

Obtain the literal with the largest identifier in c.

Instances For
    theorem Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.of_maxLiteral_eq_some {maxLit : Nat} (c : Std.Sat.CNF.Clause Nat) (h : c.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (lit : Nat) :
    Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.Mem lit clit maxLit
    theorem Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.maxLiteral_eq_some_of_mem {l : Nat} (c : Std.Sat.CNF.Clause Nat) (h : Std.Sat.CNF.Clause.Mem l c) :
    ∃ (maxLit : Nat), c.maxLiteral = some maxLit

    Obtain the literal with the largest identifier in f.

    Instances For
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_some' {maxLit localMax : Nat} (f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (clause : Std.Sat.CNF.Clause Nat) :
      clause fclause.maxLiteral = some localMaxlocalMax maxLit
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_some {maxLit : Nat} (f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = some maxLit) (lit : Nat) :
      Std.Sat.CNF.Mem lit flit maxLit
      theorem Std.Sat.CNF.of_maxLiteral_eq_none (f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat) (h : f.maxLiteral = none) (lit : Nat) :

      An upper bound for the amount of distinct literals in f.

      Instances For
        theorem Std.Sat.CNF.lt_numLiterals {v : Nat} {f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat} (h : Std.Sat.CNF.Mem v f) :
        v < f.numLiterals
        theorem Std.Sat.CNF.numLiterals_pos {v : Nat} {f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat} (h : Std.Sat.CNF.Mem v f) :
        0 < f.numLiterals

        Relabel f to a CNF formula with a known upper bound for its literals.

        This operation might be useful when e.g. using the literals to index into an array of known size without conducting bounds checks.

        Instances For
          theorem Std.Sat.CNF.unsat_relabelFin {f : Std.Sat.CNF Nat} :
          f.relabelFin.Unsat f.Unsat