

Note about Mathlib/Init/ #

The files in Mathlib/Init are leftovers from the port from Mathlib3. (They contain content moved from lean3 itself that Mathlib needed but was not moved to lean4.)

We intend to move all the content of these files out into the main Mathlib directory structure. Contributions assisting with this are appreciated.

#align statements without corresponding declarations (i.e. because the declaration is in Batteries or Lean) can be left here. These will be deleted soon so will not significantly delay deleting otherwise empty Init files.



theorem Nat.eq_zero_of_mul_eq_zero {n : } {m : } :
n * m = 0n = 0 m = 0

properties of inequality

def Nat.ltGeByCases {a : } {b : } {C : Sort u} (h₁ : a < bC) (h₂ : b aC) :
Instances For
    def Nat.ltByCases {a : } {b : } {C : Sort u} (h₁ : a < bC) (h₂ : a = bC) (h₃ : b < aC) :
    Instances For

      bit0/bit1 properties

      theorem Nat.bit1_eq_succ_bit0 (n : ) :
      bit1 n = (bit0 n).succ
      theorem Nat.bit1_succ_eq (n : ) :
      bit1 n.succ = (bit1 n).succ.succ
      theorem Nat.bit1_ne_one {n : } :
      n 0bit1 n 1
      theorem Nat.bit0_ne_one (n : ) :
      bit0 n 1
      theorem Nat.bit1_ne_bit0 (n : ) (m : ) :
      theorem Nat.bit0_ne_bit1 (n : ) (m : ) :
      theorem Nat.bit0_inj {n : } {m : } :
      bit0 n = bit0 mn = m
      theorem Nat.bit1_inj {n : } {m : } :
      bit1 n = bit1 mn = m
      theorem Nat.bit0_ne {n : } {m : } :
      n mbit0 n bit0 m
      theorem Nat.bit1_ne {n : } {m : } :
      n mbit1 n bit1 m
      theorem Nat.zero_ne_bit0 {n : } :
      n 00 bit0 n
      theorem Nat.zero_ne_bit1 (n : ) :
      0 bit1 n
      theorem Nat.one_ne_bit0 (n : ) :
      1 bit0 n
      theorem Nat.one_ne_bit1 {n : } :
      n 01 bit1 n
      theorem Nat.one_lt_bit1 {n : } :
      n 01 < bit1 n
      theorem Nat.one_lt_bit0 {n : } :
      n 01 < bit0 n
      theorem Nat.bit0_lt {n : } {m : } (h : n < m) :
      bit0 n < bit0 m
      theorem Nat.bit1_lt {n : } {m : } (h : n < m) :
      bit1 n < bit1 m
      theorem Nat.bit0_lt_bit1 {n : } {m : } (h : n m) :
      bit0 n < bit1 m
      theorem Nat.bit1_lt_bit0 {n : } {m : } :
      n < mbit1 n < bit0 m
      theorem Nat.one_le_bit1 (n : ) :
      1 bit1 n
      theorem Nat.one_le_bit0 (n : ) :
      n 01 bit0 n

      successor and predecessor

      def Nat.discriminate {B : Sort u} {n : } (H1 : n = 0B) (H2 : (m : ) → n = m.succB) :
      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For


        Many lemmas are proven more generally in mathlib algebra/order/sub


        induction principles

        def Nat.twoStepInduction {P : Sort u} (H1 : P 0) (H2 : P 1) (H3 : (n : ) → P nP n.succP n.succ.succ) (a : ) :
        P a
        Instances For
          def Nat.subInduction {P : Sort u} (H1 : (m : ) → P 0 m) (H2 : (n : ) → P n.succ 0) (H3 : (n m : ) → P n mP n.succ m.succ) (n : ) (m : ) :
          P n m
          Instances For
            theorem Nat.strong_induction_on {p : Prop} (n : ) (h : ∀ (n : ), (∀ (m : ), m < np m)p n) :
            p n
            theorem Nat.case_strong_induction_on {p : Prop} (a : ) (hz : p 0) (hi : ∀ (n : ), (∀ (m : ), m np m)p n.succ) :
            p a


            theorem Nat.cond_decide_mod_two (x : ) [d : Decidable (x % 2 = 1)] :
            (bif decide (x % 2 = 1) then 1 else 0) = x % 2




            def Nat.findX {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (H : ∃ (n : ), p n) :
            { n : // p n ∀ (m : ), m < n¬p m }
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              def Nat.find {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (H : ∃ (n : ), p n) :

              If p is a (decidable) predicate on and hp : ∃ (n : ℕ), p n is a proof that there exists some natural number satisfying p, then Nat.find hp is the smallest natural number satisfying p. Note that Nat.find is protected, meaning that you can't just write find, even if the Nat namespace is open.

              The API for Nat.find is:

              Instances For
                theorem Nat.find_spec {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (H : ∃ (n : ), p n) :
                p (Nat.find H)
                theorem Nat.find_min {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (H : ∃ (n : ), p n) {m : } :
                m < Nat.find H¬p m
                theorem Nat.find_min' {p : Prop} [DecidablePred p] (H : ∃ (n : ), p n) {m : } (h : p m) :