IMO 1975 Q1 #
Let x₁, x₂, ... , xₙ
and y₁, y₂, ... , yₙ
be two sequences of real numbers, such that
x₁ ≥ x₂ ≥ ... ≥ xₙ
and y₁ ≥ y₂ ≥ ... ≥ yₙ
. Prove that if z₁, z₂, ... , zₙ
is any permutation
of y₁, y₂, ... , yₙ
, then ∑ (xᵢ - yᵢ)^2 ≤ ∑ (xᵢ - zᵢ)^2
Solution #
Firstly, we expand the squares within both sums and distribute into separate finite sums. Then,
noting that ∑ yᵢ ^ 2 = ∑ zᵢ ^ 2
, it remains to prove that ∑ xᵢ * zᵢ ≤ ∑ xᵢ * yᵢ
, which is true
by the Rearrangement Inequality
(n : ℕ)
(σ : Equiv.Perm ℕ)
(x y : ℕ → ℝ)
(hσ : {x : ℕ | σ x ≠ x} ⊆ ↑(Finset.Icc 1 n))
(hx : AntitoneOn x ↑(Finset.Icc 1 n))
(hy : AntitoneOn y ↑(Finset.Icc 1 n))