

def Lean.HashSetBucket (α : Type u) :
Instances For
    def Lean.HashSetBucket.update {α : Type u} (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (i : USize) (d : List α) (h : i.toNat < data.val.size) :
    • data.update i d h = data.val.uset i d h,
    Instances For
      theorem Lean.HashSetBucket.size_update {α : Type u} (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (i : USize) (d : List α) (h : i.toNat < data.val.size) :
      (data.update i d h).val.size = data.val.size
      @[deprecated Std.HashSet.Raw]
      structure Lean.HashSetImp (α : Type u) :
      Instances For
        @[deprecated Std.HashSet.Raw.empty]
        def Lean.mkHashSetImp {α : Type u} (capacity : Nat := 8) :
        Instances For
          def Lean.HashSetImp.reinsertAux {α : Type u} (hashFn : αUInt64) (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (a : α) :
          Instances For
            def Lean.HashSetImp.foldBucketsM {α : Type u} {δ : Type w} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (d : δ) (f : δαm δ) :
            m δ
            Instances For
              def Lean.HashSetImp.foldBuckets {α : Type u} {δ : Type w} (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (d : δ) (f : δαδ) :
              Instances For
                def Lean.HashSetImp.foldM {α : Type u} {δ : Type w} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (f : δαm δ) (d : δ) (h : Lean.HashSetImp α) :
                m δ
                Instances For
                  def Lean.HashSetImp.fold {α : Type u} {δ : Type w} (f : δαδ) (d : δ) (m : Lean.HashSetImp α) :
                  Instances For
                    def Lean.HashSetImp.forBucketsM {α : Type u} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (data : Lean.HashSetBucket α) (f : αm PUnit) :
                    Instances For
                      def Lean.HashSetImp.forM {α : Type u} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (f : αm PUnit) (h : Lean.HashSetImp α) :
                      Instances For
                        def Lean.HashSetImp.find? {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Lean.HashSetImp α) (a : α) :
                        Instances For
                          def Lean.HashSetImp.contains {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Lean.HashSetImp α) (a : α) :
                          Instances For
                            def Lean.HashSetImp.moveEntries {α : Type u} [Hashable α] (i : Nat) (source : Array (List α)) (target : Lean.HashSetBucket α) :
                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              def Lean.HashSetImp.expand {α : Type u} [Hashable α] (size : Nat) (buckets : Lean.HashSetBucket α) :
                              Instances For
                                def Lean.HashSetImp.insert {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Lean.HashSetImp α) (a : α) :
                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For
                                  def Lean.HashSetImp.erase {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (m : Lean.HashSetImp α) (a : α) :
                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    inductive Lean.HashSetImp.WellFormed {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] :
                                    Instances For
                                      @[deprecated Std.HashSet]
                                      def Lean.HashSet (α : Type u) [BEq α] [Hashable α] :
                                      Instances For
                                        @[deprecated Std.HashSet.empty]
                                        def Lean.mkHashSet {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (capacity : Nat := 8) :
                                        Instances For
                                          @[inline, deprecated Std.HashSet.empty]
                                          def Lean.HashSet.empty {α : Type u_1} [BEq α] [Hashable α] :
                                          • Lean.HashSet.empty = Lean.mkHashSet
                                          Instances For
                                            • Lean.HashSet.instEmptyCollection = { emptyCollection := Lean.mkHashSet }
                                            def Lean.HashSet.insert {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) (a : α) :
                                            Instances For
                                              def Lean.HashSet.erase {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) (a : α) :
                                              Instances For
                                                def Lean.HashSet.find? {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) (a : α) :
                                                Instances For
                                                  def Lean.HashSet.contains {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) (a : α) :
                                                  Instances For
                                                    def Lean.HashSet.foldM {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {δ : Type w} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (f : δαm δ) (init : δ) (h : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                    m δ
                                                    Instances For
                                                      def Lean.HashSet.fold {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {δ : Type w} (f : δαδ) (init : δ) (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                      Instances For
                                                        def Lean.HashSet.forM {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {m : Type w → Type w} [Monad m] (h : Lean.HashSet α) (f : αm PUnit) :
                                                        Instances For
                                                          instance Lean.HashSet.instForM {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {m : Type u_1 → Type u_1} :
                                                          ForM m (Lean.HashSet α) α
                                                          instance Lean.HashSet.instForIn {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {m : Type (max u_1 u_2) → Type u_1} :
                                                          def Lean.HashSet.size {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                          Instances For
                                                            def Lean.HashSet.isEmpty {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                            Instances For
                                                              def Lean.HashSet.toList {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                              List α
                                                              Instances For
                                                                def Lean.HashSet.toArray {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                                Instances For
                                                                  def Lean.HashSet.numBuckets {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} (m : Lean.HashSet α) :
                                                                  • m.numBuckets = m.val.buckets.val.size
                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    def Lean.HashSet.insertMany {α : Type u} {x✝ : BEq α} {x✝¹ : Hashable α} {ρ : Type u_1} [ForIn Id ρ α] (s : Lean.HashSet α) (as : ρ) :

                                                                    Insert many elements into a HashSet.

                                                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      def Lean.HashSet.merge {α : Type u} [BEq α] [Hashable α] (s t : Lean.HashSet α) :

                                                                      O(|t|) amortized. Merge two HashSets.

                                                                      Instances For