

A position of a subexpression in an expression.

We use a simple encoding scheme for expression positions Pos: every Expr constructor has at most 3 direct expression children. Considering an expression's type to be one extra child as well, we can injectively map a path of childIdxs to a natural number by computing the value of the 4-ary representation 1 :: childIdxs, since n-ary representations without leading zeros are unique. Note that pos is initialized to 1 (case childIdxs == []).

See also SubExpr.

Instances For

    The coordinate 3 = maxChildren - 1 is reserved to denote the type of the expression.

    Instances For

      The Pos representing the root subexpression.

      Instances For

        The coordinate deepest in the Pos.

        Instances For
          Instances For
            partial def Lean.SubExpr.Pos.foldl {α : Type} (f : αNatα) (init : α) (p : Lean.SubExpr.Pos) :

            Fold over the position starting at the root and heading to the leaf

            partial def Lean.SubExpr.Pos.foldr {α : Type} (f : Natαα) (p : Lean.SubExpr.Pos) (init : α) :

            Fold over the position starting at the leaf and heading to the root

            partial def Lean.SubExpr.Pos.foldlM {α : Type} [Inhabited α] {M : TypeType u_1} [Monad M] (f : αNatM α) (init : α) (p : Lean.SubExpr.Pos) :
            M α

            monad-fold over the position starting at the root and heading to the leaf

            partial def Lean.SubExpr.Pos.foldrM {α : Type} {M : TypeType u_1} [Monad M] (f : NatαM α) (p : Lean.SubExpr.Pos) (init : α) :
            M α

            monad-fold over the position starting at the leaf and finishing at the root.

            Returns true if pred is true for each coordinate in p.

            Instances For

              Creates a subexpression Pos from an array of 'coordinates'. Each coordinate is a number {0,1,2} expressing which child subexpression should be explored. The first coordinate in the array corresponds to the root of the expression tree.

              Instances For

                Decodes a subexpression Pos as a sequence of coordinates cs : Array Nat. See Pos.ofArray for details. cs[0] is the coordinate for the root expression.

                Instances For
                  • p.pushBindingDomain = p.push 0
                  Instances For
                    • p.pushBindingBody = p.push 1
                    Instances For
                      • p.pushLetVarType = p.push 0
                      Instances For
                        • p.pushLetBody = p.push 2
                        Instances For
                          Instances For
                            • p.toString = (fun (x : String) => "/" ++ x) ("/".intercalate ( toString p.toArray.toList))
                            Instances For
                              Instances For
                                structure Lean.SubExpr :

                                A subexpression of some root expression. Both its value and its position within the root are stored.

                                Instances For
                                  Instances For

                                    Returns true if the selected subexpression is the topmost one.

                                    Instances For
                                      @[reducible, inline]
                                      abbrev Lean.SubExpr.PosMap (α : Type u) :

                                      Map from subexpr positions to values.

                                      Instances For
                                        • { expr := Lean.Expr.forallE binderName binderType b binderInfo, pos := p }.bindingBody! = { expr := b, pos := p.pushBindingBody }
                                        • { expr := Lean.Expr.lam binderName binderType b binderInfo, pos := p }.bindingBody! = { expr := b, pos := p.pushBindingBody }
                                        • x.bindingBody! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Lean.SubExpr" "Lean.SubExpr.bindingBody!" 179 9 "subexpr is not a binder"
                                        Instances For
                                          • { expr := Lean.Expr.forallE binderName binderType b binderInfo, pos := p }.bindingDomain! = { expr := binderType, pos := p.pushBindingDomain }
                                          • { expr := Lean.Expr.lam binderName binderType b binderInfo, pos := p }.bindingDomain! = { expr := binderType, pos := p.pushBindingDomain }
                                          • x.bindingDomain! = panicWithPosWithDecl "Lean.SubExpr" "Lean.SubExpr.bindingDomain!" 184 9 "subexpr is not a binder"
                                          Instances For

                                            A location within a goal.

                                            Instances For

                                              A location within a goal state. It identifies a specific goal together with a GoalLocation within it.

                                              Instances For

                                                Same as Expr.traverseApp but also includes a SubExpr.Pos argument for tracking subexpression position.

                                                Instances For