Decision procedure: necessary condition #
We introduce a condition Decstr
and show that if a string en
is Derivable
, then Decstr en
Using this, we give a negative answer to the question: is "MU"
Tags #
miu, decision procedure
Numerical condition on the I
count #
Suppose st : Miustr
. Then count I st
is the number of I
s in st
. We'll show, if
Derivable st
, then count I st
must be 1 or 2 modulo 3. To do this, it suffices to show that if
the en : Miustr
is derived from st
, then count I en
moudulo 3 is either equal to or is twice
count I st
, modulo 3.
Given st en : Miustr
, the relation CountEquivOrEquivTwoMulMod3 st en
holds if st
either have equal count I
, modulo 3, or count I en
is twice count I st
, modulo 3.
- Miu.CountEquivOrEquivTwoMulMod3 st en = (List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I en ≡ List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I st [MOD 3] ∨ List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I en ≡ 2 * List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I st [MOD 3])
Instances For
shows any derivable string must have a count I
is 1 or 2 modulo 3.
Using the above theorem, we solve the MU puzzle, showing that "MU"
is not derivable.
Once we have proved that Derivable
is an instance of DecidablePred
, this will follow
immediately from dec_trivial
Condition on M
That solves the MU puzzle, but we'll proceed by demonstrating the other necessary condition for a string to be derivable, namely that the string must start with an M and contain no M in its tail.
Goodm xs
holds if xs : Miustr
begins with M
and has no M
in its tail.
- Miu.Goodm xs = (List.headI xs = Miu.MiuAtom.M ∧ Miu.MiuAtom.M ∉ List.tail xs)
Instances For
We'll show, for each i
from 1 to 4, that if en
follows by Rule i
from st
and if
Goodm st
holds, then so does Goodm en
The proof of the next lemma is identical, on the tactic level, to the previous proof.
Any derivable string must begin with M
and have no M
in its tail.
We put together our two conditions to give one necessary condition Decstr
for an Miustr
to be
Decstr en
is the condition that count I en
is 1 or 2 modulo 3, that en
starts with M
, and
that en
has no M
in its tail. We automatically derive that this is a decidable predicate.
- Miu.Decstr en = (Miu.Goodm en ∧ (List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I en % 3 = 1 ∨ List.count Miu.MiuAtom.I en % 3 = 2))