

@[extern lean_run_mod_init]
unsafe opaque Lean.runModInit (mod : Lean.Name) :

Run the initializer of the given module (without builtin_initialize commands). Return false if the initializer is not available as native code. Initializers do not have corresponding Lean definitions, so they cannot be interpreted in this case.

@[extern lean_run_init]
unsafe opaque Lean.runInit (env : Lean.Environment) (opts : Lean.Options) (decl initDecl : Lean.Name) :

Run the initializer for decl and store its value for global access. Should only be used while importing.

Set of modules for which we have already run the module initializer in the interpreter.

unsafe def Lean.registerInitAttrUnsafe (attrName : Lean.Name) (runAfterImport : Bool) (ref : Lean.Name) :
Instances For
    def Lean.registerInitAttr (attrName : Lean.Name) (runAfterImport : Bool) (ref : Lean.Name := by exact decl_name%) :
    Instances For
      @[export lean_get_builtin_init_fn_name_for]
      Instances For
        @[export lean_get_regular_init_fn_name_for]
        Instances For
          @[export lean_get_init_fn_name_for]
          Instances For
            @[export lean_is_io_unit_regular_init_fn]
            Instances For
              @[export lean_is_io_unit_builtin_init_fn]
              Instances For
                Instances For
                  Instances For