

The flag (iff := false) prevents ext from generating an ext_iff lemma.

Instances For

    The flag (flat := false) causes ext to not flatten parents' fields when generating an ext lemma.

    Instances For

      Registers an extensionality theorem.

      • When @[ext] is applied to a theorem, the theorem is registered for the ext tactic, and it generates an "ext_iff" theorem. The name of the theorem is from adding the suffix _iff to the theorem name.

      • When @[ext] is applied to a structure, it generates an .ext theorem and applies the @[ext] attribute to it. The result is an .ext and an .ext_iff theorem with the .ext theorem registered for the ext tactic.

      • An optional natural number argument, e.g. @[ext 9000], specifies a priority for the ext lemma. Higher-priority lemmas are chosen first, and the default is 1000.

      • The flag @[ext (iff := false)] disables generating an ext_iff theorem.

      • The flag @[ext (flat := false)] causes generated structure extensionality theorems to show inherited fields based on their representation, rather than flattening the parents' fields into the lemma's equality hypotheses.

      Instances For

        Applies extensionality lemmas that are registered with the @[ext] attribute.

        • ext pat* applies extensionality theorems as much as possible, using the patterns pat* to introduce the variables in extensionality theorems using rintro. For example, the patterns are used to name the variables introduced by lemmas such as funext.
        • Without patterns,ext applies extensionality lemmas as much as possible but introduces anonymous hypotheses whenever needed.
        • ext pat* : n applies ext theorems only up to depth n.

        The ext1 pat* tactic is like ext pat* except that it only applies a single extensionality theorem.

        Unused patterns will generate warning. Patterns that don't match the variables will typically result in the introduction of anonymous hypotheses.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          Apply a single extensionality theorem to the current goal.

          Instances For

            ext1 pat* is like ext pat* except that it only applies a single extensionality theorem rather than recursively applying as many extensionality theorems as possible.

            The pat* patterns are processed using the rintro tactic. If no patterns are supplied, then variables are introduced anonymously using the intros tactic.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem Sigma.ext {α : Type u} {β : αType v} {x y : Sigma β} (fst : x.fst = y.fst) (snd : HEq x.snd y.snd) :
              x = y
              theorem Prod.ext {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {x y : α × β} (fst : x.fst = y.fst) (snd : x.snd = y.snd) :
              x = y
              theorem PSigma.ext {α : Sort u} {β : αSort v} {x y : PSigma β} (fst : x.fst = y.fst) (snd : HEq x.snd y.snd) :
              x = y
              theorem PProd.ext {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {x y : α ×' β} (fst : x.fst = y.fst) (snd : x.snd = y.snd) :
              x = y
              theorem PUnit.ext (x y : PUnit) :
              x = y
              theorem Unit.ext (x y : Unit) :
              x = y
              theorem Thunk.ext {α : Type u_1} {a b : Thunk α} :
              a.get = b.geta = b