

structure Lake.LeanLib :

A Lean library -- its package plus its configuration.

Instances For

    The Lean libraries of the package (as an Array).

    Instances For

      Try to find a Lean library in the package with the given name.

      Instances For

        The library's well-formed name.

        • =
        Instances For

          The package's srcDir joined with the library's srcDir.

          • self.srcDir = self.pkg.srcDir / self.config.srcDir
          Instances For

            The library's root directory for lean (i.e., srcDir).

            • self.rootDir = self.srcDir
            Instances For

              The names of the library's root modules (i.e., the library's roots configuration).

              Instances For

                Whether the given module is considered local to the library.

                Instances For

                  Whether the given module is a buildable part of the library.

                  Instances For

                    The file name of the library's static binary (i.e., its .a)

                    Instances For

                      The path to the static library in the package's libDir.

                      Instances For

                        The path to the static library (with exported symbols) in the package's libDir.

                        • self.staticExportLibFile = self.pkg.nativeLibDir / self.staticLibFileName.addExtension "export"
                        Instances For

                          The file name of the library's shared binary (i.e., its dll, dylib, or so) .

                          Instances For

                            The path to the shared library in the package's libDir.

                            • self.sharedLibFile = self.pkg.nativeLibDir / self.sharedLibFileName
                            Instances For

                              The library's extraDepTargets configuration.

                              • self.extraDepTargets = self.config.extraDepTargets
                              Instances For

                                Whether to precompile the library's modules. Is true if either the package or the library have precompileModules set.

                                Instances For

                                  Whether to the library's Lean code is platform-independent. Returns the library's platformIndependent configuration if non-none. Otherwise, falls back to the package's.

                                  Instances For

                                    The library's defaultFacets configuration.

                                    Instances For

                                      The library's nativeFacets configuration.

                                      Instances For

                                        The arguments to pass to lean --server when running the Lean language server. serverOptions is the accumulation of:

                                        • the package's leanOptions
                                        • the package's moreServerOptions
                                        • the library's leanOptions
                                        • the library's moreServerOptions
                                        Instances For

                                          The build type for modules of this library. That is, the minimum of package's buildType and the library's buildType.

                                          Instances For

                                            The backend type for modules of this library. Prefer the library's backend configuration, then the package's, then the default (which is C for now).

                                            • self.backend = self.config.backend.orPreferLeft self.pkg.backend
                                            Instances For

                                              The arguments to pass to lean when compiling the library's Lean files. leanArgs is the accumulation of:

                                              • the package's leanOptions
                                              • the package's moreLeanArgs
                                              • the library's leanOptions
                                              • the library's moreLeanArgs
                                              Instances For

                                                The arguments to weakly pass to lean when compiling the library's Lean files. That is, the package's weakLeanArgs plus the library's weakLeanArgs.

                                                Instances For

                                                  The arguments to pass to leanc when compiling the library's Lean-produced C files. That is, the build type's leancArgs, the package's moreLeancArgs, and then the library's moreLeancArgs.

                                                  Instances For

                                                    The arguments to weakly pass to leanc when compiling the library's Lean-produced C files. That is, the package's weakLeancArgs plus the library's weakLeancArgs.

                                                    • self.weakLeancArgs = self.pkg.weakLeancArgs ++ self.config.weakLeancArgs
                                                    Instances For

                                                      The arguments to pass to leanc when linking the shared library. That is, the package's moreLinkArgs plus the library's moreLinkArgs.

                                                      • self.linkArgs = self.pkg.moreLinkArgs ++ self.config.moreLinkArgs
                                                      Instances For

                                                        The arguments to weakly pass to leanc when linking the shared library. That is, the package's weakLinkArgs plus the library's weakLinkArgs.

                                                        • self.weakLinkArgs = self.pkg.weakLinkArgs ++ self.config.weakLinkArgs
                                                        Instances For