Monotonicity #
This file defines (strictly) monotone/antitone functions. Contrary to standard mathematical usage, "monotone"/"mono" here means "increasing", not "increasing or decreasing". We use "antitone"/"anti" to mean "decreasing".
Definitions #
Monotone f
: A functionf
between two preorders is monotone ifa ≤ b
impliesf a ≤ f b
.Antitone f
: A functionf
between two preorders is antitone ifa ≤ b
impliesf b ≤ f a
.MonotoneOn f s
: Same asMonotone f
, but for alla, b ∈ s
.AntitoneOn f s
: Same asAntitone f
, but for alla, b ∈ s
.StrictMono f
: A functionf
between two preorders is strictly monotone ifa < b
impliesf a < f b
.StrictAnti f
: A functionf
between two preorders is strictly antitone ifa < b
impliesf b < f a
.StrictMonoOn f s
: Same asStrictMono f
, but for alla, b ∈ s
.StrictAntiOn f s
: Same asStrictAnti f
, but for alla, b ∈ s
Implementation notes #
Some of these definitions used to only require LE α
or LT α
. The advantage of this is
unclear and it led to slight elaboration issues. Now, everything requires Preorder α
and seems to
work fine. Related Zulip discussion:
Tags #
monotone, strictly monotone, antitone, strictly antitone, increasing, strictly increasing, decreasing, strictly decreasing
Monotonicity in function spaces #
Monotonicity hierarchy #
These four lemmas are there to strip off the semi-implicit arguments ⦃a b : α⦄
. This is useful
when you do not want to apply a Monotone
assumption (i.e. your goal is a ≤ b → f a ≤ f b
However if you find yourself writing hf.imp h
, then you should have written hf h
Monotonicity from and to subsingletons #
Miscellaneous monotonicity results #
Monotonicity under composition #
Monotonicity in linear orders #
Pi types #
Alias of the forward direction of monotone_iff_apply₂
Alias of the reverse direction of monotone_iff_apply₂
Alias of the reverse direction of antitone_iff_apply₂
Alias of the forward direction of antitone_iff_apply₂