.domain π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.injOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.InjOn π.toFun π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.bijOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.BijOn π.toFun π.domain π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.surjOn {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
        Set.SurjOn π.toFun π.domain π.domain
        theorem PartialPerm.copy_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (f : αα) (hf : π.toFun = f) (g : αα) (hg : π.symm.toFun = g) (s : Set α) (hs : π.domain = s) :
        (π.copy f hf g hg s hs).domain = s
        theorem PartialPerm.copy_toFun {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (f : αα) (hf : π.toFun = f) (g : αα) (hg : π.symm.toFun = g) (s : Set α) (hs : π.domain = s) :
        (π.copy f hf g hg s hs).toFun = f
        theorem PartialPerm.copy_invFun {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (f : αα) (hf : π.toFun = f) (g : αα) (hg : π.symm.toFun = g) (s : Set α) (hs : π.domain = s) :
        (π.copy f hf g hg s hs).invFun = g
        def PartialPerm.copy {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (f : αα) (hf : π.toFun = f) (g : αα) (hg : π.symm.toFun = g) (s : Set α) (hs : π.domain = s) :

        Create a copy of a PartialPerm providing better definitional equalities.

        • π.copy f hf g hg s hs = { toFun := f, invFun := g, domain := s, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
        Instances For
          theorem PartialPerm.copy_eq {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (f : αα) (hf : π.toFun = f) (g : αα) (hg : π.symm.toFun = g) (s : Set α) (hs : π.domain = s) :
          π.copy f hf g hg s hs = π
          def PartialPerm.toPerm {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
          Equiv.Perm π.domain

          Associating to a partial_perm a permutation of the domain.

          • π.toPerm = { toFun := fun (x : π.domain) => π.toFun x, , invFun := fun (y : π.domain) => π.symm.toFun y, , left_inv := , right_inv := }
          Instances For
            theorem PartialPerm.image_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
            π.toFun '' π.domain = π.domain
            theorem PartialPerm.forall_mem_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {p : αProp} :
            (yπ.domain, p y) xπ.domain, p (π.toFun x)
            theorem PartialPerm.exists_mem_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {p : αProp} :
            (yπ.domain, p y) xπ.domain, p (π.toFun x)
            def PartialPerm.IsStable {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :

            A set s is stable under a partial equivalence π if it preserved by it.

            • π.IsStable s = ∀ ⦃x : α⦄, x π.domain(π.toFun x s x s)
            Instances For
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.apply_mem_iff {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {x : α} (h : π.IsStable s) (hx : x π.domain) :
              π.toFun x s x s
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_apply_mem_iff {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) ⦃y : α :
              y π.domain(π.symm.toFun y s y s)
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              π.symm.IsStable s
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_iff {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
              π.symm.IsStable s π.IsStable s
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.mapsTo {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              Set.MapsTo π.toFun (π.domain s) (π.domain s)
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_mapsTo {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              Set.MapsTo π.symm.toFun (π.domain s) (π.domain s)
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.restr_toFun {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              h.restr.toFun = π.toFun
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.restr_invFun {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              h.restr.invFun = π.symm.toFun
              theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.restr_domain {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
              h.restr.domain = π.domain s
              def PartialPerm.IsStable.restr {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :

              Restrict a PartialPerm to a stable subset.

              • h.restr = { toFun := π.toFun, invFun := π.symm.toFun, domain := π.domain s, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
              Instances For
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.image_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
                π.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_image_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
                π.symm.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.IsStable s π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.of_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain sπ.IsStable s

                Alias of the reverse direction of PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_preimage_eq.

                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.IsStable sπ.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain s

                Alias of the forward direction of PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_preimage_eq.

                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_symm_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.IsStable s π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.IsStable sπ.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain s

                Alias of the forward direction of PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_symm_preimage_eq.

                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.of_symm_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} :
                π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s = π.domain sπ.IsStable s

                Alias of the reverse direction of PartialPerm.IsStable.iff_symm_preimage_eq.

                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.compl {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) :
                π.IsStable s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.inter {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {s' : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) (h' : π.IsStable s') :
                π.IsStable (s s')
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.union {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {s' : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) (h' : π.IsStable s') :
                π.IsStable (s s')
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.diff {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {s' : Set α} (h : π.IsStable s) (h' : π.IsStable s') :
                π.IsStable (s \ s')
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.leftInvOn_piecewise {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(i : α) → Decidable (i s)] (h : π.IsStable s) (h' : π'.IsStable s) :
                Set.LeftInvOn (s.piecewise π.symm.toFun π'.symm.toFun) (s.piecewise π.toFun π'.toFun) (s.ite π.domain π'.domain)
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.inter_eq_of_inter_eq_of_eqOn {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π.IsStable s) (h' : π'.IsStable s) (hs : π.domain s = π'.domain s) (Heq : Set.EqOn π.toFun π'.toFun (π.domain s)) :
                π.domain s = π'.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.IsStable.symm_eqOn_of_inter_eq_of_eqOn {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {s : Set α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π.IsStable s) (hs : π.domain s = π'.domain s) (Heq : Set.EqOn π.toFun π'.toFun (π.domain s)) :
                Set.EqOn π.symm.toFun π'.symm.toFun (π.domain s)
                theorem PartialPerm.image_domain_inter_eq' {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s
                theorem PartialPerm.image_domain_inter_eq {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' (π.domain s)
                theorem PartialPerm.image_eq_domain_inter_inv_preimage {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {s : Set α} (h : s π.domain) :
                π.toFun '' s = π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s
                theorem PartialPerm.symm_image_eq_domain_inter_preimage {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {s : Set α} (h : s π.domain) :
                π.symm.toFun '' s = π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s
                theorem PartialPerm.symm_image_domain_inter_eq {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.symm.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' (π.domain s)
                theorem PartialPerm.symm_image_domain_inter_eq' {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.symm.toFun '' (π.domain s) = π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s
                theorem PartialPerm.domain_inter_preimage_inv_preimage {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' (π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' s) = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.domain_inter_preimage_domain_inter {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' (π.domain s) = π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s
                theorem PartialPerm.domain_inter_inv_preimage_preimage {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (s : Set α) :
                π.domain π.symm.toFun ⁻¹' (π.toFun ⁻¹' s) = π.domain s
                theorem PartialPerm.symm_image_image_of_subset_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {s : Set α} (h : s π.domain) :
                π.symm.toFun '' (π.toFun '' s) = s
                theorem PartialPerm.image_symm_image_of_subset_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) {s : Set α} (h : s π.domain) :
                π.toFun '' (π.symm.toFun '' s) = s
                theorem PartialPerm.domain_subset_preimage_domain {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} :
                π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' π.domain
                theorem PartialPerm.symm_image_domain {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} :
                π.symm.toFun '' π.domain = π.domain
                theorem PartialPerm.ext {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : ∀ (x : α), π.toFun x = π'.toFun x) (hsymm : ∀ (x : α), π.symm.toFun x = π'.symm.toFun x) (hs : π.domain = π'.domain) :
                π = π'

                Two partial permutations that have the same domain, same toFun and same invFun, coincide.

                def PartialPerm.refl (α : Type u_1) :

                The identity partial permutation.

                Instances For
                  theorem PartialPerm.refl_domain {α : Type u_1} :
                  (PartialPerm.refl α).domain = Set.univ
                  theorem PartialPerm.coe_refl {α : Type u_1} :
                  (PartialPerm.refl α).toFun = id
                  theorem PartialPerm.trans_domain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) (h : π.domain = π'.domain) :
                  (π.trans π' h).domain = π.domain
                  theorem PartialPerm.trans_invFun {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) (h : π.domain = π'.domain) :
                  ∀ (a : α), (π.trans π' h).invFun a = (π.symm.toFun π'.symm.toFun) a
                  theorem PartialPerm.trans_toFun {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) (h : π.domain = π'.domain) :
                  ∀ (a : α), (π.trans π' h).toFun a = (π'.toFun π.toFun) a
                  def PartialPerm.trans {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) (h : π.domain = π'.domain) :

                  Composing two partial permutations if the domain of the first coincides with the domain of the second.

                  • π.trans π' h = { toFun := π'.toFun π.toFun, invFun := π.symm.toFun π'.symm.toFun, domain := π.domain, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
                  Instances For
                    def PartialPerm.ofSet {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α) :

                    The identity partial PERMUTATION on a set s

                    • PartialPerm.ofSet s = { toFun := id, invFun := id, domain := s, toFun_domain' := , invFun_domain' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
                    Instances For
                      theorem PartialPerm.ofSet_domain {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α) :
                      (PartialPerm.ofSet s).domain = s
                      theorem PartialPerm.coe_ofSet {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α) :
                      (PartialPerm.ofSet s).toFun = id
                      theorem PartialPerm.ofSet_symm {α : Type u_1} (s : Set α) :

                      Reinterpret a partial permutation as a partial equivalence.

                      • π.toPartialEquiv = { toFun := π.toFun, invFun := π.symm.toFun, source := π.domain, target := π.domain, map_source' := , map_target' := , left_inv' := , right_inv' := }
                      Instances For
                        theorem PartialPerm.coe_toPartialEquiv {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
                        π.toPartialEquiv = π.toFun
                        theorem PartialPerm.coe_toPartialEquiv_symm {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
                        π.toPartialEquiv.symm = π.symm.toFun
                        theorem PartialPerm.toPartialEquiv_source {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
                        π.toPartialEquiv.source = π.domain
                        theorem PartialPerm.toPartialEquiv_target {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
                        π = π.domain
                        theorem PartialPerm.toPartialEquiv_refl {α : Type u_1} :
                        (PartialPerm.refl α).toPartialEquiv = PartialEquiv.refl α
                        theorem PartialPerm.toPartialEquiv_symm {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) :
                        π.symm.toPartialEquiv = π.toPartialEquiv.symm
                        theorem PartialPerm.toPartialEquiv_trans {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) (h : π.domain = π'.domain) :
                        (π.trans π' h).toPartialEquiv = π.toPartialEquiv.trans π'.toPartialEquiv
                        def PartialPerm.EqOnDomain {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) :

                        EqOnDomain π π' means that π and π' have the same domain, and coincide there. Then π and π' should really be considered the same partial permutation.

                        • π.EqOnDomain π' = (π.domain = π'.domain Set.EqOn π.toFun π'.toFun π.domain)
                        Instances For

                          eq_on_domain is an equivalence relation

                          • PartialPerm.eqOnDomainSetoid = { r := PartialPerm.EqOnDomain, iseqv := }
                          theorem PartialPerm.eq_on_domain_refl {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} :
                          π π
                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.domain_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          π.domain = π'.domain

                          Two equivalent partial permutations have the same domain

                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.symm_domain_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          π.symm.domain = π'.symm.domain
                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.eqOn {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          Set.EqOn π.toFun π'.toFun π.domain

                          Two equivalent partial permutations coincide on the domain

                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.symm' {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          π.symm π'.symm

                          If two partial permutations are equivalent, so are their inverses.

                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.symm_eqOn {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          Set.EqOn π.symm.toFun π'.symm.toFun π.domain

                          Two equivalent partial permutations have coinciding inverses on the domain

                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.domain_inter_preimage_eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (hπ : π π') (s : Set α) :
                          π.domain π.toFun ⁻¹' s = π'.domain π'.toFun ⁻¹' s

                          Preimages are respected by equivalence.

                          theorem PartialPerm.EqOnDomain.eq {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') (hπ : π.domain = Set.univ) :
                          π = π'

                          Two equivalent partial permutations are equal when the domain and domain are univ.

                          We define a preorder on partial permutations by saying π ≤ π' if the domain of π is contained in the domain of π', and the permutations agree on the domain of π.

                          theorem PartialPerm.domain_mono {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          π.domain π'.domain
                          theorem PartialPerm.eqOn_domain_of_le {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          Set.EqOn π.toFun π'.toFun π.domain
                          theorem PartialPerm.le_of_eq_on_domain {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') :
                          π π'
                          theorem PartialPerm.apply_eq_of_le {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} (h : π π') {x : α} (hx : x π.domain) :
                          π'.toFun x = π.toFun x
                          def PartialPerm.piecewise {α : Type u_1} (π : PartialPerm α) (π' : PartialPerm α) [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] (h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain) :

                          Construct a partial permutation from two partial permutations with disjoint domains.

                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem PartialPerm.piecewise_domain {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} :
                            (π.piecewise π' h).domain = π.domain π'.domain
                            theorem PartialPerm.mem_piecewise_domain_left {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} {x : α} (hx : x π.domain) :
                            x (π.piecewise π' h).domain
                            theorem PartialPerm.mem_piecewise_domain_right {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} {x : α} (hx : x π'.domain) :
                            x (π.piecewise π' h).domain
                            theorem PartialPerm.piecewise_apply_eq_left {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} {x : α} (hx : x π.domain) :
                            (π.piecewise π' h).toFun x = π.toFun x
                            theorem PartialPerm.piecewise_apply_eq_right {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} {x : α} (hx : x π'.domain) :
                            (π.piecewise π' h).toFun x = π'.toFun x
                            theorem PartialPerm.le_piecewise_left {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} :
                            π π.piecewise π' h
                            theorem PartialPerm.le_piecewise_right {α : Type u_1} {π : PartialPerm α} {π' : PartialPerm α} [(j : α) → Decidable (j π.domain)] {h : Disjoint π.domain π'.domain} :
                            π' π.piecewise π' h
                            theorem Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm_invFun {α : Type u_1} [Nonempty α] (f : αα) (s : Set α) (hf : Set.BijOn f s s) :
                            theorem Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm_domain {α : Type u_1} [Nonempty α] (f : αα) (s : Set α) (hf : Set.BijOn f s s) :
                            (Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm f s hf).domain = s
                            theorem Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm_toFun {α : Type u_1} [Nonempty α] (f : αα) (s : Set α) (hf : Set.BijOn f s s) :
                            (Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm f s hf).toFun = f
                            noncomputable def Set.BijOn.toPartialPerm {α : Type u_1} [Nonempty α] (f : αα) (s : Set α) (hf : Set.BijOn f s s) :

                            A bijection between two sets s : Set α and t : Set α provides a partial permutation on α.

                            Instances For

                              Perm.toPartialPerm #

                              A Perm can be be interpreted as a PartialPerm. We set up simp lemmas to reduce most properties of the PartialPerm to that of the Perm.

                              theorem Equiv.Perm.toPartialPerm_inv {α : Type u_1} (π : Equiv.Perm α) :
                              π⁻¹.toPartialPerm = π.toPartialPerm.symm
                              theorem Equiv.Perm.toPartialPerm_mul {α : Type u_1} (π : Equiv.Perm α) (π' : Equiv.Perm α) :
                              (π * π').toPartialPerm = π'.toPartialPerm.trans π.toPartialPerm
                              theorem Equiv.Perm.toPartialEquiv_toPartialPerm {α : Type u_1} (π : Equiv.Perm α) :
                              π.toPartialPerm.toPartialEquiv = Equiv.toPartialEquiv π