4. Propositional Logic in Lean¶
In this chapter, you will learn how to write proofs in Lean. We will start with a purely mechanical translation that will enable you to represent any natural deduction proof in Lean. We will see, however, that such a style of writing proofs is not very intuitive, nor does it yield very readable proofs. It also does not scale well.
We will then consider some mechanisms that Lean offers that support a more forward-directed style of argumentation. Since these proofs look more like informal proofs but can be directly translated to natural deduction, they will help us understand the relationship between the two.
4.1. Expressions for Propositions and Proofs¶
At its core, Lean is what is known as a type checker. This means that we can write expressions and ask the system to check that they are well formed, and also ask the system to tell us what type of object they denote. Try this:
variable (A B C : Prop)
#check A ∧ ¬ B → C
In the online version of this text, you can press the “try it!” button to copy the example to an editor window, and then hover over the markers on the text to read the messages.
In the example, we declare three variables ranging over propositions, and ask Lean to check the expression A ∧ ¬ B → C
. The output of the #check
command is A ∧ ¬ B → C : Prop
, which asserts that A ∧ ¬ B → C
is of type Prop
. In Lean, every well-formed expression has a type.
The logical connectives are rendered in unicode. The following chart shows you how you can type these symbols in the editor, and also provides ascii equivalents, for the purists among you.
Unicode |
Ascii |
Lean input |
true |
false |
¬ |
not |
∧ |
/\ |
∨ |
\/ |
→ |
-> |
↔ |
<-> |
∀ |
forall |
∃ |
exists |
λ |
fun |
≠ |
~= |
So far, we have only talked about the first seven items on the list. We will discuss the quantifiers, lambda, and equality later. Try typing some expressions and checking them on your own. You should try changing one of the variables in the example above to D
, or inserting a nonsense symbol into the expression, and take a look at the error message that Lean returns.
In addition to declaring variables, if P
is any expression of type Prop
, we can declare the hypothesis that P
is true:
variable (h : A ∧ ¬ B)
#check h
Formally, what is going on is that any proposition can be viewed as a type, namely, the type of proofs of that proposition. A hypothesis, or premise, is just a variable of that type. Building proofs is then a matter of writing down expressions of the correct type. For example, if h
is any expression of type A ∧ B
, then And.left h
is an expression of type A
, and And.right h
is an expression of type B
. In other words, if h
is a proof of A ∧ B
, and And.left h
is a name for the proof you get by applying the left elimination rule for and:

Similarly, And.right h
is the proof of B
you get by applying the right elimination rule. So, continuing the example above, we can write
variable (h : A ∧ ¬ B)
#check And.left h
#check And.right h
The two expressions represent, respectively, these two proofs:

Notice that in this way of representing natural deduction proofs, there are no “free floating” hypotheses. Every hypothesis has a label. In Lean, we will typically use expressions like h
, h1
, h2
, … to label hypotheses, but you can use any identifier you want.
If h1
is a proof of A
and h2
is a proof of B
, then And.intro h1 h2
is a proof of A ∧ B
. So we can continue the example above:
variable (h : A ∧ ¬ B)
#check And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
This corresponds to the following proof:

What about implication? The elimination rule is easy: if h₁
is a proof of A → B
and h₂
is a proof of A
then h₁ h₂
is a proof of B
. Notice that we do not even need to name the rule: you just write h₁
followed by h₂
, as though you are applying the first to the second. If h₁
and h₂
are compound expressions, put parentheses around them to make it clear where each one begins and ends.
variable (h1 : A → (B → C))
variable (h2 : D → A)
variable (h3 : D)
variable (h4 : B)
#check h2 h3
#check h1 (h2 h3)
#check (h1 (h2 h3)) h4
Lean adopts the convention that applications associate to the left, so that an expression h1 h2 h3
is interpreted as (h1 h2) h3
. Implications associate to the right, so that A → B → C
is interpreted as A → (B → C)
. This may seem funny, but it is a convenient way to represent implications that take multiple hypotheses, since an expression A → B → C → D → E
means that E
follows from A
, B
, C
, and D
. So the example above could be written as follows:
variable (h1 : A → (B → C))
variable (h2 : D → A)
variable (h3 : D)
variable (h4 : B)
#check h2 h3
#check h1 (h2 h3)
#check h1 (h2 h3) h4
Notice that parentheses are still needed in the expression h1 (h2 h3)
The implication introduction rule is the tricky one,
because it can cancel a hypothesis.
In terms of Lean expressions,
the rule translates as follows.
Suppose A
and B
have type Prop
and, assuming hA
is the premise that A
is proof of B
, possibly involving hA
Then the expression fun h : A ↦ hB
is a proof of A → B
You can type \mapsto
for the ↦
For example, we can construct a proof of A → A ∧ A
as follows:
#check (fun h : A ↦ And.intro h h)
We can read fun
as “assume h
In fact, fun
stands for “function”,
since a proof of A → B
is a function from the type of
proofs of A
to the type of proofs of B
Notice that we no longer have to declare A
as a premise;
we don’t have variable (h : A)
The expression fun h : A ↦ hB
makes the premise h
local to the expression in parentheses,
and we can refer to h
later within the parentheses.
Given the assumption h : A
And.intro h h
is a proof of A ∧ A
and so the expression fun h : A ↦ And.intro h h
is a proof of A → A ∧ A
In this case,
we could leave out the parentheses because the expression is unambiguous:
#check fun h : A ↦ And.intro h h
Above, we proved ¬ B ∧ A
from the premise A ∧ ¬ B
. We can instead obtain a proof of A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A
as follows:
#check (fun h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h))
All we did was move the premise into a local fun
(By the way, the fun
command is just alternative syntax for the lambda symbol, so we could also have written this:
#check (λ h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h))
You will learn more about the lambda symbol later.)
4.2. More commands¶
Let us introduce a new Lean command, example
. This command tells Lean that you are about to prove a theorem, or, more generally, write down an expression of the given type. It should then be followed by the proof or expression itself.
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦
And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
When given this command,
Lean checks the expression after the :=
and makes sure it has the right type.
If so,
it accepts the expression as a valid proof. If not, it raises an error.
Because the example
command provides information as to the
type of the expression that follows
(in this case, the proposition being proved),
it sometimes enables us to omit other information.
For example, we can leave off the type of the assumption:
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦
And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
Because Lean knows we are trying to prove an implication with premise
A ∧ ¬ B
it can infer that when we write fun h ↦
, the identifier h
labels the assumption A ∧ ¬ B
We can also go in the other direction,
and provide the system with more information, with the word show
If A
is a proposition and h : A
is a proof,
the expression “show A from h
” means the same thing as h
but it signals the intention that h
is a proof of A
When Lean checks this expression,
it confirms that h
really is a proof of A
before parsing the expression surrounding it.
So, in our example,
we could also write:
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦
show ¬ B ∧ A from And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
We could even annotate the smaller expressions And.right h
and And.left h
, as follows:
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦
show ¬ B ∧ A from And.intro
(show ¬ B from And.right h)
(show A from And.left h)
Although in the examples above the show
commands were not necessary,
there are a number of good reasons to use this style.
First, and perhaps most importantly,
it makes the proofs easier for us humans to read.
Second, it makes the proofs easier to write:
if you make a mistake in a proof,
it is easier for Lean to figure out where you went wrong and provide a
meaningful error message if you make your intentions clear.
Finally, proving information in the show
clause often makes it possible for you to omit information in other places,
since Lean can infer that information from your stated intentions.
There are notational variants. Rather than declare variables and premises beforehand, you can also present them as “arguments” to the example, followed by a colon:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ ¬ B ↦
show ¬ B ∧ A from And.intro
(show ¬ B from And.right h)
(show A from And.left h)
There are two more tricks that can help you write proofs in Lean.
The first is using sorry
which is a magical term in Lean which provides a proof of anything at all.
It is also known as “cheating”.
But cheating can help you construct legitimate proofs incrementally:
if Lean accepts a proof with sorry
the parts of the proof you have written so far have passed
Lean’s checks for correctness.
All you need to do is replace each sorry
with a real proof to complete the task.
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ sorry
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ And.intro sorry sorry
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ And.intro (And.right h) sorry
example : A ∧ ¬ B → ¬ B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
The second trick is the use of placeholders,
represented by the underscore symbol.
When you write an underscore in an expression,
you are asking the system to try to fill in the value for you.
This falls short of calling full-blown automation to prove a theorem;
rather, you are asking Lean to infer the value from the context.
If you use an underscore where a proof should be,
Lean typically will not fill in the proof,
but it will give you an error message that tells you what is missing.
This will help you write proof terms incrementally,
in a backward-driven fashion.
In the example above, try replacing each sorry
by an underscore, _
and take a look at the resulting error messages.
In each case, the error tells you what needs to be filled in,
and the variables and hypotheses that are available to you at that stage.
One more tip: if you want to delimit the scope of variables or premises introduced with the variable
command, put them in a block that begins with the word section
and ends with the word end
4.3. Building Natural Deduction Proofs¶
In this section, we describe a mechanical translation from natural deduction proofs, by giving a translation for each natural deduction rule. We have already seen some of the correspondences, but we repeat them all here, for completeness.
4.3.1. Implication¶
We have already explained that implication introduction is implemented with fun
, and implication elimination is written as application.
variable (A B : Prop)
example : A → B :=
fun h : A ↦
show B from sorry
variable (h1 : A → B) (h2 : A)
example : B := h1 h2
Note that there is a section within a section to further limit the scope of two new variables.
4.3.2. Conjunction¶
We have already seen that and-introduction is implemented with And.intro
, and the elimination rules are And.left
and And.right
variable (h1 : A) (h2 : B)
example : A ∧ B := And.intro h1 h2
variable (h : A ∧ B)
example : A := And.left h
example : B := And.right h
4.3.3. Disjunction¶
The or-introduction rules are given by Or.inl
and Or.inr
variable (h : A)
example : A ∨ B := Or.inl h
variable (h : B)
example : A ∨ B := Or.inr h
The elimination rule is the tricky one. To prove C
from A ∨ B
, you need three arguments: a proof h
of A ∨ B
, a proof of C
from A
, and a proof of C
from B
. Using line breaks and indentation to highlight the structure as a proof by cases, we can write it with the following form:
variable (h : A ∨ B) (ha : A → C) (hb : B → C)
example : C :=
Or.elim h
(fun h1 : A ↦
show C from ha h1)
(fun h1 : B ↦
show C from hb h1)
Notice that we can reuse the label h1
in each branch, since, conceptually, the two branches are disjoint.
4.3.4. Negation¶
Internally, negation ¬ A
is defined by A → False
, which you can think of as saying that A
implies something impossible. The rules for negation are therefore similar to the rules for implication. To prove ¬ A
, assume A
and derive a contradiction.
example : ¬ A :=
fun h : A ↦
show False from sorry
If you have proved a negation ¬ A
, you can get a contradiction by applying it to a proof of A
variable (h1 : ¬ A) (h2 : A)
example : False := h1 h2
4.3.5. Truth and falsity¶
The ex falso rule is called False.elim
variable (h : False)
example : A := False.elim h
There isn’t much to say about True
beyond the fact that it is trivially true:
example : True := trivial
4.3.6. Bi-implication¶
The introduction rule for “if and only if” is Iff.intro
example : A ↔ B :=
(fun h : A ↦
show B from sorry)
(fun h : B ↦
show A from sorry)
As usual, we have chosen indentation to make the structure clear. Notice that the same label, h
, can be used on both branches, with a different meaning in each, because the scope of fun
is limited to the expression in which it appears.
The elimination rules are Iff.mp
and Iff.mpr
for “modus ponens”
and “modus ponens (reverse)”:
variable (h1 : A ↔ B)
variable (h2 : A)
example : B := Iff.mp h1 h2
variable (h1 : A ↔ B)
variable (h2 : B)
example : A := Iff.mpr h1 h2
4.3.7. Reductio ad absurdum (proof by contradiction)¶
Finally, there is the rule for proof by contradiction, which we will discuss in greater detail in Chapter 5. It is included for completeness here.
The rule is called byContradiction
It has one argument, which is a proof of False
from ¬ A
To use the rule, you have to ask Lean to allow classical reasoning,
by writing open Classical
You can do this at the beginning of the file,
or any time before using it.
If you say open Classical
in a section,
it will remain in scope for that section.
open Classical
example : A :=
(fun h : ¬ A ↦
show False from sorry)
4.3.8. Examples¶
In the last chapter, we constructed the following proof of \(A \to C\) from \(A \to B\) and \(B \to C\):

We can model this in Lean as follows:
variable (h1 : A → B)
variable (h2 : B → C)
example : A → C :=
fun h : A ↦
show C from h2 (h1 h)
Notice that the hypotheses in the natural deduction proof that are not canceled are declared as variables in the Lean version.
We also constructed the following proof:

Here is how it is written in Lean:
example (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) :=
fun h1 : A → (B → C) ↦
fun h2 : A ∧ B ↦
show C from h1 (And.left h2) (And.right h2)
This works because And.left h2
is a proof of A
, and And.right h2
is a proof of B
Finally, we constructed the following proof of \(A \wedge (B \vee C) \to (A \wedge B) \vee (A \wedge C)\):

Here is a version in Lean:
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) :=
fun h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C) ↦
Or.elim (And.right h1)
(fun h2 : B ↦
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) from Or.inl (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
(fun h2 : C ↦
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
from Or.inr (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
In fact,
bearing in mind that fun
is alternative syntax for the symbol λ
and that Lean can often infer the type of an assumption,
we can make the proof remarkably brief:
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) :=
λ h1 ↦ Or.elim (And.right h1)
(λ h2 ↦ Or.inl (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
(λ h2 ↦ Or.inr (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
The proof is cryptic, though. Using such a style makes proofs hard to write, read, understand, maintain, and debug. Tactic mode is one way in which we can mitigate some of these issues.
4.4. Tactic Mode¶
So far we have only explained one mode for writing proofs in Lean, namely “term mode”. In term mode we can directly write proofs as syntactic expressions. In this section we introduce “tactic mode”, which allows us to write proofs more interactively, with tactics as instructions to follow for building such a proof. The statement to be proved at a given point is called the goal, and instructions make progress by transforming the goal into something that is easier to prove. Once the tactic mode proof is complete, Lean should be able to turn it into a proof term by following the instructions.
Tactics can be very powerful tools, bearing much of the tedious work and allowing us to write much shorter proofs. We will slowly introduce them as we go.
We can enter tactic mode by writing the keyword by
after :=
-- term mode
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) :=
fun h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C) ↦
Or.elim (And.right h1)
(fun h2 : B ↦
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) from Or.inl (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
(fun h2 : C ↦
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
from Or.inr (And.intro (And.left h1) h2))
-- tactic mode
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) := by
intro (h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C))
cases h1 with
| intro h1 h2 => cases h2 with
| inl h2 =>
apply Or.inl
apply And.intro
exact h1
exact h2
| inr h2 =>
apply Or.inr
apply And.intro
exact h1
exact h2
Instead of fun h1 ↦ h2
we use intro (h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C))
to “introduce” the assumption h1
then give instructions for h2
Instead of Or.elim h
and And.elim h
we use cases h with
and use |
to list the possible cases in which the proof h
was made,
then continuing the proof in each case.
For conjunction, there is only one possible way in which h
was made,
which is by And.intro h1 h2
(Lean only allows intro h1 h2
For disjunction there are two cases,
could be either Or.inl h1
or Or.inr h2
(again we must write inl h1
and inr h2
Instead of immediately supplying Or.inl
, Or.inr
and And.intro
with all its arguments we can (for example) apply Or.inl
fill in the missing parts afterwards.
In fact, Lean sees Or.inl : A → A ∨ B
as a proof of a conditional,
and for any h : A → B
apply h
will change the goal from B
to A
We can see this as “since A
implies B
, in order to prove B
it suffices to prove A
Finally, when our goal is A
and h1 : A
we can close the goal
by writing exact A
We will mix tactics and terms in order to suit our needs. We will slowly introduce more and more tactics throughout this textbook.
Note that tactic mode proofs are sensitive to indentation and returns. On the other hand, term mode proofs are not sensitive to whitespace. We could write every term mode proof on a single line. For both modes, we will adopt conventions for indentation and line breaks that show the structure of proofs and make them easier to read.
4.5. Forward Reasoning¶
Lean supports forward reasoning by allowing you to write
proofs using have
which is both a term mode expression and a tactic.
Notice that show
is also a tactic.
variable (h1 : A → B)
variable (h2 : B → C)
-- term mode
example : A → C :=
fun h : A ↦
have h3 : B := h1 h
show C from h2 h3
-- tactic mode
example : A → C := by
intro (h : A)
have h3 : B := h1 h
show C
exact h2 h3
Writing a proof with
have h : A := _
then continuing the proof with
... h ...
has the same effect as writing ... _ ...
This have
command checks that _
is a proof of A
and then give you the label h
to use in place of _
Thus the last line of the previous proof can be thought of as
abbreviating exact h2 (h1 h)
since h3
abbreviates h1 h
Such abbreviations can make a big difference,
especially when the proof _
is long and repeatedly used.
There are a number of advantages to using have
For one thing, it makes the proof more readable:
the example above states B
explicitly as an auxiliary goal.
It can also save repetition:
can be used repeatedly after it is introduced,
without duplicating the proof.
Finally, it makes it easier to construct and debug the proof:
stating B
as an auxiliary goal makes it easier for Lean to deliver an
informative error message when the goal is not properly met.
Note that have
and exact
are mixing term mode and tactic mode,
since the expression h1 h
is a term mode proof of B
and h2 h3
is a term mode proof of C
Previously we have considered the following statement, which we partially translate to tactic mode:
example (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) :=
fun h1 : A → (B → C) ↦
fun h2 : A ∧ B ↦
show C from h1 (And.left h2) (And.right h2)
example (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) := by
intro (h1 : A → (B → C)) (h2 : A ∧ B)
exact h1 (And.left h2) (And.right h2)
Note that intro
can introduce multiple assumptions at once.
Using have
, it can be written more perspicuously as follows:
example (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) := by
intro (h1 : A → (B → C)) (h2 : A ∧ B)
have h3 : A := And.left h2
have h4 : B := And.right h2
exact h1 h3 h4
We can be even more verbose, and add another line:
example (A B C : Prop) : (A → (B → C)) → (A ∧ B → C) := by
intro (h1 : A → (B → C)) (h2 : A ∧ B)
have h3 : A := And.left h2
have h4 : B := And.right h2
have h5 : B → C := h1 h3
show C
exact h5 h4
Adding more information doesn’t always make a proof more readable; when the individual expressions are small and easy enough to understand, spelling them out in detail can introduce clutter. As you learn to use Lean, you will have to develop your own style, and use your judgment to decide which steps to make explicit.
Here is how some of the basic inferences look, when expanded with have
. In the and-introduction rule, it is a matter showing each conjunct first, and then putting them together:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A := by
intro (h1 : A ∧ B)
have h2 : A := And.left h1
have h3 : B := And.right h1
show B ∧ A
exact And.intro h3 h2
Compare that with this version, which instead states first that we will use the And.intro
rule, and then makes the two resulting goals explicit:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A := by
intro (h1 : A ∧ B)
apply And.intro
. show B
exact And.right h1
. show A
exact And.left h1
Notice the use of .
to seperate the two remaining goals;
it is sensitive to indentation.
Once again, at issue is only readability. Lean does just fine with the following short term mode version:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
λ h ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
When using the or-elimination rule, it is often clearest to state the relevant disjunction explicitly:
example (A B C : Prop) : C := by
have h : A ∨ B := sorry
show C
apply Or.elim h
. intro (hA : A)
. intro (hB : B)
Here is a have
-structured presentation of an example from the previous section:
-- tactic mode
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) := by
intro (h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C))
have h2 : A := And.left h1
have h3 : B ∨ C := And.right h1
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
apply Or.elim h3
. intro (h4 : B)
have h5 : A ∧ B := And.intro h2 h4
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
exact Or.inl h5
. intro (h4 : C)
have h5 : A ∧ C := And.intro h2 h4
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
exact Or.inr h5
-- term mode
example (A B C : Prop) : A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) :=
fun h1 : A ∧ (B ∨ C) ↦
have h2 : A := And.left h1
have h3 : B ∨ C := And.right h1
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) from
Or.elim h3
(fun h4 : B ↦
have h5 : A ∧ B := And.intro h2 h4
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) from Or.inl h5)
(fun h4 : C ↦
have h5 : A ∧ C := And.intro h2 h4
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) from Or.inr h5)
4.6. Definitions and Theorems¶
Lean allows us to name definitions and theorems for later use. For example, here is a definition of a new “connective”:
def triple_and (A B C : Prop) : Prop :=
A ∧ (B ∧ C)
As with the example
command, it does not matter whether the arguments A
, B
, and C
are declared beforehand with the variable
command, or with the definition itself. We can then apply the definition to any expressions:
variable (D E F G : Prop)
#check triple_and (D ∨ E) (¬ F → G) (¬ D)
Later, we will see more interesting examples of definitions, like the following function from natural numbers to natural numbers, which doubles its input:
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs
def double (n : ℕ) : ℕ := n + n
What is more interesting right now is that Lean also allows us to name theorems, and use them later, as rules of inference. For example, consider the following theorem:
theorem and_commute (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
Once we have defined it, we can use it freely:
variable (C D E : Prop)
variable (h1 : C ∧ ¬ D)
variable (h2 : ¬ D ∧ C → E)
example : E := h2 (and_commute C (¬ D) h1)
It is annoying in this example that we have to give the arguments C
and ¬ D
explicitly, because they are implicit in h1
. In fact, Lean allows us to tell this to Lean in the definition of and_commute
theorem and_commute {A B : Prop} : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
Here the squiggly braces indicate that the arguments A
and B
are implicit, which is to say, Lean should infer them from the context when the theorem is used. We can then write the following instead:
variable (C D E : Prop)
variable (h1 : C ∧ ¬ D)
variable (h2 : ¬ D ∧ C → E)
example : E := h2 (and_commute h1)
Indeed, Lean’s library has a theorem, and_comm
defined in exactly this way.
The two definitions yield the same result.
Definitions and theorems are important in mathematics; they allow us to build up complex theories from fundamental principles. Lean also accepts the word lemma
instead of theorem
What is interesting is that in interactive theorem proving, we can even define familiar patterns of inference. For example, all of the following inferences were mentioned in the last chapter:
namespace hidden
variable {A B : Prop}
theorem Or_resolve_left (h1 : A ∨ B) (h2 : ¬ A) : B :=
Or.elim h1
(fun h3 : A ↦ show B from False.elim (h2 h3))
(fun h3 : B ↦ show B from h3)
theorem Or_resolve_right (h1 : A ∨ B) (h2 : ¬ B) : A :=
Or.elim h1
(fun h3 : A ↦ show A from h3)
(fun h3 : B ↦ show A from False.elim (h2 h3))
theorem absurd (h1 : ¬ A) (h2 : A) : B :=
False.elim (h1 h2)
end hidden
In fact, Lean’s library defines Or.resolve_left
, Or.resolve_right
and absurd
We used the namespace
command to avoid naming conflicts,
which would have raised an error.
When we ask you to prove basic facts from propositional logic in Lean, as with propositional logic, our goal is to have you learn how to use Lean’s primitives. As a result, for those exercises, you should not use facts from the library. As we move towards real mathematics, however, you can use facts from the library more freely.
4.7. Additional Syntax¶
In this section, we describe some extra syntactic features of Lean, for power users. The syntactic gadgets are often convenient, and sometimes make proofs look prettier.
For one thing, you can use subscripted numbers with a backslash. For example, you can write h₁
by typing h\1
. The labels are irrelevant to Lean, so the difference is only cosmetic.
Another feature is that you can omit the label in fun
and intro
providing an “anonymous” assumption.
In tactic mode you can call the anonymous assumption
using the tactic assumption
example : A → A ∨ B := by
show A ∨ B
apply Or.inl
In term mode you can call the anonymous assumption
by enclosing the proposition name in French quotes,
given by typing \f<
and \f>
example : A → A ∨ B :=
fun _ ↦ Or.inl ‹A›
You can also use the word have
without giving a label, and refer back to them using the same conventions. Here is an example that uses these features:
theorem my_theorem {A B C : Prop} :
A ∧ (B ∨ C) → (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C) := by
intro (h : A ∧ (B ∨ C))
have : A := And.left h
have : (B ∨ C) := And.right h
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
apply Or.elim ‹B ∨ C›
. intro
have : A ∧ B := And.intro ‹A› ‹B›
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
apply Or.inl
. intro
have : A ∧ C := And.intro ‹A› ‹C›
show (A ∧ B) ∨ (A ∧ C)
apply Or.inr
Another trick is that you can write h.left
and h.right
instead of
And.left h
and And.right h
whenever h
is a conjunction,
and you can write ⟨h1, h2⟩
using \<
and \>
(noting the difference with the French quotes)
instead of And.intro h1 h2
whenever Lean can figure out that a conjunction is what you are trying to prove.
With these conventions, you can write the following:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ B ↦
show B ∧ A from ⟨h.right, h.left⟩
This is nothing more than shorthand for the following:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun h : A ∧ B ↦
show B ∧ A from And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)
Even more concisely, you can write this:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun h ↦ ⟨h.right, h.left⟩
You can even take apart a conjunction with fun
, so that this works:
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B → B ∧ A :=
fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ ↦ ⟨h₂, h₁⟩
Similarly, if h
is a biconditional, you can write h.mp
and h.mpr
instead of Iff.mp h
and Iff.mpr h
, and you can write ⟨h1, h2⟩
instead of Iff.intro h1 h2
. As a result, Lean understands these proofs:
example (A B : Prop) : B ∧ (A ↔ B) → A :=
fun ⟨hB, hAB⟩ ↦
hAB.mpr hB
example (A B : Prop) : A ∧ B ↔ B ∧ A :=
⟨fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ ↦ ⟨h₂, h₁⟩, fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ ↦ ⟨h₂, h₁⟩⟩
Finally, you can add comments to your proofs in two ways. First, any text after a double-dash --
until the end of a line is ignored by the Lean processor. Second, any text between /-
and -/
denotes a block comment, and is also ignored. You can nest block comments.
/- This is a block comment.
It can fill multiple lines. -/
example (A : Prop) : A → A :=
fun a : A ↦ -- assume the antecedent
show A from a -- use it to establish the conclusion
4.8. Exercises¶
Prove the following in both term mode and tactic mode:
example : A ∧ (A → B) → B :=
example : A → ¬ (¬ A ∧ B) :=
example : ¬ (A ∧ B) → (A → ¬ B) :=
example (h₁ : A ∨ B) (h₂ : A → C) (h₃ : B → D) : C ∨ D :=
example (h : ¬ A ∧ ¬ B) : ¬ (A ∨ B) :=
example : ¬ (A ↔ ¬ A) :=