Orders #
Defines classes for preorders, partial orders, and linear orders and proves some basic lemmas about them.
Unbundled classes #
IsAntisymm X r
means the binary relation r
on X
is antisymmetric.
- antisymm (a b : α) : r a b → r b a → a = b
- instTransOfIsTrans = { trans := ⋯ }
IsPreorder X r
means that the binary relation r
on X
is a pre-order, that is, reflexive
and transitive.
IsPartialOrder X r
means that the binary relation r
on X
is a partial order, that is,
IsPreorder X r
and IsAntisymm X r
IsLinearOrder X r
means that the binary relation r
on X
is a linear order, that is,
IsPartialOrder X r
and IsTotal X r
IsEquiv X r
means that the binary relation r
on X
is an equivalence relation, that
is, IsPreorder X r
and IsSymm X r
IsStrictWeakOrder X lt
means that the binary relation lt
on X
is a strict weak order,
that is, IsStrictOrder X lt
and ¬lt a b ∧ ¬lt b a → ¬lt b c ∧ ¬lt c b → ¬lt a c ∧ ¬lt c a
IsTrichotomous X lt
means that the binary relation lt
on X
is trichotomous, that is,
either lt a b
or a = b
or lt b a
for any a
and b
IsStrictTotalOrder X lt
means that the binary relation lt
on X
is a strict total order,
that is, IsTrichotomous X lt
and IsStrictOrder X lt
Equality is an equivalence relation.
as a definition, suitable for use in proofs.
- Transitive r = ∀ ⦃x y z : α⦄, r x y → r y z → r x z
Instances For
as a definition, suitable for use in proofs.
- Irreflexive r = ∀ (x : α), ¬r x x
Instances For
as a definition, suitable for use in proofs.
- AntiSymmetric r = ∀ ⦃x y : α⦄, r x y → r y x → x = y
Instances For
Minimal and maximal #
Upper and lower sets #
The type of upper sets of an order.
An upper set in an order α
is a set such that any element greater than one of its members is
also a member. Also called up-set, upward-closed set.
- carrier : Set α
The carrier of an
. - upper' : IsUpperSet self.carrier
The carrier of an
is an upper set.
Instances For
The type of lower sets of an order.
A lower set in an order α
is a set such that any element less than one of its members is also
a member. Also called down-set, downward-closed set.
- carrier : Set α
The carrier of a
. - lower' : IsLowerSet self.carrier
The carrier of a
is a lower set.
Instances For
A version of antisymm
with r
This lemma matches the lemmas from lean core in Init.Algebra.Classes
, but is missing there.
A version of antisymm'
with r
This lemma matches the lemmas from lean core in Init.Algebra.Classes
, but is missing there.
In a trichotomous irreflexive order, every element is determined by the set of predecessors.