- env : Lean.Environment
- mctx : Lean.MetavarContext
- lctx : Lean.LocalContext
- opts : Lean.Options
- currNamespace : Lean.Name
- openDecls : List Lean.OpenDecl
Instances For
@[reducible, inline]
Instances For
A format tree with Elab.Info
Each .tag n _
node is annotated with infos[n]
This is used to attach semantic data such as expressions
to pretty-printer outputs.
- fmt : Lean.Format
- infos : Lean.PrettyPrinter.InfoPerPos
Instances For
- Lean.instCoeFormatFormatWithInfos = { coe := fun (fmt : Lean.Format) => { fmt := fmt, infos := ∅ } }
- ppExprWithInfos : Lean.PPContext → Lean.Expr → IO Lean.FormatWithInfos
- ppConstNameWithInfos : Lean.PPContext → Lean.Name → IO Lean.FormatWithInfos
- ppTerm : Lean.PPContext → Lean.Term → IO Lean.Format
- ppLevel : Lean.PPContext → Lean.Level → IO Lean.Format
- ppGoal : Lean.PPContext → Lean.MVarId → IO Lean.Format
Instances For
Instances For
- Lean.ppConstNameWithInfos ctx n = (Lean.ppExt.getState ctx.env).ppConstNameWithInfos ctx n