Congruences modulo a natural number #
This file defines the equivalence relation a ≡ b [MOD n]
on the natural numbers,
and proves basic properties about it such as the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Notations #
a ≡ b [MOD n]
is notation for nat.ModEq n a b
, which is defined to mean a % n = b % n
Tags #
ModEq, congruence, mod, MOD, modulo
Modular equality. n.ModEq a b
, or a ≡ b [MOD n]
, means that a - b
is a multiple of n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
- Nat.instDecidableModEq = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (a % n = b % n))
- Nat.ModEq.instTrans = { trans := ⋯ }
Alias of the forward direction of Nat.modEq_iff_dvd
Alias of the reverse direction of Nat.modEq_iff_dvd