
This file has been ported!

Changes since the initial port

The following section lists changes to this file in mathlib3 and mathlib4 that occured after the initial port. Most recent changes are shown first. Hovering over a commit will show all commits associated with the same mathlib3 commit.

Changes in mathlib3

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(last sync)

feat(data/finset/basic): insert and erase lemmas (#18729)

Interaction of insert and erase with inter, union and disjoint.

Co-authored-by: Eric Rodriguez <ericrboidi@gmail.com>

@@ -385,6 +385,9 @@ by rw [sdiff_inf, sdiff_eq_bot_iff.2 inf_le_left, bot_sup_eq, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 lemma inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓ c) :=
 by simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
+lemma disjoint_sdiff_comm : disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ disjoint x (y \ z) :=
+by simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 lemma sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = (x \ y) ⊔ (y \ x) ⊔ (x ⊓ y) :=
 eq.symm $
   calc (x \ y) ⊔ (y \ x) ⊔ (x ⊓ y) =
@@ -569,6 +572,12 @@ by rw [←le_compl_iff_disjoint_left, compl_compl]
 lemma disjoint_compl_right_iff : disjoint x yᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
 by rw [←le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
+lemma codisjoint_himp_self_left : codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x := @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+lemma codisjoint_himp_self_right : codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) := @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+lemma himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ codisjoint x z :=
+(@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans $ and_congr_right' codisjoint.comm
 end boolean_algebra
 instance Prop.boolean_algebra : boolean_algebra Prop :=

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feat(data/{set,finset}/basic): Convenience lemmas (#17957)

Add a few convenient corollaries to existing lemmas.

@@ -176,6 +176,13 @@ disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_left.le
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : disjoint x (y \ x) :=
 disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_right.le
+lemma le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ disjoint x z :=
+⟨λ h, ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, λ h,
+  by { rw ←h.2.sdiff_eq_left, exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1 }⟩
+@[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ disjoint x y :=
+⟨λ h, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `generalized_boolean_algebra` using
 `disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
 theorem disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \ x = z :=

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(first ported)

Changes in mathlib3port

@@ -141,9 +141,9 @@ theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
 theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y = z :=
   conv_rhs at s => rw [← sup_inf_sdiff x y, sup_comm]
-  rw [sup_comm] at s 
+  rw [sup_comm] at s
   conv_rhs at i => rw [← inf_inf_sdiff x y, inf_comm]
-  rw [inf_comm] at i 
+  rw [inf_comm] at i
   exact (eq_of_inf_eq_sup_eq i s).symm
 #align sdiff_unique sdiff_unique
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
     y \ x = z :=
-      rw [← inf_eq_right] at hs 
+      rw [← inf_eq_right] at hs
       rwa [sup_inf_right, inf_sup_right, @sup_comm _ _ x, inf_sup_self, inf_comm, @sup_comm _ _ z,
         hs, sup_eq_left])
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
 theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
   refine' sdiff_le.lt_of_ne fun h => hy _
-  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint', disjoint_iff] at h 
+  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint', disjoint_iff] at h
   rw [← h, inf_eq_right.mpr hx]
 #align sdiff_lt sdiff_lt
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
 #print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
-  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h  <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
+  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
@@ -940,27 +940,27 @@ theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
 end BooleanAlgebra
-#print Prop.booleanAlgebra /-
-instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
-  { Prop.heytingAlgebra,
+#print Prop.instBooleanAlgebra /-
+instance Prop.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
+  { Prop.instHeytingAlgebra,
     GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice with
     compl := Not
     himp_eq := fun p q => propext imp_iff_or_not
     inf_compl_le_bot := fun p ⟨Hp, Hpc⟩ => Hpc Hp
     top_le_sup_compl := fun p H => Classical.em p }
-#align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.booleanAlgebra
+#align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.instBooleanAlgebra
-#print Pi.booleanAlgebra /-
-instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
+#print Pi.instBooleanAlgebra /-
+instance Pi.instBooleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
     BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) :=
-  { Pi.sdiff, Pi.heytingAlgebra,
+  { Pi.sdiff, Pi.instHeytingAlgebra,
     Pi.distribLattice with
     sdiff_eq := fun x y => funext fun i => sdiff_eq
     himp_eq := fun x y => funext fun i => himp_eq
     inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _
     top_le_sup_compl := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _ }
-#align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.booleanAlgebra
+#align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.instBooleanAlgebra
 instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
@@ -593,10 +593,10 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :
 #align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right
-#print Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra /-
-instance Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] :
+#print Pi.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra /-
+instance Pi.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] :
     GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α → β) := by pi_instance
-#align pi.generalized_boolean_algebra Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra
+#align pi.generalized_boolean_algebra Pi.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
 end GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
-import Mathbin.Order.Heyting.Basic
+import Order.Heyting.Basic
 #align_import order.boolean_algebra from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4"
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@
 Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
-! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4
-! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
-! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathbin.Order.Heyting.Basic
+#align_import order.boolean_algebra from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4"
 # (Generalized) Boolean algebras
@@ -99,23 +99,31 @@ section GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
 variable [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α]
+#print sup_inf_sdiff /-
 theorem sup_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y = x :=
   GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.sup_inf_sdiff _ _
 #align sup_inf_sdiff sup_inf_sdiff
+#print inf_inf_sdiff /-
 theorem inf_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y = ⊥ :=
   GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.inf_inf_sdiff _ _
 #align inf_inf_sdiff inf_inf_sdiff
+#print sup_sdiff_inf /-
 theorem sup_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by rw [sup_comm, sup_inf_sdiff]
 #align sup_sdiff_inf sup_sdiff_inf
+#print inf_sdiff_inf /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_inf_sdiff]
 #align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf
 #print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot /-
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
@@ -125,10 +133,13 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
+#print disjoint_inf_sdiff /-
 theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr (inf_inf_sdiff x y).le
 #align disjoint_inf_sdiff disjoint_inf_sdiff
+#print sdiff_unique /-
 -- TODO: in distributive lattices, relative complements are unique when they exist
 theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y = z :=
@@ -138,6 +149,7 @@ theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y =
   rw [inf_comm] at i 
   exact (eq_of_inf_eq_sup_eq i s).symm
 #align sdiff_unique sdiff_unique
 -- Use `sdiff_le`
 private theorem sdiff_le' : x \ y ≤ x :=
@@ -152,6 +164,7 @@ private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
     _ = y ⊓ x ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x := by ac_rfl
     _ = y ⊔ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
+#print sdiff_inf_sdiff /-
 theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -166,11 +179,15 @@ theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
       _ = x ⊓ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by ac_rfl
       _ = x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_of_le_right sdiff_le']
 #align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiff
+#print disjoint_sdiff_sdiff /-
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_sdiff : Disjoint (x \ y) (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr sdiff_inf_sdiff.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_sdiff disjoint_sdiff_sdiff
+#print inf_sdiff_self_right /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
@@ -178,10 +195,13 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ y \ x ⊔ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_sup_right]
     _ = ⊥ := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ x y, inf_inf_sdiff, sdiff_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_right
+#print inf_sdiff_self_left /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_left : y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_sdiff_self_right]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_left inf_sdiff_self_left
 #print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra /-
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
@@ -216,31 +236,42 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
+#print disjoint_sdiff_self_left /-
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_left : Disjoint (y \ x) x :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_left.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_left disjoint_sdiff_self_left
+#print disjoint_sdiff_self_right /-
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_right.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_right
+#print le_sdiff /-
 theorem le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
   ⟨fun h => ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h => by
     rw [← h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
 #align le_sdiff le_sdiff
+#print sdiff_eq_left /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
   ⟨fun h => disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_left sdiff_eq_left
+#print Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq /-
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `generalized_boolean_algebra` using
 `disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
 theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \ x = z :=
   have h : y ⊓ x = x := inf_eq_right.2 <| le_sup_left.trans hs.le
   sdiff_unique (by rw [h, hs]) (by rw [h, hi.eq_bot])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq
+#print Disjoint.sdiff_unique /-
 protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs : y ≤ x ⊔ z) :
     y \ x = z :=
@@ -250,7 +281,9 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
         hs, sup_eq_left])
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_unique
+#print disjoint_sdiff_iff_le /-
 -- cf. `is_compl.disjoint_left_iff` and `is_compl.disjoint_right_iff`
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x) ↔ z ≤ x :=
   ⟨fun H =>
@@ -261,17 +294,23 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x)
         rw [sup_eq_right.2 hz]),
     fun H => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_left H⟩
 #align disjoint_sdiff_iff_le disjoint_sdiff_iff_le
+#print le_iff_disjoint_sdiff /-
 -- cf. `is_compl.le_left_iff` and `is_compl.le_right_iff`
 theorem le_iff_disjoint_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ≤ x ↔ Disjoint z (y \ x) :=
   (disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx).symm
 #align le_iff_disjoint_sdiff le_iff_disjoint_sdiff
+#print inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff /-
 -- cf. `is_compl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `is_compl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
 theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x := by
   rw [← disjoint_iff]; exact disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx
 #align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff
+#print le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff /-
 -- cf. `is_compl.left_le_iff` and `is_compl.right_le_iff`
 theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z ⊔ y \ x :=
   ⟨fun H => by
@@ -288,7 +327,9 @@ theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z 
     rw [inf_sdiff_self_right]
     exact bot_le⟩
 #align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff
+#print sdiff_sup /-
 -- cf. `is_compl.sup_inf`
 theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -308,49 +349,65 @@ theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
         rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_inf_eq, bot_sup_eq, @inf_comm _ _ (y \ z), inf_inf_sdiff,
 #align sdiff_sup sdiff_sup
+#print sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf : y \ x = y \ z ↔ y ⊓ x = y ⊓ z :=
   ⟨fun h =>
     eq_of_inf_eq_sup_eq (by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, h, inf_inf_sdiff])
       (by rw [sup_inf_sdiff, h, sup_inf_sdiff]),
     fun h => by rw [← sdiff_inf_self_right, ← sdiff_inf_self_right z y, inf_comm, h, inf_comm]⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf
+#print sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
     x \ y = x ↔ x \ y = x \ ⊥ := by rw [sdiff_bot]
     _ ↔ x ⊓ y = x ⊓ ⊥ := sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf
     _ ↔ Disjoint y x := by rw [inf_bot_eq, inf_comm, disjoint_iff]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint
+#print sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
   rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint, disjoint_comm]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint'
+#print sdiff_lt /-
 theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
   refine' sdiff_le.lt_of_ne fun h => hy _
   rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint', disjoint_iff] at h 
   rw [← h, inf_eq_right.mpr hx]
 #align sdiff_lt sdiff_lt
+#print le_sdiff_iff /-
 theorem le_sdiff_iff : x ≤ y \ x ↔ x = ⊥ :=
   ⟨fun h => disjoint_self.1 (disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_right h), fun h => h.le.trans bot_le⟩
 #align le_sdiff_iff le_sdiff_iff
+#print sdiff_lt_sdiff_right /-
 theorem sdiff_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < y) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ z < y \ z :=
   (sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.le).lt_of_not_le fun h' =>
     h.not_le <| le_sdiff_sup.trans <| sup_le_of_le_sdiff_right h' hz
 #align sdiff_lt_sdiff_right sdiff_lt_sdiff_right
+#print sup_inf_inf_sdiff /-
 theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
     x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
     _ = (x ⊔ y \ z) ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_right, sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_sup_right, inf_sdiff_left]
 #align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiff
+#print sdiff_sdiff_right /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
   rw [sup_comm, inf_comm, ← inf_assoc, sup_inf_inf_sdiff]
@@ -377,42 +434,60 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (y ⊓ x \ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, inf_bot_eq]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_right
+#print sdiff_sdiff_right' /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
     x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := sdiff_sdiff_right
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y := by ac_rfl
     _ = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z := by rw [sup_inf_inf_sdiff, sup_comm, inf_comm]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'
+#print sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right', inf_eq_right.2 h]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup
+#print sdiff_sdiff_right_self /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right_self : x \ (x \ y) = x ⊓ y := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right, inf_idem, sdiff_self, bot_sup_eq]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right_self sdiff_sdiff_right_self
+#print sdiff_sdiff_eq_self /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_self (h : y ≤ x) : x \ (x \ y) = y := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right_self, inf_of_le_right h]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_eq_self sdiff_sdiff_eq_self
+#print sdiff_eq_symm /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_symm (hy : y ≤ x) (h : x \ y = z) : x \ z = y := by
   rw [← h, sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hy]
 #align sdiff_eq_symm sdiff_eq_symm
+#print sdiff_eq_comm /-
 theorem sdiff_eq_comm (hy : y ≤ x) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ y = z ↔ x \ z = y :=
   ⟨sdiff_eq_symm hy, sdiff_eq_symm hz⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_comm sdiff_eq_comm
+#print eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff /-
 theorem eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff (hxz : x ≤ z) (hyz : y ≤ z) (h : z \ x = z \ y) : x = y := by
   rw [← sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hxz, h, sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hyz]
 #align eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff
+#print sdiff_sdiff_left' /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_left' : (x \ y) \ z = x \ y ⊓ x \ z := by rw [sdiff_sdiff_left, sdiff_sup]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_left' sdiff_sdiff_left'
+#print sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) :=
     z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ x ⊓ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by
@@ -423,7 +498,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
     _ = z ⊓ z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by rw [inf_idem]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff
+#print sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' /-
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y :=
     z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z \ (x \ y) ⊓ z \ (y \ x) := sdiff_sup
@@ -432,7 +509,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
     _ = z \ x ⊓ z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x := sup_inf_right.symm
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y := by ac_rfl
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
+#print inf_sdiff /-
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -447,7 +526,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x \ z ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ y ⊓ (z ⊓ x \ z) ⊓ y \ z := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, bot_inf_eq])
 #align inf_sdiff inf_sdiff
+#print inf_sdiff_assoc /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -458,23 +539,33 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊓ y \ z) := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, inf_bot_eq])
 #align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assoc
+#print inf_sdiff_right_comm /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
   rw [@inf_comm _ _ x, inf_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align inf_sdiff_right_comm inf_sdiff_right_comm
+#print inf_sdiff_distrib_left /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c) := by
   rw [sdiff_inf, sdiff_eq_bot_iff.2 inf_le_left, bot_sup_eq, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_left inf_sdiff_distrib_left
+#print inf_sdiff_distrib_right /-
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓ c) := by
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
+#print disjoint_sdiff_comm /-
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
   simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_comm
+#print sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf /-
 theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -483,7 +574,9 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
       _ = (x ⊔ y \ x) ⊓ (x \ y ⊔ y) := by rw [sup_sdiff_right, sup_sdiff_right]
       _ = x ⊔ y := by rw [sup_sdiff_self_right, sup_sdiff_self_left, inf_idem]
 #align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf
+#print sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left /-
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   rw [← sup_sdiff_cancel_right hxz]
@@ -491,7 +584,9 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   rw [← sdiff_idem]
   exact (sdiff_le_sdiff_of_sup_le_sup_left h').trans sdiff_le
 #align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left
+#print sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right /-
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   rw [← sdiff_sup_cancel hyz]
@@ -499,6 +594,7 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :
   rw [← sdiff_idem]
   exact (sdiff_le_sdiff_of_sup_le_sup_right h').trans sdiff_le
 #align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right
 #print Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra /-
 instance Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] :
@@ -564,20 +660,26 @@ section BooleanAlgebra
 variable [BooleanAlgebra α]
+#print inf_compl_eq_bot' /-
 theorem inf_compl_eq_bot' : x ⊓ xᶜ = ⊥ :=
   bot_unique <| BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot x
 #align inf_compl_eq_bot' inf_compl_eq_bot'
+#print sup_compl_eq_top /-
 theorem sup_compl_eq_top : x ⊔ xᶜ = ⊤ :=
   top_unique <| BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl x
 #align sup_compl_eq_top sup_compl_eq_top
+#print compl_sup_eq_top /-
 theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
   sup_comm.trans sup_compl_eq_top
 #align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_top
 #print isCompl_compl /-
 theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
@@ -585,13 +687,17 @@ theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
 #align is_compl_compl isCompl_compl
+#print sdiff_eq /-
 theorem sdiff_eq : x \ y = x ⊓ yᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.sdiff_eq x y
 #align sdiff_eq sdiff_eq
+#print himp_eq /-
 theorem himp_eq : x ⇨ y = y ⊔ xᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.himp_eq x y
 #align himp_eq himp_eq
 #print BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice /-
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice : ComplementedLattice α :=
@@ -626,15 +732,19 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
+#print hnot_eq_compl /-
 theorem hnot_eq_compl : ¬x = xᶜ :=
 #align hnot_eq_compl hnot_eq_compl
+#print top_sdiff /-
 theorem top_sdiff : ⊤ \ x = xᶜ :=
   top_sdiff' _
 #align top_sdiff top_sdiff
 #print eq_compl_iff_isCompl /-
 theorem eq_compl_iff_isCompl : x = yᶜ ↔ IsCompl x y :=
@@ -711,20 +821,26 @@ theorem IsCompl.compl_eq_iff (h : IsCompl x y) : zᶜ = y ↔ z = x :=
 #align is_compl.compl_eq_iff IsCompl.compl_eq_iff
+#print compl_eq_top /-
 theorem compl_eq_top : xᶜ = ⊤ ↔ x = ⊥ :=
 #align compl_eq_top compl_eq_top
+#print compl_eq_bot /-
 theorem compl_eq_bot : xᶜ = ⊥ ↔ x = ⊤ :=
 #align compl_eq_bot compl_eq_bot
+#print compl_inf /-
 theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
   hnot_inf_distrib _ _
 #align compl_inf compl_inf
 #print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
@@ -745,9 +861,11 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
 #align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_le
+#print sdiff_compl /-
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
 #align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl
 instance : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
   { OrderDual.distribLattice α,
@@ -760,28 +878,38 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
     sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => himp_eq
     himp_eq := fun _ _ => sdiff_eq }
+#print sup_inf_inf_compl /-
 theorem sup_inf_inf_compl : x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ yᶜ = x := by rw [← sdiff_eq, sup_inf_sdiff _ _]
 #align sup_inf_inf_compl sup_inf_inf_compl
+#print compl_sdiff /-
 theorem compl_sdiff : (x \ y)ᶜ = x ⇨ y := by
   rw [sdiff_eq, himp_eq, compl_inf, compl_compl, sup_comm]
 #align compl_sdiff compl_sdiff
+#print compl_himp /-
 theorem compl_himp : (x ⇨ y)ᶜ = x \ y :=
   @compl_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp compl_himp
+#print compl_sdiff_compl /-
 theorem compl_sdiff_compl : xᶜ \ yᶜ = y \ x := by rw [sdiff_compl, sdiff_eq, inf_comm]
 #align compl_sdiff_compl compl_sdiff_compl
+#print compl_himp_compl /-
 theorem compl_himp_compl : xᶜ ⇨ yᶜ = y ⇨ x :=
   @compl_sdiff_compl αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_compl
 #print disjoint_compl_left_iff /-
 theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint (xᶜ) y ↔ y ≤ x := by
@@ -795,17 +923,23 @@ theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
+#print codisjoint_himp_self_left /-
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_left
+#print codisjoint_himp_self_right /-
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
+#print himp_le /-
 theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
   (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' Codisjoint_comm
 #align himp_le himp_le
 end BooleanAlgebra
@@ -847,23 +981,30 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
     inf_compl_le_bot := fun a => a.and_not_self.le
     top_le_sup_compl := fun a => a.or_not_self.ge }
+#print Bool.sup_eq_bor /-
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 #align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_bor
+#print Bool.inf_eq_band /-
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
 #align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_band
+#print Bool.compl_eq_bnot /-
 theorem Bool.compl_eq_bnot : HasCompl.compl = not :=
 #align bool.compl_eq_bnot Bool.compl_eq_bnot
 section lift
+#print Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra /-
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `generalized_boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
@@ -877,7 +1018,9 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bo
     sup_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_sup, map_sdiff, map_inf, sup_inf_sdiff]
     inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot] }
 #align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra
+#print Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra /-
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
@@ -902,6 +1045,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
         (map_sdiff _ _).trans <|
           sdiff_eq.trans <| by convert (map_inf _ _).symm; exact (map_compl _).symm }
 #align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra
 end lift
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ private theorem sdiff_le' : x \ y ≤ x :=
     x \ y ≤ x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y := le_sup_right
     _ = x := sup_inf_sdiff x y
 -- Use `sdiff_sup_self`
 private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
@@ -152,7 +151,6 @@ private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
     y \ x ⊔ x = y \ x ⊔ (x ⊔ x ⊓ y) := by rw [sup_inf_self]
     _ = y ⊓ x ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x := by ac_rfl
     _ = y ⊔ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
 theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
@@ -167,7 +165,6 @@ theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
       _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
       _ = x ⊓ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by ac_rfl
       _ = x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_of_le_right sdiff_le']
 #align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiff
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_sdiff : Disjoint (x \ y) (y \ x) :=
@@ -180,7 +177,6 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
     x ⊓ y \ x = (x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y) ⊓ y \ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ y \ x ⊔ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_sup_right]
     _ = ⊥ := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ x y, inf_inf_sdiff, sdiff_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_right
@@ -202,25 +198,21 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
               y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
               _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x := by
                 rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
-              _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm
-              ))
+              _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
             y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
             _ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
             _ = y \ x ⊔ x ⊔ z := by rw [← sup_assoc, ← @sdiff_sup_self' _ x y]
-            _ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl
-            ),
+            _ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl),
         fun h =>
             y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := inf_sdiff_self_left
-            _ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le
-            )
+            _ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le)
             y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
             _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := (sup_le_sup_right h x)
-            _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem]
-            )⟩ }
+            _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩ }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
@@ -307,15 +299,14 @@ theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
       _ = (y ⊓ z ⊔ (y ⊓ x ⊔ y \ x)) ⊓ (y ⊓ x ⊔ (y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = (y ⊓ z ⊔ y) ⊓ (y ⊓ x ⊔ y) := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff, sup_inf_sdiff]
       _ = (y ⊔ y ⊓ z) ⊓ (y ⊔ y ⊓ x) := by ac_rfl
-      _ = y := by rw [sup_inf_self, sup_inf_self, inf_idem]
-      )
+      _ = y := by rw [sup_inf_self, sup_inf_self, inf_idem])
       y ⊓ (x ⊔ z) ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) = (y ⊓ x ⊔ y ⊓ z) ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_left]
       _ = y ⊓ x ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) ⊔ y ⊓ z ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_right]
       _ = y ⊓ x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ y \ z ⊔ y \ x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (y ⊓ z)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by
-        rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_inf_eq, bot_sup_eq, @inf_comm _ _ (y \ z), inf_inf_sdiff, inf_bot_eq]
-      )
+        rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_inf_eq, bot_sup_eq, @inf_comm _ _ (y \ z), inf_inf_sdiff,
+          inf_bot_eq])
 #align sdiff_sup sdiff_sup
 theorem sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf : y \ x = y \ z ↔ y ⊓ x = y ⊓ z :=
@@ -330,7 +321,6 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
     x \ y = x ↔ x \ y = x \ ⊥ := by rw [sdiff_bot]
     _ ↔ x ⊓ y = x ⊓ ⊥ := sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf
     _ ↔ Disjoint y x := by rw [inf_bot_eq, inf_comm, disjoint_iff]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
@@ -359,7 +349,6 @@ theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
     x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
     _ = (x ⊔ y \ z) ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_right, sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_sup_right, inf_sdiff_left]
 #align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiff
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
@@ -379,7 +368,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊓ z ⊔ (x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y))) := by ac_rfl
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊔ x ⊓ z)) := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff, @sup_comm _ _ (x ⊓ z)]
       _ = x := by rw [sup_inf_self, sup_comm, inf_sup_self]
       x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ (z ⊓ x ⊔ x \ y) = x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ (z ⊓ x) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_sup_left]
@@ -388,7 +376,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ y) ⊓ x \ y := by conv_lhs => rw [← inf_sdiff_left]
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (y ⊓ x \ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, inf_bot_eq]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_right
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
@@ -396,7 +383,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
     x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := sdiff_sdiff_right
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y := by ac_rfl
     _ = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z := by rw [sup_inf_inf_sdiff, sup_comm, inf_comm]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
@@ -436,7 +422,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
       rw [sup_inf_left, @sup_comm _ _ (z \ y), sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = z ⊓ z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by rw [inf_idem]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y :=
@@ -446,7 +431,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
     _ = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z \ x ⊓ z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x := sup_inf_right.symm
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y := by ac_rfl
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -458,12 +442,10 @@ theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
       _ = (y ⊓ (x ⊓ (x ⊔ z)) ⊔ x \ z) ⊓ (x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z) := by ac_rfl
       _ = (y ⊓ x ⊔ x \ z) ⊓ (x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_self, sup_inf_inf_sdiff]
       _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ z ⊓ y \ z := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ y, sup_inf_left]
-      _ = x ⊓ y := sup_eq_left.2 (inf_le_inf sdiff_le sdiff_le)
-      )
+      _ = x ⊓ y := sup_eq_left.2 (inf_le_inf sdiff_le sdiff_le))
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x \ z ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ y ⊓ (z ⊓ x \ z) ⊓ y \ z := by ac_rfl
-      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, bot_inf_eq]
-      )
+      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, bot_inf_eq])
 #align inf_sdiff inf_sdiff
 theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -471,12 +453,10 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
       _ = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z) := inf_sup_left.symm
-      _ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
-      )
+      _ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff])
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊓ y \ z) := by ac_rfl
-      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, inf_bot_eq]
-      )
+      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, inf_bot_eq])
 #align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assoc
 theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
@@ -502,7 +482,6 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
       _ = (x \ y ⊔ x ⊔ y \ x) ⊓ (x \ y ⊔ (y \ x ⊔ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = (x ⊔ y \ x) ⊓ (x \ y ⊔ y) := by rw [sup_sdiff_right, sup_sdiff_right]
       _ = x ⊔ y := by rw [sup_sdiff_self_right, sup_sdiff_self_left, inf_idem]
 #align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
     sdiff_eq := fun a b =>
       hf <|
         (map_sdiff _ _).trans <|
-          sdiff_eq.trans <| by convert(map_inf _ _).symm; exact (map_compl _).symm }
+          sdiff_eq.trans <| by convert (map_inf _ _).symm; exact (map_compl _).symm }
 #align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra
 end lift
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
 theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y = z :=
   conv_rhs at s => rw [← sup_inf_sdiff x y, sup_comm]
-  rw [sup_comm] at s
+  rw [sup_comm] at s 
   conv_rhs at i => rw [← inf_inf_sdiff x y, inf_comm]
-  rw [inf_comm] at i
+  rw [inf_comm] at i 
   exact (eq_of_inf_eq_sup_eq i s).symm
 #align sdiff_unique sdiff_unique
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
     y \ x = z :=
-      rw [← inf_eq_right] at hs
+      rw [← inf_eq_right] at hs 
       rwa [sup_inf_right, inf_sup_right, @sup_comm _ _ x, inf_sup_self, inf_comm, @sup_comm _ _ z,
         hs, sup_eq_left])
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
 theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
   refine' sdiff_le.lt_of_ne fun h => hy _
-  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint', disjoint_iff] at h
+  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint', disjoint_iff] at h 
   rw [← h, inf_eq_right.mpr hx]
 #align sdiff_lt sdiff_lt
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ Instead, we extend using the underlying `has_bot` and `has_top` data typeclasses
 order axioms of those classes here. A "forgetful" instance back to `bounded_order` is provided.
 class BooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, HasCompl α, SDiff α, HImp α, Top α,
-  Bot α where
+    Bot α where
   inf_compl_le_bot : ∀ x : α, x ⊓ xᶜ ≤ ⊥
   top_le_sup_compl : ∀ x : α, ⊤ ≤ x ⊔ xᶜ
   le_top : ∀ a : α, a ≤ ⊤
@@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
 #print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
-  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
+  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h  <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
@@ -928,5 +928,7 @@ end lift
 instance : BooleanAlgebra PUnit := by
   refine_struct { PUnit.biheytingAlgebra with } <;> intros <;>
-    first |trivial|exact Subsingleton.elim _ _
+    first
+    | trivial
+    | exact Subsingleton.elim _ _
@@ -117,11 +117,13 @@ theorem sup_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by rw [sup_comm, sup
 theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_inf_sdiff]
 #align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf
+#print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot /-
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
   { GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot α with
     bot_le := fun a => by rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]; exact inf_le_left }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
 theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr (inf_inf_sdiff x y).le
@@ -557,11 +559,14 @@ class BooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, HasCompl α, SDiff
 #align boolean_algebra BooleanAlgebra
+#print BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder /-
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder [h : BooleanAlgebra α] : BoundedOrder α :=
   { h with }
 #align boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder
+#print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra /-
 -- See note [reducible non instances]
 /-- A bounded generalized boolean algebra is a boolean algebra. -/
@@ -574,6 +579,7 @@ def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [O
     top_le_sup_compl := fun _ => le_sup_sdiff
     sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by rw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]; rfl }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra
 section BooleanAlgebra
@@ -741,18 +747,24 @@ theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
   hnot_inf_distrib _ _
 #align compl_inf compl_inf
+#print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
   ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
+#print compl_le_of_compl_le /-
 theorem compl_le_of_compl_le (h : yᶜ ≤ x) : xᶜ ≤ y := by
   simpa only [compl_compl] using compl_le_compl h
 #align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_le
+#print compl_le_iff_compl_le /-
 theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
   ⟨compl_le_of_compl_le, compl_le_of_compl_le⟩
 #align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_le
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
@@ -792,13 +804,17 @@ theorem compl_himp_compl : xᶜ ⇨ yᶜ = y ⇨ x :=
   @compl_sdiff_compl αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_compl
+#print disjoint_compl_left_iff /-
 theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint (xᶜ) y ↔ y ≤ x := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_left, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iff
+#print disjoint_compl_right_iff /-
 theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
@@ -99,76 +99,34 @@ section GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
 variable [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α]
-/- warning: sup_inf_sdiff -> sup_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_sdiff sup_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y = x :=
   GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.sup_inf_sdiff _ _
 #align sup_inf_sdiff sup_inf_sdiff
-/- warning: inf_inf_sdiff -> inf_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_inf_sdiff inf_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y = ⊥ :=
   GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.inf_inf_sdiff _ _
 #align inf_inf_sdiff inf_inf_sdiff
-/- warning: sup_sdiff_inf -> sup_sdiff_inf is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_sdiff_inf sup_sdiff_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by rw [sup_comm, sup_inf_sdiff]
 #align sup_sdiff_inf sup_sdiff_inf
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_inf -> inf_sdiff_inf is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_infₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_inf_sdiff]
 #align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf
-/- warning: generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot -> GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], OrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))))))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], OrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))))))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBotₓ'. -/
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
   { GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot α with
     bot_le := fun a => by rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]; exact inf_le_left }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
-/- warning: disjoint_inf_sdiff -> disjoint_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_inf_sdiff disjoint_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr (inf_inf_sdiff x y).le
 #align disjoint_inf_sdiff disjoint_inf_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_unique -> sdiff_unique is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_unique sdiff_uniqueₓ'. -/
 -- TODO: in distributive lattices, relative complements are unique when they exist
 theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y = z :=
@@ -194,12 +152,6 @@ private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
     _ = y ⊔ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
-/- warning: sdiff_inf_sdiff -> sdiff_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -216,22 +168,10 @@ theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
 #align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiff
-/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_sdiff -> disjoint_sdiff_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_sdiff disjoint_sdiff_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_sdiff : Disjoint (x \ y) (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr sdiff_inf_sdiff.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_sdiff disjoint_sdiff_sdiff
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_self_right -> inf_sdiff_self_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
@@ -241,12 +181,6 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
 #align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_right
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_self_left -> inf_sdiff_self_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_self_left inf_sdiff_self_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_left : y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_sdiff_self_right]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_left inf_sdiff_self_left
@@ -288,54 +222,24 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
-/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_self_left -> disjoint_sdiff_self_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_self_left disjoint_sdiff_self_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_left : Disjoint (y \ x) x :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_left.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_left disjoint_sdiff_self_left
-/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_self_right -> disjoint_sdiff_self_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_right.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_right
-/- warning: le_sdiff -> le_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_sdiff le_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
   ⟨fun h => ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h => by
     rw [← h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
 #align le_sdiff le_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_left -> sdiff_eq_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_left sdiff_eq_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
   ⟨fun h => disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_left sdiff_eq_left
-/- warning: disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq -> Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eqₓ'. -/
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `generalized_boolean_algebra` using
 `disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
 theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \ x = z :=
@@ -343,12 +247,6 @@ theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \
   sdiff_unique (by rw [h, hs]) (by rw [h, hi.eq_bot])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq
-/- warning: disjoint.sdiff_unique -> Disjoint.sdiff_unique is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_uniqueₓ'. -/
 protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs : y ≤ x ⊔ z) :
     y \ x = z :=
@@ -359,12 +257,6 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_unique
-/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_iff_le -> disjoint_sdiff_iff_le is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_iff_le disjoint_sdiff_iff_leₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.disjoint_left_iff` and `is_compl.disjoint_right_iff`
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x) ↔ z ≤ x :=
   ⟨fun H =>
@@ -376,34 +268,16 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x)
     fun H => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_left H⟩
 #align disjoint_sdiff_iff_le disjoint_sdiff_iff_le
-/- warning: le_iff_disjoint_sdiff -> le_iff_disjoint_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_iff_disjoint_sdiff le_iff_disjoint_sdiffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.le_left_iff` and `is_compl.le_right_iff`
 theorem le_iff_disjoint_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ≤ x ↔ Disjoint z (y \ x) :=
   (disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx).symm
 #align le_iff_disjoint_sdiff le_iff_disjoint_sdiff
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff -> inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `is_compl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
 theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x := by
   rw [← disjoint_iff]; exact disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx
 #align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff
-/- warning: le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff -> le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.left_le_iff` and `is_compl.right_le_iff`
 theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z ⊔ y \ x :=
   ⟨fun H => by
@@ -421,12 +295,6 @@ theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z 
     exact bot_le⟩
 #align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_sup -> sdiff_sup is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sup sdiff_supₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.sup_inf`
 theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -448,12 +316,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
 #align sdiff_sup sdiff_sup
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf -> sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y x) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y x) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf : y \ x = y \ z ↔ y ⊓ x = y ⊓ z :=
   ⟨fun h =>
     eq_of_inf_eq_sup_eq (by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, h, inf_inf_sdiff])
@@ -461,12 +323,6 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf : y \ x = y \ z ↔ y ⊓ x = y ⊓ z :=
     fun h => by rw [← sdiff_inf_self_right, ← sdiff_inf_self_right z y, inf_comm, h, inf_comm]⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint -> sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjointₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
     x \ y = x ↔ x \ y = x \ ⊥ := by rw [sdiff_bot]
@@ -475,22 +331,10 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' -> sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
   rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint, disjoint_comm]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint'
-/- warning: sdiff_lt -> sdiff_lt is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Ne.{succ u1} α y (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Ne.{succ u1} α y (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_lt sdiff_ltₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
   refine' sdiff_le.lt_of_ne fun h => hy _
@@ -498,34 +342,16 @@ theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
   rw [← h, inf_eq_right.mpr hx]
 #align sdiff_lt sdiff_lt
-/- warning: le_sdiff_iff -> le_sdiff_iff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_sdiff_iff le_sdiff_iffₓ'. -/
 theorem le_sdiff_iff : x ≤ y \ x ↔ x = ⊥ :=
   ⟨fun h => disjoint_self.1 (disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_right h), fun h => h.le.trans bot_le⟩
 #align le_sdiff_iff le_sdiff_iff
-/- warning: sdiff_lt_sdiff_right -> sdiff_lt_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_lt_sdiff_right sdiff_lt_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < y) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ z < y \ z :=
   (sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.le).lt_of_not_le fun h' =>
     h.not_le <| le_sdiff_sup.trans <| sup_le_of_le_sdiff_right h' hz
 #align sdiff_lt_sdiff_right sdiff_lt_sdiff_right
-/- warning: sup_inf_inf_sdiff -> sup_inf_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
     x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
@@ -534,12 +360,6 @@ theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
 #align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right -> sdiff_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
   rw [sup_comm, inf_comm, ← inf_assoc, sup_inf_inf_sdiff]
@@ -569,12 +389,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_right
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right' -> sdiff_sdiff_right' is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
     x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := sdiff_sdiff_right
@@ -583,82 +397,34 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup -> sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_supₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right', inf_eq_right.2 h]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right_self -> sdiff_sdiff_right_self is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right_self sdiff_sdiff_right_selfₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right_self : x \ (x \ y) = x ⊓ y := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right, inf_idem, sdiff_self, bot_sup_eq]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right_self sdiff_sdiff_right_self
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_eq_self -> sdiff_sdiff_eq_self is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_eq_self sdiff_sdiff_eq_selfₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_self (h : y ≤ x) : x \ (x \ y) = y := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right_self, inf_of_le_right h]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_eq_self sdiff_sdiff_eq_self
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_symm -> sdiff_eq_symm is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_symm sdiff_eq_symmₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_symm (hy : y ≤ x) (h : x \ y = z) : x \ z = y := by
   rw [← h, sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hy]
 #align sdiff_eq_symm sdiff_eq_symm
-/- warning: sdiff_eq_comm -> sdiff_eq_comm is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_comm sdiff_eq_commₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_comm (hy : y ≤ x) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ y = z ↔ x \ z = y :=
   ⟨sdiff_eq_symm hy, sdiff_eq_symm hz⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_comm sdiff_eq_comm
-/- warning: eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff -> eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff (hxz : x ≤ z) (hyz : y ≤ z) (h : z \ x = z \ y) : x = y := by
   rw [← sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hxz, h, sdiff_sdiff_eq_self hyz]
 #align eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_left' -> sdiff_sdiff_left' is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_left' sdiff_sdiff_left'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_left' : (x \ y) \ z = x \ y ⊓ x \ z := by rw [sdiff_sdiff_left, sdiff_sup]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_left' sdiff_sdiff_left'
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff -> sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) :=
     z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ x ⊓ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by
@@ -671,12 +437,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff
-/- warning: sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' -> sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z x) y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z x) y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y :=
     z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z \ (x \ y) ⊓ z \ (y \ x) := sdiff_sup
@@ -687,12 +447,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
-/- warning: inf_sdiff -> inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -710,12 +464,6 @@ theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
 #align inf_sdiff inf_sdiff
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_assoc -> inf_sdiff_assoc is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assocₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -729,52 +477,22 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
 #align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assoc
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_right_comm -> inf_sdiff_right_comm is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_right_comm inf_sdiff_right_commₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
   rw [@inf_comm _ _ x, inf_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align inf_sdiff_right_comm inf_sdiff_right_comm
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_distrib_left -> inf_sdiff_distrib_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a b) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a b) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_distrib_left inf_sdiff_distrib_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c) := by
   rw [sdiff_inf, sdiff_eq_bot_iff.2 inf_le_left, bot_sup_eq, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_left inf_sdiff_distrib_left
-/- warning: inf_sdiff_distrib_right -> inf_sdiff_distrib_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) b c))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) b c))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓ c) := by
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
-/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_comm -> disjoint_sdiff_comm is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_commₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
   simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_comm
-/- warning: sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf -> sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -785,12 +503,6 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
 #align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf
-/- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   rw [← sup_sdiff_cancel_right hxz]
@@ -799,12 +511,6 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   exact (sdiff_le_sdiff_of_sup_le_sup_left h').trans sdiff_le
 #align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left
-/- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
   rw [← sdiff_sup_cancel hyz]
@@ -851,23 +557,11 @@ class BooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, HasCompl α, SDiff
 #align boolean_algebra BooleanAlgebra
-/- warning: boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order -> BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [h : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], BoundedOrder.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α h))))))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [h : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], BoundedOrder.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α h))))))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrderₓ'. -/
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder [h : BooleanAlgebra α] : BoundedOrder α :=
   { h with }
 #align boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder
-/- warning: generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra -> GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : OrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))], BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : OrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))], BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non instances]
 /-- A bounded generalized boolean algebra is a boolean algebra. -/
@@ -885,34 +579,16 @@ section BooleanAlgebra
 variable [BooleanAlgebra α]
-/- warning: inf_compl_eq_bot' -> inf_compl_eq_bot' is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_compl_eq_bot' inf_compl_eq_bot'ₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_compl_eq_bot' : x ⊓ xᶜ = ⊥ :=
   bot_unique <| BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot x
 #align inf_compl_eq_bot' inf_compl_eq_bot'
-/- warning: sup_compl_eq_top -> sup_compl_eq_top is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_compl_eq_top sup_compl_eq_topₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_compl_eq_top : x ⊔ xᶜ = ⊤ :=
   top_unique <| BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl x
 #align sup_compl_eq_top sup_compl_eq_top
-/- warning: compl_sup_eq_top -> compl_sup_eq_top is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_topₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
   sup_comm.trans sup_compl_eq_top
@@ -924,22 +600,10 @@ theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
 #align is_compl_compl isCompl_compl
-/- warning: sdiff_eq -> sdiff_eq is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq sdiff_eqₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq : x \ y = x ⊓ yᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.sdiff_eq x y
 #align sdiff_eq sdiff_eq
-/- warning: himp_eq -> himp_eq is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align himp_eq himp_eqₓ'. -/
 theorem himp_eq : x ⇨ y = y ⊔ xᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.himp_eq x y
 #align himp_eq himp_eq
@@ -977,23 +641,11 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
-/- warning: hnot_eq_compl -> hnot_eq_compl is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HNot.hnot.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHasHnot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HNot.hnot.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHNot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align hnot_eq_compl hnot_eq_complₓ'. -/
 theorem hnot_eq_compl : ¬x = xᶜ :=
 #align hnot_eq_compl hnot_eq_compl
-/- warning: top_sdiff -> top_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1)) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1)) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align top_sdiff top_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem top_sdiff : ⊤ \ x = xᶜ :=
   top_sdiff' _
@@ -1074,76 +726,34 @@ theorem IsCompl.compl_eq_iff (h : IsCompl x y) : zᶜ = y ↔ z = x :=
 #align is_compl.compl_eq_iff IsCompl.compl_eq_iff
-/- warning: compl_eq_top -> compl_eq_top is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_eq_top compl_eq_topₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_eq_top : xᶜ = ⊤ ↔ x = ⊥ :=
 #align compl_eq_top compl_eq_top
-/- warning: compl_eq_bot -> compl_eq_bot is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1)))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_eq_bot compl_eq_botₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_eq_bot : xᶜ = ⊥ ↔ x = ⊤ :=
 #align compl_eq_bot compl_eq_bot
-/- warning: compl_inf -> compl_inf is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_inf compl_infₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
   hnot_inf_distrib _ _
 #align compl_inf compl_inf
-/- warning: compl_le_compl_iff_le -> compl_le_compl_iff_le is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
   ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
-/- warning: compl_le_of_compl_le -> compl_le_of_compl_le is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_of_compl_le (h : yᶜ ≤ x) : xᶜ ≤ y := by
   simpa only [compl_compl] using compl_le_compl h
 #align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_le
-/- warning: compl_le_iff_compl_le -> compl_le_iff_compl_le is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
   ⟨compl_le_of_compl_le, compl_le_of_compl_le⟩
 #align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_le
-/- warning: sdiff_compl -> sdiff_compl is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_compl sdiff_complₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
 #align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl
@@ -1159,105 +769,45 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
     sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => himp_eq
     himp_eq := fun _ _ => sdiff_eq }
-/- warning: sup_inf_inf_compl -> sup_inf_inf_compl is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_inf_compl sup_inf_inf_complₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_inf_compl : x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ yᶜ = x := by rw [← sdiff_eq, sup_inf_sdiff _ _]
 #align sup_inf_inf_compl sup_inf_inf_compl
-/- warning: compl_sdiff -> compl_sdiff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_sdiff compl_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_sdiff : (x \ y)ᶜ = x ⇨ y := by
   rw [sdiff_eq, himp_eq, compl_inf, compl_compl, sup_comm]
 #align compl_sdiff compl_sdiff
-/- warning: compl_himp -> compl_himp is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_himp compl_himpₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_himp : (x ⇨ y)ᶜ = x \ y :=
   @compl_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp compl_himp
-/- warning: compl_sdiff_compl -> compl_sdiff_compl is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_sdiff_compl compl_sdiff_complₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_sdiff_compl : xᶜ \ yᶜ = y \ x := by rw [sdiff_compl, sdiff_eq, inf_comm]
 #align compl_sdiff_compl compl_sdiff_compl
-/- warning: compl_himp_compl -> compl_himp_compl is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_complₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_himp_compl : xᶜ ⇨ yᶜ = y ⇨ x :=
   @compl_sdiff_compl αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_compl
-/- warning: disjoint_compl_left_iff -> disjoint_compl_left_iff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y x)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) y x)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint (xᶜ) y ↔ y ≤ x := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_left, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iff
-/- warning: disjoint_compl_right_iff -> disjoint_compl_right_iff is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
-/- warning: codisjoint_himp_self_left -> codisjoint_himp_self_left is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_left
-/- warning: codisjoint_himp_self_right -> codisjoint_himp_self_right is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
-/- warning: himp_le -> himp_le is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x z))
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align himp_le himp_leₓ'. -/
 theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
   (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' Codisjoint_comm
 #align himp_le himp_le
@@ -1302,34 +852,16 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
     inf_compl_le_bot := fun a => a.and_not_self.le
     top_le_sup_compl := fun a => a.or_not_self.ge }
-/- warning: bool.sup_eq_bor -> Bool.sup_eq_bor is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
-but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11177 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11179 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11177 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11179) or
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 #align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_bor
-/- warning: bool.inf_eq_band -> Bool.inf_eq_band is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
-but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11209 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11211 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11209 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11211) and
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
 #align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_band
-/- warning: bool.compl_eq_bnot -> Bool.compl_eq_bnot is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool) (HasCompl.compl.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)) not
-but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool) (HasCompl.compl.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)) not
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.compl_eq_bnot Bool.compl_eq_bnotₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.compl_eq_bnot : HasCompl.compl = not :=
@@ -1337,12 +869,6 @@ theorem Bool.compl_eq_bnot : HasCompl.compl = not :=
 section lift
-/- warning: function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra -> Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `generalized_boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
@@ -1357,12 +883,6 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bo
     inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot] }
 #align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra
-/- warning: function.injective.boolean_algebra -> Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
-lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
-but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7)))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
-Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
@@ -150,9 +150,7 @@ Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align generalized_boolean_al
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
   { GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot α with
-    bot_le := fun a => by
-      rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
-      exact inf_le_left }
+    bot_le := fun a => by rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]; exact inf_le_left }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
 /- warning: disjoint_inf_sdiff -> disjoint_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
@@ -317,10 +315,8 @@ but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_sdiff le_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
-  ⟨fun h => ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h =>
-    by
-    rw [← h.2.sdiff_eq_left]
-    exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
+  ⟨fun h => ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h => by
+    rw [← h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
 #align le_sdiff le_sdiff
 /- warning: sdiff_eq_left -> sdiff_eq_left is a dubious translation:
@@ -398,10 +394,8 @@ but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `is_compl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
-theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x :=
-  by
-  rw [← disjoint_iff]
-  exact disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx
+theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x := by
+  rw [← disjoint_iff]; exact disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx
 #align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff
 /- warning: le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff -> le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
@@ -884,9 +878,7 @@ def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [O
     compl := fun a => ⊤ \ a
     inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.le_bot
     top_le_sup_compl := fun _ => le_sup_sdiff
-    sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by
-      rw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]
-      rfl }
+    sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by rw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]; rfl }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra
 section BooleanAlgebra
@@ -1009,17 +1001,13 @@ theorem top_sdiff : ⊤ \ x = xᶜ :=
 #print eq_compl_iff_isCompl /-
 theorem eq_compl_iff_isCompl : x = yᶜ ↔ IsCompl x y :=
-  ⟨fun h => by
-    rw [h]
-    exact is_compl_compl.symm, IsCompl.eq_compl⟩
+  ⟨fun h => by rw [h]; exact is_compl_compl.symm, IsCompl.eq_compl⟩
 #align eq_compl_iff_is_compl eq_compl_iff_isCompl
 #print compl_eq_iff_isCompl /-
 theorem compl_eq_iff_isCompl : xᶜ = y ↔ IsCompl x y :=
-  ⟨fun h => by
-    rw [← h]
-    exact isCompl_compl, IsCompl.compl_eq⟩
+  ⟨fun h => by rw [← h]; exact isCompl_compl, IsCompl.compl_eq⟩
 #align compl_eq_iff_is_compl compl_eq_iff_isCompl
@@ -1397,9 +1385,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
     sdiff_eq := fun a b =>
       hf <|
         (map_sdiff _ _).trans <|
-          sdiff_eq.trans <| by
-            convert(map_inf _ _).symm
-            exact (map_compl _).symm }
+          sdiff_eq.trans <| by convert(map_inf _ _).symm; exact (map_compl _).symm }
 #align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra
 end lift
@@ -187,7 +187,6 @@ private theorem sdiff_le' : x \ y ≤ x :=
     x \ y ≤ x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y := le_sup_right
     _ = x := sup_inf_sdiff x y
-#align sdiff_le' sdiff_le'
 -- Use `sdiff_sup_self`
 private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
@@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
     _ = y ⊓ x ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x := by ac_rfl
     _ = y ⊔ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
-#align sdiff_sup_self' sdiff_sup_self'
 /- warning: sdiff_inf_sdiff -> sdiff_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
@@ -1320,7 +1320,7 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11176 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11178 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11176 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11178) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11177 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11179 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11177 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11179) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11208 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11210 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11208 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11210) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11209 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11211 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11209 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11211) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -141,7 +141,12 @@ Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdif
 theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_inf_sdiff]
 #align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf
-#print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot /-
+/- warning: generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot -> GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], OrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))))))
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], OrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))))))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBotₓ'. -/
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
   { GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot α with
@@ -149,7 +154,6 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
       rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
       exact inf_le_left }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
 /- warning: disjoint_inf_sdiff -> disjoint_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
@@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
 /- warning: le_sdiff -> le_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_sdiff le_sdiffₓ'. -/
@@ -347,7 +351,7 @@ theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \
 /- warning: disjoint.sdiff_unique -> Disjoint.sdiff_unique is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_uniqueₓ'. -/
@@ -363,7 +367,7 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
 /- warning: disjoint_sdiff_iff_le -> disjoint_sdiff_iff_le is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_iff_le disjoint_sdiff_iff_leₓ'. -/
@@ -380,7 +384,7 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x)
 /- warning: le_iff_disjoint_sdiff -> le_iff_disjoint_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_iff_disjoint_sdiff le_iff_disjoint_sdiffₓ'. -/
@@ -391,7 +395,7 @@ theorem le_iff_disjoint_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ≤ x ↔ Disjoi
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff -> inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iffₓ'. -/
@@ -404,7 +408,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ 
 /- warning: le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff -> le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiffₓ'. -/
@@ -491,7 +495,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
 /- warning: sdiff_lt -> sdiff_lt is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Ne.{succ u1} α y (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Ne.{succ u1} α y (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Ne.{succ u1} α y (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_lt sdiff_ltₓ'. -/
@@ -504,7 +508,7 @@ theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x :=
 /- warning: le_sdiff_iff -> le_sdiff_iff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Eq.{succ u1} α x (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1)))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_sdiff_iff le_sdiff_iffₓ'. -/
@@ -515,7 +519,7 @@ theorem le_sdiff_iff : x ≤ y \ x ↔ x = ⊥ :=
 /- warning: sdiff_lt_sdiff_right -> sdiff_lt_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_lt_sdiff_right sdiff_lt_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
@@ -589,7 +593,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup -> sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_supₓ'. -/
@@ -610,7 +614,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right_self : x \ (x \ y) = x ⊓ y := by
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_eq_self -> sdiff_sdiff_eq_self is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) y)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_eq_self sdiff_sdiff_eq_selfₓ'. -/
@@ -620,7 +624,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_self (h : y ≤ x) : x \ (x \ y) = y := by
 /- warning: sdiff_eq_symm -> sdiff_eq_symm is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_symm sdiff_eq_symmₓ'. -/
@@ -630,7 +634,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_symm (hy : y ≤ x) (h : x \ y = z) : x \ z = y := by
 /- warning: sdiff_eq_comm -> sdiff_eq_comm is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_comm sdiff_eq_commₓ'. -/
@@ -640,7 +644,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_comm (hy : y ≤ x) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ y = z ↔ x \ z = y :=
 /- warning: eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff -> eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α x y)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α x y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiffₓ'. -/
@@ -791,7 +795,7 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
 /- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_leftₓ'. -/
@@ -805,7 +809,7 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
 /- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLt.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
@@ -855,14 +859,23 @@ class BooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, HasCompl α, SDiff
 #align boolean_algebra BooleanAlgebra
-#print BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder /-
+/- warning: boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order -> BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [h : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], BoundedOrder.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α h))))))
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [h : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], BoundedOrder.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α h))))))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrderₓ'. -/
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder [h : BooleanAlgebra α] : BoundedOrder α :=
   { h with }
 #align boolean_algebra.to_bounded_order BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder
-#print GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra /-
+/- warning: generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra -> GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : OrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))], BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : OrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))], BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non instances]
 /-- A bounded generalized boolean algebra is a boolean algebra. -/
@@ -877,7 +890,6 @@ def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [O
       rw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]
       rfl }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra
 section BooleanAlgebra
@@ -1109,24 +1121,36 @@ theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
   hnot_inf_distrib _ _
 #align compl_inf compl_inf
-#print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
+/- warning: compl_le_compl_iff_le -> compl_le_compl_iff_le is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) x y)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) x y)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
   ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h <;> simp at h <;> assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
-#print compl_le_of_compl_le /-
+/- warning: compl_le_of_compl_le -> compl_le_of_compl_le is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_of_compl_le (h : yᶜ ≤ x) : xᶜ ≤ y := by
   simpa only [compl_compl] using compl_le_compl h
 #align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_le
-#print compl_le_iff_compl_le /-
+/- warning: compl_le_iff_compl_le -> compl_le_iff_compl_le is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y) x)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_leₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
   ⟨compl_le_of_compl_le, compl_le_of_compl_le⟩
 #align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_le
 /- warning: sdiff_compl -> sdiff_compl is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
@@ -1202,17 +1226,25 @@ theorem compl_himp_compl : xᶜ ⇨ yᶜ = y ⇨ x :=
   @compl_sdiff_compl αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_compl
-#print disjoint_compl_left_iff /-
+/- warning: disjoint_compl_left_iff -> disjoint_compl_left_iff is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y x)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) y) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) y x)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint (xᶜ) y ↔ y ≤ x := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_left, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iff
-#print disjoint_compl_right_iff /-
+/- warning: disjoint_compl_right_iff -> disjoint_compl_right_iff is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) x y)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderBot.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) x y)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
 /- warning: codisjoint_himp_self_left -> codisjoint_himp_self_left is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
@@ -1236,7 +1268,7 @@ theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
 /- warning: himp_le -> himp_le is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toHasLe.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
 but is expected to have type
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align himp_le himp_leₓ'. -/
@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11180 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11182 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11180 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11182) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11176 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11178 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11176 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11178) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11212 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11214 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11212 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11214) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11208 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11210 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11208 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11210) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -763,6 +763,12 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
+/- warning: disjoint_sdiff_comm -> disjoint_sdiff_comm is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_commₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
   simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_comm
@@ -1208,14 +1214,32 @@ theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
+/- warning: codisjoint_himp_self_left -> codisjoint_himp_self_left is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) x
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_left
+/- warning: codisjoint_himp_self_right -> codisjoint_himp_self_right is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
   @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
+/- warning: himp_le -> himp_le is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toOrderTop.{u1} α (HeytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toHeytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (And (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) y z) (Codisjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (BoundedOrder.toOrderTop.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))))) (BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder.{u1} α _inst_1)) x z))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align himp_le himp_leₓ'. -/
 theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
   (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' Codisjoint_comm
 #align himp_le himp_le
@@ -1264,7 +1288,7 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11028 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11030 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11028 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11030) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11180 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11182 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11180 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11182) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1275,7 +1299,7 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11060 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11062 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11060 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11062) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11212 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11214 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11212 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11214) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
 ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit bc7d81beddb3d6c66f71449c5bc76c38cb77cf9e
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4
 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
@@ -763,6 +763,10 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
+theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
+  simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
+#align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_comm
 /- warning: sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf -> sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
   forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y))
@@ -1204,6 +1208,18 @@ theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
+theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
+  @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+#align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_left
+theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
+  @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+#align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
+theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
+  (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' Codisjoint_comm
+#align himp_le himp_le
 end BooleanAlgebra
 #print Prop.booleanAlgebra /-
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11024 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11026 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11024 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11026) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11028 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11030 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11028 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11030) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11056 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11058 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11056 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11058) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11060 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11062 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11060 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11062) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
       hf <|
         (map_sdiff _ _).trans <|
           sdiff_eq.trans <| by
-            convert (map_inf _ _).symm
+            convert(map_inf _ _).symm
             exact (map_compl _).symm }
 #align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11024 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11026 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11024 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11026) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 lean 3 declaration is
   Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11056 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11058 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11056 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11058) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
             y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
-            _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
+            _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := (sup_le_sup_right h x)
             _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem]
             )⟩ }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ variable [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α]
 /- warning: sup_inf_sdiff -> sup_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) x
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_sdiff sup_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y = x :=
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@ theorem sup_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y = x :=
 /- warning: inf_inf_sdiff -> inf_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_inf_sdiff inf_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y = ⊥ :=
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ theorem inf_inf_sdiff (x y : α) : x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y = ⊥ :=
 /- warning: sup_sdiff_inf -> sup_sdiff_inf is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) x
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) x
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) x
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) x
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_sdiff_inf sup_sdiff_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by rw [sup_comm, sup_inf_sdiff]
@@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ theorem sup_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y = x := by rw [sup_comm, sup
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_inf -> inf_sdiff_inf is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (x : α) (y : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_infₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_inf_sdiff]
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
 /- warning: disjoint_inf_sdiff -> disjoint_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint_inf_sdiff disjoint_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr (inf_inf_sdiff x y).le
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
 /- warning: sdiff_unique -> sdiff_unique is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_unique sdiff_uniqueₓ'. -/
 -- TODO: in distributive lattices, relative complements are unique when they exist
 theorem sdiff_unique (s : x ⊓ y ⊔ z = x) (i : x ⊓ y ⊓ z = ⊥) : x \ y = z :=
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@ private theorem sdiff_sup_self' : y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x :=
 /- warning: sdiff_inf_sdiff -> sdiff_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_sdiff : Disjoint (x \ y) (y \ x) :=
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_self_right -> inf_sdiff_self_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_self_left -> inf_sdiff_self_left is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) x) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_self_left inf_sdiff_self_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_self_left : y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_sdiff_self_right]
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
 /- warning: disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq -> Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z) y) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eqₓ'. -/
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `generalized_boolean_algebra` using
 `disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \
 /- warning: disjoint.sdiff_unique -> Disjoint.sdiff_unique is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (Disjoint.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_uniqueₓ'. -/
 protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs : y ≤ x ⊔ z) :
     y \ x = z :=
@@ -391,9 +391,9 @@ theorem le_iff_disjoint_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ≤ x ↔ Disjoi
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff -> inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))) (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `is_compl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
 theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x :=
@@ -404,9 +404,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ 
 /- warning: le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff -> le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z y) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x y) -> (Iff (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) (Eq.{succ u1} α y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiffₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.left_le_iff` and `is_compl.right_le_iff`
 theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z ⊔ y \ x :=
@@ -427,9 +427,9 @@ theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z 
 /- warning: sdiff_sup -> sdiff_sup is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sup sdiff_supₓ'. -/
 -- cf. `is_compl.sup_inf`
 theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -454,9 +454,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
 /- warning: sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf -> sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y x) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y x) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y x) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Iff (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y x) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf : y \ x = y \ z ↔ y ⊓ x = y ⊓ z :=
   ⟨fun h =>
@@ -526,9 +526,9 @@ theorem sdiff_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < y) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ z < y \ z :=
 /- warning: sup_inf_inf_sdiff -> sup_inf_inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
@@ -540,9 +540,9 @@ theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right -> sdiff_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
@@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z :=
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right' -> sdiff_sdiff_right' is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
@@ -589,9 +589,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup -> sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) z x) -> (Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_supₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
   rw [sdiff_sdiff_right', inf_eq_right.2 h]
@@ -599,9 +599,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_right_self -> sdiff_sdiff_right_self is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_right_self sdiff_sdiff_right_selfₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right_self : x \ (x \ y) = x ⊓ y := by
@@ -650,18 +650,18 @@ theorem eq_of_sdiff_eq_sdiff (hxz : x ≤ z) (hyz : y ≤ z) (h : z \ x = z \ y)
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_left' -> sdiff_sdiff_left' is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_left' sdiff_sdiff_left'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_left' : (x \ y) \ z = x \ y ⊓ x \ z := by rw [sdiff_sdiff_left, sdiff_sup]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_left' sdiff_sdiff_left'
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff -> sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y) x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) :=
@@ -677,9 +677,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
 /- warning: sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' -> sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z x) y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) z x) y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z x) y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) z x) y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'ₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y :=
@@ -693,9 +693,9 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
 /- warning: inf_sdiff -> inf_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff inf_sdiffₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -716,9 +716,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_assoc -> inf_sdiff_assoc is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y z))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assocₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -735,9 +735,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_right_comm -> inf_sdiff_right_comm is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x z) y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_right_comm inf_sdiff_right_commₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
   rw [@inf_comm _ _ x, inf_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
@@ -745,9 +745,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_distrib_left -> inf_sdiff_distrib_left is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a b) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a b) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a b) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) b c)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a b) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_distrib_left inf_sdiff_distrib_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c) := by
   rw [sdiff_inf, sdiff_eq_bot_iff.2 inf_le_left, bot_sup_eq, inf_sdiff_assoc]
@@ -755,9 +755,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c
 /- warning: inf_sdiff_distrib_right -> inf_sdiff_distrib_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) b c))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) a c) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) b c))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) b c))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α] (a : α) (b : α) (c : α), Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) a b) c) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) a c) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) b c))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓ c) := by
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
@@ -765,9 +765,9 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓
 /- warning: sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf -> sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) y x)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))) x y))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_infₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -781,9 +781,9 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
 /- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z x)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_leftₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
@@ -795,9 +795,9 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
 /- warning: sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right -> sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} {z : α} [_inst_1 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) x (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) z y)) -> (LE.le.{u1} α (Preorder.toLE.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) y z) -> (LT.lt.{u1} α (Preorder.toLT.{u1} α (PartialOrder.toPreorder.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toPartialOrder.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x y) z)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_rightₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :=
@@ -875,9 +875,9 @@ variable [BooleanAlgebra α]
 /- warning: inf_compl_eq_bot' -> inf_compl_eq_bot' is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Bot.bot.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align inf_compl_eq_bot' inf_compl_eq_bot'ₓ'. -/
 theorem inf_compl_eq_bot' : x ⊓ xᶜ = ⊥ :=
@@ -886,9 +886,9 @@ theorem inf_compl_eq_bot' : x ⊓ xᶜ = ⊥ :=
 /- warning: sup_compl_eq_top -> sup_compl_eq_top is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x)) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_compl_eq_top sup_compl_eq_topₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_compl_eq_top : x ⊔ xᶜ = ⊤ :=
@@ -897,9 +897,9 @@ theorem sup_compl_eq_top : x ⊔ xᶜ = ⊤ :=
 /- warning: compl_sup_eq_top -> compl_sup_eq_top is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) x) (Top.top.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u1} α _inst_1))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_topₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
@@ -914,9 +914,9 @@ theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
 /- warning: sdiff_eq -> sdiff_eq is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_eq sdiff_eqₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_eq : x \ y = x ⊓ yᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.sdiff_eq x y
@@ -924,9 +924,9 @@ theorem sdiff_eq : x \ y = x ⊓ yᶜ :=
 /- warning: himp_eq -> himp_eq is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasHimp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (HasSup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HImp.himp.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHImp.{u1} α _inst_1) x y) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (DistribLattice.toLattice.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toDistribLattice.{u1} α _inst_1)))) y (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x))
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align himp_eq himp_eqₓ'. -/
 theorem himp_eq : x ⇨ y = y ⊔ xᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.himp_eq x y
@@ -1088,12 +1088,16 @@ theorem compl_eq_bot : xᶜ = ⊥ ↔ x = ⊤ :=
 #align compl_eq_bot compl_eq_bot
-#print compl_inf /-
+/- warning: compl_inf -> compl_inf is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)) (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) x) (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align compl_inf compl_infₓ'. -/
 theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
   hnot_inf_distrib _ _
 #align compl_inf compl_inf
 #print compl_le_compl_iff_le /-
@@ -1116,9 +1120,9 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
 /- warning: sdiff_compl -> sdiff_compl is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (HasInf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toHasInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u1} α _inst_1) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y)) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sdiff_compl sdiff_complₓ'. -/
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
@@ -1135,11 +1139,15 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
     sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => himp_eq
     himp_eq := fun _ _ => sdiff_eq }
-#print sup_inf_inf_compl /-
+/- warning: sup_inf_inf_compl -> sup_inf_inf_compl is a dubious translation:
+lean 3 declaration is
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))) x
+but is expected to have type
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {x : α} {y : α} [_inst_1 : BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α], Eq.{succ u1} α (Sup.sup.{u1} α (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u1} α (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1)))))) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x y) (Inf.inf.{u1} α (Lattice.toInf.{u1} α (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u1} α (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u1} α _inst_1))))) x (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u1} α _inst_1) y))) x
+Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align sup_inf_inf_compl sup_inf_inf_complₓ'. -/
 theorem sup_inf_inf_compl : x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ yᶜ = x := by rw [← sdiff_eq, sup_inf_sdiff _ _]
 #align sup_inf_inf_compl sup_inf_inf_compl
 /- warning: compl_sdiff -> compl_sdiff is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
@@ -1238,9 +1246,9 @@ instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
 /- warning: bool.sup_eq_bor -> Bool.sup_eq_bor is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (HasSup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) or
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016 : Bool) => HasSup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016) or
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016 : Bool) => Sup.sup.{0} Bool (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool)))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11014 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11016) or
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.sup_eq_bor Bool.sup_eq_borₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
@@ -1249,9 +1257,9 @@ theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
 /- warning: bool.inf_eq_band -> Bool.inf_eq_band is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (HasInf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (Inf.inf.{0} Bool (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{0} Bool Bool.booleanAlgebra)))))) and
 but is expected to have type
-  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048 : Bool) => HasInf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toHasInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048) and
+  Eq.{1} (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) (fun (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 : Bool) (x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048 : Bool) => Inf.inf.{0} Bool (Lattice.toInf.{0} Bool (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{0} Bool (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{0} Bool instBooleanAlgebraBool))))) x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11046 x._@.Mathlib.Order.BooleanAlgebra._hyg.11048) and
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align bool.inf_eq_band Bool.inf_eq_bandₓ'. -/
 theorem Bool.inf_eq_band : (· ⊓ ·) = and :=
@@ -1273,14 +1281,14 @@ section lift
 /- warning: function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra -> Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : HasSup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : HasInf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasSup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (HasSup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasInf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (HasInf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : HasSup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : HasInf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasSup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (HasSup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasInf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (HasInf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toHasInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5)))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_5))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_5))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_4 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_5) (f a) (f b))) -> (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `generalized_boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
-protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf α] [Bot α] [SDiff α]
+protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bot α] [SDiff α]
     [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α :=
@@ -1293,14 +1301,14 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf 
 /- warning: function.injective.boolean_algebra -> Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra is a dubious translation:
 lean 3 declaration is
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : HasSup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : HasInf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasSup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (HasSup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasInf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (HasInf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (SemilatticeInf.toHasInf.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasSdiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
 but is expected to have type
-  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : HasSup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : HasInf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasSup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (HasSup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toHasSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7)))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasInf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (HasInf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toHasInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
+  forall {α : Type.{u1}} {β : Type.{u2}} [_inst_1 : Sup.{u1} α] [_inst_2 : Inf.{u1} α] [_inst_3 : Top.{u1} α] [_inst_4 : Bot.{u1} α] [_inst_5 : HasCompl.{u1} α] [_inst_6 : SDiff.{u1} α] [_inst_7 : BooleanAlgebra.{u2} β] (f : α -> β), (Function.Injective.{succ u1, succ u2} α β f) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Sup.sup.{u1} α _inst_1 a b)) (Sup.sup.{u2} β (SemilatticeSup.toSup.{u2} β (Lattice.toSemilatticeSup.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7)))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Inf.inf.{u1} α _inst_2 a b)) (Inf.inf.{u2} β (Lattice.toInf.{u2} β (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice.{u2} β (CoheytingAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BiheytingAlgebra.toCoheytingAlgebra.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra.{u2} β _inst_7))))) (f a) (f b))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Top.top.{u1} α _inst_3)) (Top.top.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toTop.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (Eq.{succ u2} β (f (Bot.bot.{u1} α _inst_4)) (Bot.bot.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toBot.{u2} β _inst_7))) -> (forall (a : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (HasCompl.compl.{u1} α _inst_5 a)) (HasCompl.compl.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toHasCompl.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a))) -> (forall (a : α) (b : α), Eq.{succ u2} β (f (SDiff.sdiff.{u1} α _inst_6 a b)) (SDiff.sdiff.{u2} β (BooleanAlgebra.toSDiff.{u2} β _inst_7) (f a) (f b))) -> (BooleanAlgebra.{u1} α)
 Case conversion may be inaccurate. Consider using '#align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebraₓ'. -/
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `boolean_algebra` along an injection. -/
-protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf α] [Top α] [Bot α] [HasCompl α]
+protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot α] [HasCompl α]
     [SDiff α] [BooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f (aᶜ) = f aᶜ)

Changes in mathlib4

chore(Order): add missing inst prefix to instance names (#11238)

This is not exhaustive; it largely does not rename instances that relate to algebra, and only focuses on the "core" order files.

@@ -727,9 +727,9 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
 #align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl
-instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ where
-  __ := OrderDual.distribLattice α
-  __ := OrderDual.boundedOrder α
+instance OrderDual.instBooleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ where
+  __ := OrderDual.instDistribLattice α
+  __ := OrderDual.instBoundedOrder α
   compl a := toDual (ofDual aᶜ)
   sdiff a b := toDual (ofDual b ⇨ ofDual a); himp := fun a b => toDual (ofDual b \ ofDual a)
   inf_compl_le_bot a := (@codisjoint_hnot_right _ _ (ofDual a)).top_le
@@ -789,38 +789,38 @@ lemma himp_ne_right : x ⇨ y ≠ x ↔ x ≠ ⊤ ∨ y ≠ ⊤ := himp_eq_left.
 end BooleanAlgebra
-instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop where
-  __ := Prop.heytingAlgebra
+instance Prop.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop where
+  __ := Prop.instHeytingAlgebra
   __ := GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice
   compl := Not
   himp_eq p q := propext imp_iff_or_not
   inf_compl_le_bot p H := H.2 H.1
   top_le_sup_compl p _ := Classical.em p
-#align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.booleanAlgebra
+#align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.instBooleanAlgebra
-instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
+instance Prod.instBooleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
     BooleanAlgebra (α × β) where
-  __ := Prod.heytingAlgebra
-  __ := Prod.distribLattice α β
+  __ := Prod.instHeytingAlgebra
+  __ := Prod.instDistribLattice α β
   himp_eq x y := by ext <;> simp [himp_eq]
   sdiff_eq x y := by ext <;> simp [sdiff_eq]
   inf_compl_le_bot x := by constructor <;> simp
   top_le_sup_compl x := by constructor <;> simp
-instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
+instance Pi.instBooleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
     BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) where
   __ := Pi.sdiff
-  __ := Pi.heytingAlgebra
-  __ := @Pi.distribLattice ι α _
+  __ := Pi.instHeytingAlgebra
+  __ := @Pi.instDistribLattice ι α _
   sdiff_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => sdiff_eq
   himp_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => himp_eq
   inf_compl_le_bot _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _
   top_le_sup_compl _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _
-#align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.booleanAlgebra
+#align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.instBooleanAlgebra
 instance Bool.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Bool where
   __ := Bool.linearOrder
-  __ := Bool.boundedOrder
+  __ := Bool.instBoundedOrder
   __ := Bool.instDistribLattice
   compl := not
   inf_compl_le_bot a := a.and_not_self.le
@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
 end lift
-instance PUnit.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra PUnit := by
+instance PUnit.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra PUnit := by
-  { PUnit.biheytingAlgebra with
+  { PUnit.instBiheytingAlgebra with
     .. } <;> (intros; trivial)
chore: squeeze some non-terminal simps (#11247)

This PR accompanies #11246, squeezing some non-terminal simps highlighted by the linter until I decided to stop!

@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ theorem compl_inf : (x ⊓ y)ᶜ = xᶜ ⊔ yᶜ :=
 theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
-  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h; simp at h; assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
+  ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h; simpa using h, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
 @[simp] lemma compl_lt_compl_iff_lt : yᶜ < xᶜ ↔ x < y :=
chore(Order): Make more arguments explicit (#11033)

Those lemmas have historically been very annoying to use in rw since all their arguments were implicit. One too many people complained about it on Zulip, so I'm changing them.

Downstream code broken by this change can fix it by adding appropriately many _s.

Also marks CauSeq.ext @[ext].


  • top_sup_eq
  • sup_top_eq
  • bot_sup_eq
  • sup_bot_eq
  • top_inf_eq
  • inf_top_eq
  • bot_inf_eq
  • inf_bot_eq


  • sup_idem
  • sup_comm
  • sup_assoc
  • sup_left_idem
  • sup_right_idem
  • inf_idem
  • inf_comm
  • inf_assoc
  • inf_left_idem
  • inf_right_idem
  • sup_inf_left
  • sup_inf_right
  • inf_sup_left
  • inf_sup_right


  • max_min_distrib_left
  • max_min_distrib_right
  • min_max_distrib_left
  • min_max_distrib_right

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <wieser.eric@gmail.com>

@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
       _ = (x ⊓ (y ⊓ x) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ x) ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_sup_left]
       _ = (y ⊓ (x ⊓ x) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ x) ⊓ x \ y := by ac_rfl
       _ = (y ⊓ x ⊔ x ⊓ y \ x) ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_idem]
-      _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_sup_right, @inf_comm _ _ x y]
+      _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_sup_right, inf_comm x y]
       _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
       _ = x ⊓ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by ac_rfl
       _ = x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_of_le_right sdiff_le']
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
     x ⊓ y \ x = (x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y) ⊓ y \ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ y \ x ⊔ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_sup_right]
-    _ = ⊥ := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ x y, inf_inf_sdiff, sdiff_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
+    _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm x y, inf_inf_sdiff, sdiff_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_right
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
             y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
             _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x :=
               by rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
-            _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
+            _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := by rw [← inf_sup_right]))
           y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
           _ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
       rw [← inf_eq_right] at hs
-      rwa [sup_inf_right, inf_sup_right, @sup_comm _ _ x, inf_sup_self, inf_comm, @sup_comm _ _ z,
+      rwa [sup_inf_right, inf_sup_right, sup_comm x, inf_sup_self, inf_comm, sup_comm z,
         hs, sup_eq_left])
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_unique
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
       y ⊓ (x ⊔ z) ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) = (y ⊓ x ⊔ y ⊓ z) ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_left]
       _ = y ⊓ x ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) ⊔ y ⊓ z ⊓ (y \ x ⊓ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_right]
       _ = y ⊓ x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ y \ z ⊔ y \ x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (y ⊓ z)) := by ac_rfl
-      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_inf_eq, bot_sup_eq, @inf_comm _ _ (y \ z),
+      _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_inf_eq, bot_sup_eq, inf_comm (y \ z),
                       inf_inf_sdiff, inf_bot_eq])
 #align sdiff_sup sdiff_sup
@@ -353,11 +353,11 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := by
       _ = (x ⊔ x ⊓ z ⊔ x \ y) ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊓ z ⊔ x \ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ x ⊓ z ⊔ x \ y) := by rw [sup_inf_self, sup_sdiff_left, ← sup_assoc]
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (z ⊔ y) ⊔ x ⊓ (z ⊔ y) ⊔ x \ y) :=
-          by rw [sup_inf_left, sdiff_sup_self', inf_sup_right, @sup_comm _ _ y]
+          by rw [sup_inf_left, sdiff_sup_self', inf_sup_right, sup_comm y]
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊓ z ⊔ x ⊓ y) ⊔ x \ y) :=
           by rw [inf_sdiff_sup_right, @inf_sup_left _ _ x z y]
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊓ z ⊔ (x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y))) := by ac_rfl
-      _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊔ x ⊓ z)) := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff, @sup_comm _ _ (x ⊓ z)]
+      _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊔ (x ⊔ x ⊓ z)) := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff, sup_comm (x ⊓ z)]
       _ = x := by rw [sup_inf_self, sup_comm, inf_sup_self]
   · calc
       x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ (z ⊓ x ⊔ x \ y) = x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ (z ⊓ x) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_sup_left]
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
         by rw [sdiff_sup, sdiff_sdiff_right, sdiff_sdiff_right]
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by rw [sup_inf_left, sup_comm, sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x)) :=
-        by rw [sup_inf_left, @sup_comm _ _ (z \ y), sup_inf_sdiff]
+        by rw [sup_inf_left, sup_comm (z \ y), sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = z ⊓ z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by rw [inf_idem]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff
@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
     z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z \ (x \ y) ⊓ z \ (y \ x) := sdiff_sup
     _ = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ x ⊓ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by rw [sdiff_sdiff_right, sdiff_sdiff_right]
     _ = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by ac_rfl
-    _ = z \ x ⊓ z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x := sup_inf_right.symm
+    _ = z \ x ⊓ z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x := by rw [← sup_inf_right]
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y := by ac_rfl
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
           by rw [sup_inf_right, sup_sdiff_self_right, inf_sup_right, inf_sdiff_sup_right]
       _ = (y ⊓ (x ⊓ (x ⊔ z)) ⊔ x \ z) ⊓ (x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z) := by ac_rfl
       _ = (y ⊓ x ⊔ x \ z) ⊓ (x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z) := by rw [inf_sup_self, sup_inf_inf_sdiff]
-      _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ z ⊓ y \ z := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ y, sup_inf_left]
+      _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ z ⊓ y \ z := by rw [inf_comm y, sup_inf_left]
       _ = x ⊓ y := sup_eq_left.2 (inf_le_inf sdiff_le sdiff_le))
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x \ z ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ y ⊓ (z ⊓ x \ z) ⊓ y \ z := by ac_rfl
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ x ⊓ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
-      _ = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z) := inf_sup_left.symm
+      _ = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z) := by rw [← inf_sup_left]
       _ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff])
       x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊓ (x ⊓ y \ z) = x ⊓ x ⊓ (y ⊓ z ⊓ y \ z) := by ac_rfl
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_assoc : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x ⊓ y \ z :=
 #align inf_sdiff_assoc inf_sdiff_assoc
 theorem inf_sdiff_right_comm : x \ z ⊓ y = (x ⊓ y) \ z := by
-  rw [@inf_comm _ _ x, inf_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
+  rw [inf_comm x, inf_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
 #align inf_sdiff_right_comm inf_sdiff_right_comm
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c) := by
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_left (a b c : α) : a ⊓ b \ c = (a ⊓ b) \ (a ⊓ c
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_left inf_sdiff_distrib_left
 theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓ c) := by
-  simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
+  simp_rw [inf_comm _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
@@ -584,8 +584,7 @@ theorem sup_compl_eq_top : x ⊔ xᶜ = ⊤ :=
 #align sup_compl_eq_top sup_compl_eq_top
-theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
-  sup_comm.trans sup_compl_eq_top
+theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ := by rw [sup_comm, sup_compl_eq_top]
 #align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_top
 theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x xᶜ :=
@@ -619,8 +618,8 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra
   __ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
   hnot := compl
   le_himp_iff a b c := by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le]
-  himp_bot _ := _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq
-  top_sdiff _ := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
+  himp_bot _ := _root_.himp_eq.trans (bot_sup_eq _)
+  top_sdiff a := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
chore: move Mathlib to v4.7.0-rc1 (#11162)

This is a very large PR, but it has been reviewed piecemeal already in PRs to the bump/v4.7.0 branch as we update to intermediate nightlies.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Kyle Miller <kmill31415@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: damiano <adomani@gmail.com>

@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra
   hnot := compl
   le_himp_iff a b c := by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le]
   himp_bot _ := _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq
-  top_sdiff a := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
+  top_sdiff _ := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
style(Order): use where __ := x instead of := { x with } (#10588)

The former style encourages one parent per line, which is easier to review and see diffs of. It also allows a handful of := fun a b =>s to be replaced with the less noisy a b :=.

A small number of inferInstanceAs _ withs were removed, as they are automatic in those places anyway.

@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_inf (x y : α) : x \ y ⊓ (x ⊓ y) = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm,
 #align inf_sdiff_inf inf_sdiff_inf
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
-instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α :=
-  { GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot with
-    bot_le := fun a => by
-      rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
-      exact inf_le_left }
+instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot : OrderBot α where
+  __ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBot
+  bot_le a := by
+    rw [← inf_inf_sdiff a a, inf_assoc]
+    exact inf_le_left
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_order_bot GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
 theorem disjoint_inf_sdiff : Disjoint (x ⊓ y) (x \ y) :=
@@ -178,32 +178,33 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_left : y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := by rw [inf_comm, inf_sdiff_se
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra :
-    GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra α :=
-  { ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot with
-    sdiff := (· \ ·),
-    sdiff_le_iff := fun y x z =>
-      ⟨fun h =>
-        le_of_inf_le_sup_le
-          (le_of_eq
-            (calc
-              y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
-              _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x :=
-                by rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
-              _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
+    GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra α where
+  __ := ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›
+  __ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
+  sdiff := (· \ ·)
+  sdiff_le_iff y x z :=
+    ⟨fun h =>
+      le_of_inf_le_sup_le
+        (le_of_eq
-            y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
-            _ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
-            _ = y \ x ⊔ x ⊔ z := by rw [← sup_assoc, ← @sdiff_sup_self' _ x y]
-            _ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl),
-        fun h =>
-        le_of_inf_le_sup_le
-          (calc
-            y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := inf_sdiff_self_left
-            _ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le)
-          (calc
-            y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
-            _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
-            _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩ }
+            y ⊓ y \ x = y \ x := inf_of_le_right sdiff_le'
+            _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y \ x :=
+              by rw [inf_eq_right.2 h, inf_sdiff_self_right, bot_sup_eq]
+            _ = (x ⊔ z) ⊓ y \ x := inf_sup_right.symm))
+        (calc
+          y ⊔ y \ x = y := sup_of_le_left sdiff_le'
+          _ ≤ y ⊔ (x ⊔ z) := le_sup_left
+          _ = y \ x ⊔ x ⊔ z := by rw [← sup_assoc, ← @sdiff_sup_self' _ x y]
+          _ = x ⊔ z ⊔ y \ x := by ac_rfl),
+      fun h =>
+      le_of_inf_le_sup_le
+        (calc
+          y \ x ⊓ x = ⊥ := inf_sdiff_self_left
+          _ ≤ z ⊓ x := bot_le)
+        (calc
+          y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
+          _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
+          _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_left : Disjoint (y \ x) x :=
@@ -556,15 +557,17 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBoundedOrder [h : BooleanAlgebra α]
 /-- A bounded generalized boolean algebra is a boolean algebra. -/
 def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [OrderTop α] :
-    BooleanAlgebra α :=
-  { ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot, ‹OrderTop α› with
-    compl := fun a => ⊤ \ a,
-    inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.le_bot,
-    top_le_sup_compl := fun _ => le_sup_sdiff,
-    sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by
+    BooleanAlgebra α where
+  __ := ‹GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α›
+  __ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toOrderBot
+  __ := ‹OrderTop α›
+  compl a := ⊤ \ a
+  inf_compl_le_bot _ := disjoint_sdiff_self_right.le_bot
+  top_le_sup_compl _ := le_sup_sdiff
+  sdiff_eq _ _ := by
       -- Porting note: changed `rw` to `erw` here.
       -- https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/issues/5164
-      erw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq] }
+      erw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq]
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra
 section BooleanAlgebra
@@ -603,20 +606,21 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice : ComplementedLa
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra :
-    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α :=
-  { ‹BooleanAlgebra α› with
-    sup_inf_sdiff := fun a b => by rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_sup_left, sup_compl_eq_top, inf_top_eq],
-    inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => by
-      rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_inf_distrib_left, inf_compl_eq_bot', inf_bot_eq] }
+    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α where
+  __ := ‹BooleanAlgebra α›
+  sup_inf_sdiff a b := by rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_sup_left, sup_compl_eq_top, inf_top_eq]
+  inf_inf_sdiff a b := by
+    rw [sdiff_eq, ← inf_inf_distrib_left, inf_compl_eq_bot', inf_bot_eq]
 #align boolean_algebra.to_generalized_boolean_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
 -- See note [lower instance priority]
-instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra α :=
-  { ‹BooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra with
-    hnot := compl,
-    le_himp_iff := fun a b c => by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le],
-    himp_bot := fun _ => _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq,
-    top_sdiff := fun a => by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl }
+instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra α where
+  __ := ‹BooleanAlgebra α›
+  __ := GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
+  hnot := compl
+  le_himp_iff a b c := by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le]
+  himp_bot _ := _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq
+  top_sdiff a := by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
@@ -724,15 +728,15 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
 #align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl
-instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
-  { OrderDual.distribLattice α, OrderDual.boundedOrder α with
-    compl := fun a => toDual (ofDual aᶜ),
-    sdiff :=
-      fun a b => toDual (ofDual b ⇨ ofDual a), himp := fun a b => toDual (ofDual b \ ofDual a),
-    inf_compl_le_bot := fun a => (@codisjoint_hnot_right _ _ (ofDual a)).top_le,
-    top_le_sup_compl := fun a => (@disjoint_compl_right _ _ (ofDual a)).le_bot,
-    sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => @himp_eq α _ _ _,
-    himp_eq := fun _ _ => @sdiff_eq α _ _ _, }
+instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ where
+  __ := OrderDual.distribLattice α
+  __ := OrderDual.boundedOrder α
+  compl a := toDual (ofDual aᶜ)
+  sdiff a b := toDual (ofDual b ⇨ ofDual a); himp := fun a b => toDual (ofDual b \ ofDual a)
+  inf_compl_le_bot a := (@codisjoint_hnot_right _ _ (ofDual a)).top_le
+  top_le_sup_compl a := (@disjoint_compl_right _ _ (ofDual a)).le_bot
+  sdiff_eq _ _ := @himp_eq α _ _ _
+  himp_eq _ _ := @sdiff_eq α _ _ _
 theorem sup_inf_inf_compl : x ⊓ y ⊔ x ⊓ yᶜ = x := by rw [← sdiff_eq, sup_inf_sdiff _ _]
@@ -786,12 +790,13 @@ lemma himp_ne_right : x ⇨ y ≠ x ↔ x ≠ ⊤ ∨ y ≠ ⊤ := himp_eq_left.
 end BooleanAlgebra
-instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
-  { Prop.heytingAlgebra, GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice with
-    compl := Not,
-    himp_eq := fun p q => propext imp_iff_or_not,
-    inf_compl_le_bot := fun p ⟨Hp, Hpc⟩ => Hpc Hp,
-    top_le_sup_compl := fun p _ => Classical.em p }
+instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop where
+  __ := Prop.heytingAlgebra
+  __ := GeneralizedHeytingAlgebra.toDistribLattice
+  compl := Not
+  himp_eq p q := propext imp_iff_or_not
+  inf_compl_le_bot p H := H.2 H.1
+  top_le_sup_compl p _ := Classical.em p
 #align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.booleanAlgebra
 instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
@@ -804,12 +809,14 @@ instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
   top_le_sup_compl x := by constructor <;> simp
 instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
-    BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) :=
-  { Pi.sdiff, Pi.heytingAlgebra, @Pi.distribLattice ι α _ with
-    sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => funext fun _ => sdiff_eq,
-    himp_eq := fun _ _ => funext fun _ => himp_eq,
-    inf_compl_le_bot := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _,
-    top_le_sup_compl := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _ }
+    BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) where
+  __ := Pi.sdiff
+  __ := Pi.heytingAlgebra
+  __ := @Pi.distribLattice ι α _
+  sdiff_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => sdiff_eq
+  himp_eq _ _ := funext fun _ => himp_eq
+  inf_compl_le_bot _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.inf_compl_le_bot _
+  top_le_sup_compl _ _ := BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _
 #align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.booleanAlgebra
 instance Bool.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Bool where
@@ -844,11 +851,11 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bo
     [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) :
-    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α :=
-  { hf.generalizedCoheytingAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff,
-    hf.distribLattice f map_sup map_inf with
-    sup_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_sup, map_sdiff, map_inf, sup_inf_sdiff],
-    inf_inf_sdiff := fun a b => hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot] }
+    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α where
+  __ := hf.generalizedCoheytingAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff
+  __ := hf.distribLattice f map_sup map_inf
+  sup_inf_sdiff a b := hf <| by erw [map_sup, map_sdiff, map_inf, sup_inf_sdiff]
+  inf_inf_sdiff a b := hf <| by erw [map_inf, map_sdiff, map_inf, inf_inf_sdiff, map_bot]
 #align function.injective.generalized_boolean_algebra Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
@@ -858,19 +865,17 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
     [SDiff α] [BooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f aᶜ = (f a)ᶜ)
-    (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : BooleanAlgebra α :=
-  { hf.generalizedBooleanAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff with
-    compl := compl,
-    top := ⊤,
-    le_top := fun a => (@le_top β _ _ _).trans map_top.ge,
-    bot_le := fun a => map_bot.le.trans bot_le,
-    inf_compl_le_bot :=
-      fun a => ((map_inf _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, inf_compl_eq_bot, map_bot]).le,
-    top_le_sup_compl :=
-      fun a => ((map_sup _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, sup_compl_eq_top, map_top]).ge,
-    sdiff_eq := fun a b => by
-      refine hf ((map_sdiff _ _).trans (sdiff_eq.trans ?_))
-      rw [map_inf, map_compl] }
+    (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : BooleanAlgebra α where
+  __ := hf.generalizedBooleanAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff
+  compl := compl
+  top := ⊤
+  le_top a := (@le_top β _ _ _).trans map_top.ge
+  bot_le a := map_bot.le.trans bot_le
+  inf_compl_le_bot a := ((map_inf _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, inf_compl_eq_bot, map_bot]).le
+  top_le_sup_compl a := ((map_sup _ _).trans <| by rw [map_compl, sup_compl_eq_top, map_top]).ge
+  sdiff_eq a b := by
+    refine hf ((map_sdiff _ _).trans (sdiff_eq.trans ?_))
+    rw [map_inf, map_compl]
 #align function.injective.boolean_algebra Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra
 end lift
chore(*): replace $ with <| (#9319)

See Zulip thread for the discussion.

@@ -773,11 +773,11 @@ theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
 #align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
 theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
-  (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' $ @Codisjoint_comm _ (_) _ _ _
+  (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' <| @Codisjoint_comm _ (_) _ _ _
 #align himp_le himp_le
 @[simp] lemma himp_le_iff : x ⇨ y ≤ x ↔ x = ⊤ :=
-  ⟨fun h ↦ codisjoint_self.1 $ codisjoint_himp_self_right.mono_right h, fun h ↦ le_top.trans h.ge⟩
+  ⟨fun h ↦ codisjoint_self.1 <| codisjoint_himp_self_right.mono_right h, fun h ↦ le_top.trans h.ge⟩
 @[simp] lemma himp_eq_left : x ⇨ y = x ↔ x = ⊤ ∧ y = ⊤ := by
   rw [codisjoint_himp_self_left.eq_iff]; aesop
feat: When a \ b = b \ a (#9109)

and other simple order lemmas

From LeanAPAP and LeanCamCombi

@@ -326,6 +326,11 @@ theorem le_sdiff_iff : x ≤ y \ x ↔ x = ⊥ :=
   ⟨fun h => disjoint_self.1 (disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_right h), fun h => h.le.trans bot_le⟩
 #align le_sdiff_iff le_sdiff_iff
+@[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_right : x \ y = y ↔ x = ⊥ ∧ y = ⊥ := by
+  rw [disjoint_sdiff_self_left.eq_iff]; aesop
+lemma sdiff_ne_right : x \ y ≠ y ↔ x ≠ ⊥ ∨ y ≠ ⊥ := sdiff_eq_right.not.trans not_and_or
 theorem sdiff_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < y) (hz : z ≤ x) : x \ z < y \ z :=
   (sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.le).lt_of_not_le
     fun h' => h.not_le <| le_sdiff_sup.trans <| sup_le_of_le_sdiff_right h' hz
@@ -771,6 +776,14 @@ theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
   (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' $ @Codisjoint_comm _ (_) _ _ _
 #align himp_le himp_le
+@[simp] lemma himp_le_iff : x ⇨ y ≤ x ↔ x = ⊤ :=
+  ⟨fun h ↦ codisjoint_self.1 $ codisjoint_himp_self_right.mono_right h, fun h ↦ le_top.trans h.ge⟩
+@[simp] lemma himp_eq_left : x ⇨ y = x ↔ x = ⊤ ∧ y = ⊤ := by
+  rw [codisjoint_himp_self_left.eq_iff]; aesop
+lemma himp_ne_right : x ⇨ y ≠ x ↔ x ≠ ⊤ ∨ y ≠ ⊤ := himp_eq_left.not.trans not_and_or
 end BooleanAlgebra
 instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
chore: space after (#8178)

Co-authored-by: Moritz Firsching <firsching@google.com>

@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
 lemma le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
   ⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h ↦
-    by rw [←h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
+    by rw [← h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
 #align le_sdiff le_sdiff
 @[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
refactor: New Colex API (#7715)

This fully rewrites Combinatorics.Colex to use a type synonym approach instead of abusing defeq.

We also provide some API about initial segments of colex.

Co-authored-by: Mario Carneiro <di.gama@gmail.com>

@@ -417,6 +417,15 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y := by ac_rfl
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
+lemma sdiff_sdiff_sdiff_cancel_left (hca : z ≤ x) : (x \ y) \ (x \ z) = z \ y :=
+  sdiff_sdiff_sdiff_le_sdiff.antisymm <|
+    (disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_left sdiff_le).le_sdiff_of_le_left <| sdiff_le_sdiff_right hca
+lemma sdiff_sdiff_sdiff_cancel_right (hcb : z ≤ y) : (x \ z) \ (y \ z) = x \ y := by
+  rw [le_antisymm_iff, sdiff_le_comm]
+  exact ⟨sdiff_sdiff_sdiff_le_sdiff,
+    (disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_right sdiff_le).le_sdiff_of_le_left <| sdiff_le_sdiff_left hcb⟩
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
feat: Product of generalized boolean algebras (#8180)
@@ -482,13 +482,18 @@ theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right (h : x < z \ y) (hyz : y ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z :
   exact (sdiff_le_sdiff_of_sup_le_sup_right h').trans sdiff_le
 #align sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_right
+instance Prod.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] :
+    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α × β) where
+  sup_inf_sdiff _ _ := Prod.ext (sup_inf_sdiff _ _) (sup_inf_sdiff _ _)
+  inf_inf_sdiff _ _ := Prod.ext (inf_inf_sdiff _ _) (inf_inf_sdiff _ _)
 -- Porting note:
 -- Once `pi_instance` has been ported, this is just `by pi_instance`.
-instance Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] :
-    GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α → β) where
+instance Pi.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra {ι : Type*} {α : ι → Type*}
+    [∀ i, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α i)] : GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) where
   sup_inf_sdiff := fun f g => funext fun a => sup_inf_sdiff (f a) (g a)
   inf_inf_sdiff := fun f g => funext fun a => inf_inf_sdiff (f a) (g a)
-#align pi.generalized_boolean_algebra Pi.generalizedBooleanAlgebra
+#align pi.generalized_boolean_algebra Pi.instGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
 end GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
chore(Order/BooleanAlgebra): reduce risk of instance diamonds (#8099)

We need sup and max to be defeq, and max is defined in Std. To achieve this, we define one in terms of the other.

Until #8105 was merged (which fixed up leanprover/std4#183), they were not defeq:

example :
  (GeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra.toLattice : Lattice Bool).sup =
    DistribLattice.toLattice.sup :=
  rfl -- failed

This instance in this PR should have been written such that it couldn't silently cause a diamond in the first place, by reusing existing data rather than creating new data.

@@ -785,20 +785,13 @@ instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlg
     top_le_sup_compl := fun _ _ => BooleanAlgebra.top_le_sup_compl _ }
 #align pi.boolean_algebra Pi.booleanAlgebra
-instance : BooleanAlgebra Bool :=
-  { Bool.linearOrder, Bool.boundedOrder with
-    sup := or,
-    le_sup_left := Bool.left_le_or,
-    le_sup_right := Bool.right_le_or,
-    sup_le := fun _ _ _ => Bool.or_le,
-    inf := and,
-    inf_le_left := Bool.and_le_left,
-    inf_le_right := Bool.and_le_right,
-    le_inf := fun _ _ _ => Bool.le_and,
-    le_sup_inf := by decide,
-    compl := not,
-    inf_compl_le_bot := fun a => a.and_not_self.le,
-    top_le_sup_compl := fun a => a.or_not_self.ge }
+instance Bool.instBooleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Bool where
+  __ := Bool.linearOrder
+  __ := Bool.boundedOrder
+  __ := Bool.instDistribLattice
+  compl := not
+  inf_compl_le_bot a := a.and_not_self.le
+  top_le_sup_compl a := a.or_not_self.ge
 theorem Bool.sup_eq_bor : (· ⊔ ·) = or :=
feat: Order isomorphism between Finset α and Set α (#7375)

over a fintype.

Also fix the name of Finset.mem_powerset_len_univ_iff (it should be powersetLen, not powerset_len).

@@ -685,6 +685,9 @@ theorem compl_le_compl_iff_le : yᶜ ≤ xᶜ ↔ x ≤ y :=
   ⟨fun h => by have h := compl_le_compl h; simp at h; assumption, compl_le_compl⟩
 #align compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
+@[simp] lemma compl_lt_compl_iff_lt : yᶜ < xᶜ ↔ x < y :=
+  lt_iff_lt_of_le_iff_le' compl_le_compl_iff_le compl_le_compl_iff_le
 theorem compl_le_of_compl_le (h : yᶜ ≤ x) : xᶜ ≤ y := by
   simpa only [compl_compl] using compl_le_compl h
 #align compl_le_of_compl_le compl_le_of_compl_le
chore: banish Type _ and Sort _ (#6499)

We remove all possible occurences of Type _ and Sort _ in favor of Type* and Sort*.

This has nice performance benefits.

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ open Function OrderDual
 universe u v
-variable {α : Type u} {β : Type _} {w x y z : α}
+variable {α : Type u} {β : Type*} {w x y z : α}
 ### Generalized Boolean algebras
chore: script to replace headers with #align_import statements (#5979)

Open in Gitpod

Co-authored-by: Eric Wieser <wieser.eric@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@gmail.com>

@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@
 Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
-! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4
-! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
-! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathlib.Order.Heyting.Basic
+#align_import order.boolean_algebra from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4"
 # (Generalized) Boolean algebras
feat: CompletelyDistribLattice (#5238)

Adds new CompletelyDistribLattice/CompleteAtomicBooleanAlgebra classes for complete lattices / complete atomic Boolean algebras that are also completely distributive, and removes the misleading claim that CompleteDistribLattice/CompleteBooleanAlgebra are completely distributive.

  • Product/pi/order dual instances for completely distributive lattices, etc.
  • Every complete linear order is a completely distributive lattice.
  • Every atomic complete Boolean algebra is a complete atomic Boolean algebra.
  • Every complete atomic Boolean algebra is indeed (co)atom(ist)ic.
  • Atom(ist)ic orders are closed under pis.
  • All existing types with CompleteDistribLattice instances are upgraded to CompletelyDistribLattice.
  • All existing types with CompleteBooleanAlgebra instances are upgraded to CompleteAtomicBooleanAlgebra.

See related discussion on Zulip.

@@ -696,11 +696,16 @@ theorem compl_le_iff_compl_le : xᶜ ≤ y ↔ yᶜ ≤ x :=
   ⟨compl_le_of_compl_le, compl_le_of_compl_le⟩
 #align compl_le_iff_compl_le compl_le_iff_compl_le
+@[simp] theorem compl_le_self : xᶜ ≤ x ↔ x = ⊤ := by simpa using le_compl_self (a := xᶜ)
+@[simp] theorem compl_lt_self [Nontrivial α] : xᶜ < x ↔ x = ⊤ := by
+  simpa using lt_compl_self (a := xᶜ)
 theorem sdiff_compl : x \ yᶜ = x ⊓ y := by rw [sdiff_eq, compl_compl]
 #align sdiff_compl sdiff_compl
-instance : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
+instance OrderDual.booleanAlgebra (α) [BooleanAlgebra α] : BooleanAlgebra αᵒᵈ :=
   { OrderDual.distribLattice α, OrderDual.boundedOrder α with
     compl := fun a => toDual (ofDual aᶜ),
     sdiff :=
@@ -762,6 +767,15 @@ instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
     top_le_sup_compl := fun p _ => Classical.em p }
 #align Prop.boolean_algebra Prop.booleanAlgebra
+instance Prod.booleanAlgebra (α β) [BooleanAlgebra α] [BooleanAlgebra β] :
+    BooleanAlgebra (α × β) where
+  __ := Prod.heytingAlgebra
+  __ := Prod.distribLattice α β
+  himp_eq x y := by ext <;> simp [himp_eq]
+  sdiff_eq x y := by ext <;> simp [sdiff_eq]
+  inf_compl_le_bot x := by constructor <;> simp
+  top_le_sup_compl x := by constructor <;> simp
 instance Pi.booleanAlgebra {ι : Type u} {α : ι → Type v} [∀ i, BooleanAlgebra (α i)] :
     BooleanAlgebra (∀ i, α i) :=
   { Pi.sdiff, Pi.heytingAlgebra, @Pi.distribLattice ι α _ with
fix: change compl precedence (#5586)

Co-authored-by: Yury G. Kudryashov <urkud@urkud.name>

@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
   sup_comm.trans sup_compl_eq_top
 #align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_top
-theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
+theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x xᶜ :=
   IsCompl.of_eq inf_compl_eq_bot' sup_compl_eq_top
 #align is_compl_compl isCompl_compl
@@ -732,11 +732,11 @@ theorem compl_himp_compl : xᶜ ⇨ yᶜ = y ⇨ x :=
   @compl_sdiff_compl αᵒᵈ _ _ _
 #align compl_himp_compl compl_himp_compl
-theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint (xᶜ) y ↔ y ≤ x := by
+theorem disjoint_compl_left_iff : Disjoint xᶜ y ↔ y ≤ x := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_left, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_left_iff disjoint_compl_left_iff
-theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
+theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x yᶜ ↔ x ≤ y := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bo
 protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot α] [HasCompl α]
     [SDiff α] [BooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
-    (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f (aᶜ) = f aᶜ)
+    (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f aᶜ = (f a)ᶜ)
     (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) : BooleanAlgebra α :=
   { hf.generalizedBooleanAlgebra f map_sup map_inf map_bot map_sdiff with
     compl := compl,
chore: cleanup porting notes about refine_struct (#5542)

Replace some porting notes about refine_struct with uses of refine'. We only really miss refine_struct in situations where we later used pi_instance_derive_field.

I also exercised some editorial discretion to remove some porting notes about refine_struct when the original usage was (in my opinion) obfuscatory relative to just writing out the fields. (We shouldn't be using alternatives to handle different fields!)

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@gmail.com>

@@ -841,11 +841,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot
 end lift
--- Porting note: when `refine_struct` is ported this can be by:
--- refine_struct { PUnit.biheytingAlgebra with } <;>
---   intros <;> first |trivial|exact Subsingleton.elim _ _
-instance PUnit.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra PUnit :=
+instance PUnit.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra PUnit := by
+  refine'
   { PUnit.biheytingAlgebra with
-    le_sup_inf := by intros; trivial
-    inf_compl_le_bot := by intros; trivial
-    top_le_sup_compl := by intros; trivial }
+    .. } <;> (intros; trivial)
chore: add links to issue for rw regressions (#5167)

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@anu.edu.au>

@@ -547,6 +547,7 @@ def GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra α] [O
     top_le_sup_compl := fun _ => le_sup_sdiff,
     sdiff_eq := fun _ _ => by
       -- Porting note: changed `rw` to `erw` here.
+      -- https://github.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/issues/5164
       erw [← inf_sdiff_assoc, inf_top_eq] }
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toBooleanAlgebra
chore: fix grammar 3/3 (#5003)

Part 3 of #5001

@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, SDiff 
   inf_inf_sdiff : ∀ a b : α, a ⊓ b ⊓ a \ b = ⊥
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
--- We might want a `IsCompl_of` predicate (for relative complements) generalizing `IsCompl`,
+-- We might want an `IsCompl_of` predicate (for relative complements) generalizing `IsCompl`,
 -- however we'd need another type class for lattices with bot, and all the API for that.
 section GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
chore: formatting issues (#4947)

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@anu.edu.au> Co-authored-by: Parcly Taxel <reddeloostw@gmail.com>

@@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_right
 lemma le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
-⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h ↦
-  by rw [←h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
+  ⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h ↦
+    by rw [←h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
 #align le_sdiff le_sdiff
 @[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
-⟨fun h ↦ disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
+  ⟨fun h ↦ disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
 #align sdiff_eq_left sdiff_eq_left
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra` using
chore: fix upper/lowercase in comments (#4360)
  • Run a non-interactive version of fix-comments.py on all files.
  • Go through the diff and manually add/discard/edit chunks.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ The `sup_inf_sdiff` and `inf_inf_sdiff` axioms for the relative complement opera
 [Stone's paper introducing generalized Boolean algebras][Stone1935] does not define a relative
 complement operator `a \ b` for all `a`, `b`. Instead, the postulates there amount to an assumption
 that for all `a, b : α` where `a ≤ b`, the equations `x ⊔ a = b` and `x ⊓ a = ⊥` have a solution
-`x`. `disjoint.sdiff_unique` proves that this `x` is in fact `b \ a`.
+`x`. `Disjoint.sdiff_unique` proves that this `x` is in fact `b \ a`.
 ## References
feat: add Mathlib.Tactic.Common, and import (#4056)

This makes a mathlib4 version of mathlib3's tactic.basic, now called Mathlib.Tactic.Common, which imports all tactics which do not have significant theory requirements, and then is imported all across the base of the hierarchy.

This ensures that all common tactics are available nearly everywhere in the library, rather than having to be imported one-by-one as you need them.

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <scott.morrison@gmail.com>

@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathlib.Order.Heyting.Basic
-import Aesop
 # (Generalized) Boolean algebras
chore: fix #align lines (#3640)

This PR fixes two things:

  • Most align statements for definitions and theorems and instances that are separated by two newlines from the relevant declaration (s/\n\n#align/\n#align). This is often seen in the mathport output after ending calc blocks.
  • All remaining more-than-one-line #align statements. (This was needed for a script I wrote for #3630.)
@@ -162,7 +162,6 @@ theorem sdiff_inf_sdiff : x \ y ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
       _ = x ⊓ y \ x ⊓ x \ y := by rw [inf_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
       _ = x ⊓ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by ac_rfl
       _ = x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_of_le_right sdiff_le']
 #align sdiff_inf_sdiff sdiff_inf_sdiff
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_sdiff : Disjoint (x \ y) (y \ x) :=
@@ -175,7 +174,6 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_self_right : x ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ :=
     x ⊓ y \ x = (x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y) ⊓ y \ x := by rw [sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊓ y \ x ⊔ x \ y ⊓ y \ x := by rw [inf_sup_right]
     _ = ⊥ := by rw [@inf_comm _ _ x y, inf_inf_sdiff, sdiff_inf_sdiff, bot_sup_eq]
 #align inf_sdiff_self_right inf_sdiff_self_right
@@ -315,7 +313,6 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
     x \ y = x ↔ x \ y = x \ ⊥ := by rw [sdiff_bot]
     _ ↔ x ⊓ y = x ⊓ ⊥ := sdiff_eq_sdiff_iff_inf_eq_inf
     _ ↔ Disjoint y x := by rw [inf_bot_eq, inf_comm, disjoint_iff]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
@@ -343,7 +340,6 @@ theorem sup_inf_inf_sdiff : x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z :=
     x ⊓ y ⊓ z ⊔ y \ z = x ⊓ (y ⊓ z) ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_assoc]
     _ = (x ⊔ y \ z) ⊓ y := by rw [sup_inf_right, sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = x ⊓ y ⊔ y \ z := by rw [inf_sup_right, inf_sdiff_left]
 #align sup_inf_inf_sdiff sup_inf_inf_sdiff
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := by
@@ -368,8 +364,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := by
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ y) ⊓ x \ y := by conv_lhs => rw [← inf_sdiff_left]
       _ = x ⊓ (y \ z ⊓ (y ⊓ x \ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = ⊥ := by rw [inf_sdiff_self_right, inf_bot_eq, inf_bot_eq]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right sdiff_sdiff_right
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
@@ -377,7 +371,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_right' : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z :=
     x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ y ⊓ z := sdiff_sdiff_right
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ x \ y := by ac_rfl
     _ = x \ y ⊔ x ⊓ z := by rw [sup_inf_inf_sdiff, sup_comm, inf_comm]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_right' sdiff_sdiff_right'
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_eq_sdiff_sup (h : z ≤ x) : x \ (y \ z) = x \ y ⊔ z := by
@@ -417,7 +410,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓
         by rw [sup_inf_left, @sup_comm _ _ (z \ y), sup_inf_sdiff]
     _ = z ⊓ z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z ⊓ (z \ x ⊔ y) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ x) := by rw [inf_idem]
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff
 theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y :=
@@ -427,7 +419,6 @@ theorem sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' : z \ (x \ y ⊔ y \ x) = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x
     _ = (z \ x ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) ⊓ (z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x) := by ac_rfl
     _ = z \ x ⊓ z \ y ⊔ z ⊓ y ⊓ x := sup_inf_right.symm
     _ = z ⊓ x ⊓ y ⊔ z \ x ⊓ z \ y := by ac_rfl
 #align sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff' sdiff_sdiff_sup_sdiff'
 theorem inf_sdiff : (x ⊓ y) \ z = x \ z ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -479,7 +470,6 @@ theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :
       _ = (x \ y ⊔ x ⊔ y \ x) ⊓ (x \ y ⊔ (y \ x ⊔ y)) := by ac_rfl
       _ = (x ⊔ y \ x) ⊓ (x \ y ⊔ y) := by rw [sup_sdiff_right, sup_sdiff_right]
       _ = x ⊔ y := by rw [sup_sdiff_self_right, sup_sdiff_self_left, inf_idem]
 #align sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf
 theorem sup_lt_of_lt_sdiff_left (h : y < z \ x) (hxz : x ≤ z) : x ⊔ y < z := by
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
 ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit bc7d81beddb3d6c66f71449c5bc76c38cb77cf9e
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 9ac7c0c8c4d7a535ec3e5b34b8859aab9233b2f4
 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
@@ -468,6 +468,10 @@ theorem inf_sdiff_distrib_right (a b c : α) : a \ b ⊓ c = (a ⊓ c) \ (b ⊓
   simp_rw [@inf_comm _ _ _ c, inf_sdiff_distrib_left]
 #align inf_sdiff_distrib_right inf_sdiff_distrib_right
+theorem disjoint_sdiff_comm : Disjoint (x \ z) y ↔ Disjoint x (y \ z) := by
+  simp_rw [disjoint_iff, inf_sdiff_right_comm, inf_sdiff_assoc]
+#align disjoint_sdiff_comm disjoint_sdiff_comm
 theorem sup_eq_sdiff_sup_sdiff_sup_inf : x ⊔ y = x \ y ⊔ y \ x ⊔ x ⊓ y :=
   Eq.symm <|
@@ -746,6 +750,18 @@ theorem disjoint_compl_right_iff : Disjoint x (yᶜ) ↔ x ≤ y := by
   rw [← le_compl_iff_disjoint_right, compl_compl]
 #align disjoint_compl_right_iff disjoint_compl_right_iff
+theorem codisjoint_himp_self_left : Codisjoint (x ⇨ y) x :=
+  @disjoint_sdiff_self_left αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+#align codisjoint_himp_self_left codisjoint_himp_self_left
+theorem codisjoint_himp_self_right : Codisjoint x (x ⇨ y) :=
+  @disjoint_sdiff_self_right αᵒᵈ _ _ _
+#align codisjoint_himp_self_right codisjoint_himp_self_right
+theorem himp_le : x ⇨ y ≤ z ↔ y ≤ z ∧ Codisjoint x z :=
+  (@le_sdiff αᵒᵈ _ _ _ _).trans <| and_congr_right' $ @Codisjoint_comm _ (_) _ _ _
+#align himp_le himp_le
 end BooleanAlgebra
 instance Prop.booleanAlgebra : BooleanAlgebra Prop :=
refactor: rename HasSup/HasInf to Sup/Inf (#2475)

Co-authored-by: Yury G. Kudryashov <urkud@urkud.name>

@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ section lift
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra` along an injection. -/
-protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf α] [Bot α] [SDiff α]
+protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Bot α] [SDiff α]
     [GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_sdiff : ∀ a b, f (a \ b) = f a \ f b) :
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ protected def Function.Injective.generalizedBooleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf 
 -- See note [reducible non-instances]
 /-- Pullback a `BooleanAlgebra` along an injection. -/
-protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [HasSup α] [HasInf α] [Top α] [Bot α] [HasCompl α]
+protected def Function.Injective.booleanAlgebra [Sup α] [Inf α] [Top α] [Bot α] [HasCompl α]
     [SDiff α] [BooleanAlgebra β] (f : α → β) (hf : Injective f)
     (map_sup : ∀ a b, f (a ⊔ b) = f a ⊔ f b) (map_inf : ∀ a b, f (a ⊓ b) = f a ⊓ f b)
     (map_top : f ⊤ = ⊤) (map_bot : f ⊥ = ⊥) (map_compl : ∀ a, f (aᶜ) = f aᶜ)
chore: add missing #align statements (#1902)

This PR is the result of a slight variant on the following "algorithm"

  • take all mathlib 3 names, remove _ and make all uppercase letters into lowercase
  • take all mathlib 4 names, remove _ and make all uppercase letters into lowercase
  • look for matches, and create pairs (original_lean3_name, OriginalLean4Name)
  • for pairs that do not have an align statement:
    • use Lean 4 to lookup the file + position of the Lean 4 name
    • add an #align statement just before the next empty line
  • manually fix some tiny mistakes (e.g., empty lines in proofs might cause the #align statement to have been inserted too early)
@@ -223,9 +223,11 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
 lemma le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
 ⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h ↦
   by rw [←h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
+#align le_sdiff le_sdiff
 @[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
 ⟨fun h ↦ disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
+#align sdiff_eq_left sdiff_eq_left
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra` using
 `Disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
chore: the style linter shouldn't complain about long #align lines (#1643)
@@ -210,9 +210,7 @@ instance (priority := 100) GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgeb
             y \ x ⊔ x = y ⊔ x := sdiff_sup_self'
             _ ≤ x ⊔ z ⊔ x := sup_le_sup_right h x
             _ ≤ z ⊔ x := by rw [sup_assoc, sup_comm, sup_assoc, sup_idem])⟩ }
-  generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra
-  GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
+#align generalized_boolean_algebra.to_generalized_coheyting_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_left : Disjoint (y \ x) x :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_left.le
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
 ! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
-! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 39af7d3bf61a98e928812dbc3e16f4ea8b795ca3
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit bc7d81beddb3d6c66f71449c5bc76c38cb77cf9e
 ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
 ! if you have ported upstream changes.
@@ -222,6 +222,13 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_right.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_right
+lemma le_sdiff : x ≤ y \ z ↔ x ≤ y ∧ Disjoint x z :=
+⟨fun h ↦ ⟨h.trans sdiff_le, disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h⟩, fun h ↦
+  by rw [←h.2.sdiff_eq_left]; exact sdiff_le_sdiff_right h.1⟩
+@[simp] lemma sdiff_eq_left : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y :=
+⟨fun h ↦ disjoint_sdiff_self_left.mono_left h.ge, Disjoint.sdiff_eq_left⟩
 /- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra` using
 `Disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
 theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \ x = z :=
@@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint y x :=
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint
 theorem sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' : x \ y = x ↔ Disjoint x y := by
-  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint, Disjoint.comm]
+  rw [sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint, disjoint_comm]
 #align sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint' sdiff_eq_self_iff_disjoint'
 theorem sdiff_lt (hx : y ≤ x) (hy : y ≠ ⊥) : x \ y < x := by
chore: fix more casing errors per naming scheme (#1232)

I've avoided anything under Tactic or test.

In correcting the names, I found Option.isNone_iff_eq_none duplicated between Std and Mathlib, so the Mathlib one has been removed.

Co-authored-by: Reid Barton <rwbarton@gmail.com>

@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, SDiff 
   inf_inf_sdiff : ∀ a b : α, a ⊓ b ⊓ a \ b = ⊥
 #align generalized_boolean_algebra GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
--- We might want a `is_compl_of` predicate (for relative complements) generalizing `is_compl`,
+-- We might want a `IsCompl_of` predicate (for relative complements) generalizing `IsCompl`,
 -- however we'd need another type class for lattices with bot, and all the API for that.
 section GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra
@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_self_right : Disjoint x (y \ x) :=
   disjoint_iff_inf_le.mpr inf_sdiff_self_right.le
 #align disjoint_sdiff_self_right disjoint_sdiff_self_right
-/- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `generalized_boolean_algebra` using
-`disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
+/- TODO: we could make an alternative constructor for `GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra` using
+`Disjoint x (y \ x)` and `x ⊔ (y \ x) = y` as axioms. -/
 theorem Disjoint.sdiff_eq_of_sup_eq (hi : Disjoint x z) (hs : x ⊔ z = y) : y \ x = z :=
   have h : y ⊓ x = x := inf_eq_right.2 <| le_sup_left.trans hs.le
   sdiff_unique (by rw [h, hs]) (by rw [h, hi.eq_bot])
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ protected theorem Disjoint.sdiff_unique (hd : Disjoint x z) (hz : z ≤ y) (hs :
     (by rw [inf_assoc, hd.eq_bot, inf_bot_eq])
 #align disjoint.sdiff_unique Disjoint.sdiff_unique
--- cf. `is_compl.disjoint_left_iff` and `is_compl.disjoint_right_iff`
+-- cf. `IsCompl.disjoint_left_iff` and `IsCompl.disjoint_right_iff`
 theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x) ↔ z ≤ x :=
   ⟨fun H =>
     le_of_inf_le_sup_le (le_trans H.le_bot bot_le)
@@ -250,18 +250,18 @@ theorem disjoint_sdiff_iff_le (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : Disjoint z (y \ x)
     fun H => disjoint_sdiff_self_right.mono_left H⟩
 #align disjoint_sdiff_iff_le disjoint_sdiff_iff_le
--- cf. `is_compl.le_left_iff` and `is_compl.le_right_iff`
+-- cf. `IsCompl.le_left_iff` and `IsCompl.le_right_iff`
 theorem le_iff_disjoint_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ≤ x ↔ Disjoint z (y \ x) :=
   (disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx).symm
 #align le_iff_disjoint_sdiff le_iff_disjoint_sdiff
--- cf. `is_compl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `is_compl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
+-- cf. `IsCompl.inf_left_eq_bot_iff` and `IsCompl.inf_right_eq_bot_iff`
 theorem inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : z ⊓ y \ x = ⊥ ↔ z ≤ x := by
   rw [← disjoint_iff]
   exact disjoint_sdiff_iff_le hz hx
 #align inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff inf_sdiff_eq_bot_iff
--- cf. `is_compl.left_le_iff` and `is_compl.right_le_iff`
+-- cf. `IsCompl.left_le_iff` and `IsCompl.right_le_iff`
 theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z ⊔ y \ x :=
   ⟨fun H => by
     apply le_antisymm
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ theorem le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff (hz : z ≤ y) (hx : x ≤ y) : x ≤ z ↔ y = z 
     exact bot_le⟩
 #align le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff le_iff_eq_sup_sdiff
--- cf. `is_compl.sup_inf`
+-- cf. `IsCompl.sup_inf`
 theorem sdiff_sup : y \ (x ⊔ z) = y \ x ⊓ y \ z :=
@@ -612,24 +612,24 @@ theorem top_sdiff : ⊤ \ x = xᶜ :=
   top_sdiff' x
 #align top_sdiff top_sdiff
-theorem eq_compl_iff_is_compl : x = yᶜ ↔ IsCompl x y :=
+theorem eq_compl_iff_isCompl : x = yᶜ ↔ IsCompl x y :=
   ⟨fun h => by
     rw [h]
     exact isCompl_compl.symm, IsCompl.eq_compl⟩
-#align eq_compl_iff_is_compl eq_compl_iff_is_compl
+#align eq_compl_iff_is_compl eq_compl_iff_isCompl
-theorem compl_eq_iff_is_compl : xᶜ = y ↔ IsCompl x y :=
+theorem compl_eq_iff_isCompl : xᶜ = y ↔ IsCompl x y :=
   ⟨fun h => by
     rw [← h]
     exact isCompl_compl, IsCompl.compl_eq⟩
-#align compl_eq_iff_is_compl compl_eq_iff_is_compl
+#align compl_eq_iff_is_compl compl_eq_iff_isCompl
 theorem compl_eq_comm : xᶜ = y ↔ yᶜ = x := by
-  rw [eq_comm, compl_eq_iff_is_compl, eq_compl_iff_is_compl]
+  rw [eq_comm, compl_eq_iff_isCompl, eq_compl_iff_isCompl]
 #align compl_eq_comm compl_eq_comm
 theorem eq_compl_comm : x = yᶜ ↔ y = xᶜ := by
-  rw [eq_comm, compl_eq_iff_is_compl, eq_compl_iff_is_compl]
+  rw [eq_comm, compl_eq_iff_isCompl, eq_compl_iff_isCompl]
 #align eq_compl_comm eq_compl_comm
chore: various naming fixes (#1258)
@@ -568,9 +568,9 @@ theorem compl_sup_eq_top : xᶜ ⊔ x = ⊤ :=
   sup_comm.trans sup_compl_eq_top
 #align compl_sup_eq_top compl_sup_eq_top
-theorem is_compl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
+theorem isCompl_compl : IsCompl x (xᶜ) :=
   IsCompl.of_eq inf_compl_eq_bot' sup_compl_eq_top
-#align is_compl_compl is_compl_compl
+#align is_compl_compl isCompl_compl
 theorem sdiff_eq : x \ y = x ⊓ yᶜ :=
   BooleanAlgebra.sdiff_eq x y
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ theorem himp_eq : x ⇨ y = y ⊔ xᶜ :=
 #align himp_eq himp_eq
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice : ComplementedLattice α :=
-  ⟨fun x => ⟨xᶜ, is_compl_compl⟩⟩
+  ⟨fun x => ⟨xᶜ, isCompl_compl⟩⟩
 #align boolean_algebra.to_complemented_lattice BooleanAlgebra.toComplementedLattice
 -- see Note [lower instance priority]
@@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedBooleanAlgebra :
 instance (priority := 100) BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra : BiheytingAlgebra α :=
   { ‹BooleanAlgebra α›, GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra.toGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra with
     hnot := compl,
-    le_himp_iff := fun a b c => by rw [himp_eq, is_compl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le],
+    le_himp_iff := fun a b c => by rw [himp_eq, isCompl_compl.le_sup_right_iff_inf_left_le],
     himp_bot := fun _ => _root_.himp_eq.trans bot_sup_eq,
     top_sdiff := fun a => by rw [sdiff_eq, top_inf_eq]; rfl }
 #align boolean_algebra.to_biheyting_algebra BooleanAlgebra.toBiheytingAlgebra
@@ -615,13 +615,13 @@ theorem top_sdiff : ⊤ \ x = xᶜ :=
 theorem eq_compl_iff_is_compl : x = yᶜ ↔ IsCompl x y :=
   ⟨fun h => by
     rw [h]
-    exact is_compl_compl.symm, IsCompl.eq_compl⟩
+    exact isCompl_compl.symm, IsCompl.eq_compl⟩
 #align eq_compl_iff_is_compl eq_compl_iff_is_compl
 theorem compl_eq_iff_is_compl : xᶜ = y ↔ IsCompl x y :=
   ⟨fun h => by
     rw [← h]
-    exact is_compl_compl, IsCompl.compl_eq⟩
+    exact isCompl_compl, IsCompl.compl_eq⟩
 #align compl_eq_iff_is_compl compl_eq_iff_is_compl
 theorem compl_eq_comm : xᶜ = y ↔ yᶜ = x := by
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ theorem eq_compl_comm : x = yᶜ ↔ y = xᶜ := by
 theorem compl_compl (x : α) : xᶜᶜ = x :=
-  (@is_compl_compl _ x _).symm.compl_eq
+  (@isCompl_compl _ x _).symm.compl_eq
 #align compl_compl compl_compl
 theorem compl_comp_compl : compl ∘ compl = @id α :=
chore: fix casing per naming scheme (#1183)

Fix a lot of wrong casing mostly in the docstrings but also sometimes in def/theorem names. E.g. fin 2 --> Fin 2, add_monoid_hom --> AddMonoidHom

Remove \n from to_additive docstrings that were inserted by mathport.

Move files and directories with Gcd and Smul to GCD and SMul

@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ Some of the lemmas in this section are from:
 operation `\` (called `sdiff`, after "set difference") satisfying `(a ⊓ b) ⊔ (a \ b) = a` and
 `(a ⊓ b) ⊓ (a \ b) = ⊥`, i.e. `a \ b` is the complement of `b` in `a`.
-This is a generalization of Boolean algebras which applies to `finset α` for arbitrary
-(not-necessarily-`fintype`) `α`. -/
+This is a generalization of Boolean algebras which applies to `Finset α` for arbitrary
+(not-necessarily-`Fintype`) `α`. -/
 class GeneralizedBooleanAlgebra (α : Type u) extends DistribLattice α, SDiff α, Bot α where
   /-- For any `a`, `b`, `(a ⊓ b) ⊔ (a / b) = a` -/
   sup_inf_sdiff : ∀ a b : α, a ⊓ b ⊔ a \ b = a
chore: add source headers to ported theory files (#1094)

The script used to do this is included. The yaml file was obtained from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/leanprover-community/mathlib/mathlib4-port-status.md

@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
 Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
 Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
 Authors: Johannes Hölzl, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
+! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module order.boolean_algebra
+! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 39af7d3bf61a98e928812dbc3e16f4ea8b795ca3
+! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id
+! if you have ported upstream changes.
 import Mathlib.Order.Heyting.Basic
 import Aesop

Dependencies 28

29 files ported (100.0%)
14557 lines ported (100.0%)

All dependencies are ported!