ofFnLEAux f
returns the BitVec m
whose i
th bit is f i
when i < m
, little endian.
- BitVec.ofFnLEAux m f = Fin.foldr n (fun (i : Fin n) (v : BitVec m) => v.shiftConcat (f i)) 0
Instances For
ofFnLE f
returns the BitVec n
whose i
th bit is f i
with little endian ordering.
- BitVec.ofFnLE f = BitVec.ofFnLEAux n f
Instances For
ofFnBE f
returns the BitVec n
whose i
th bit is f i
with big endian ordering.
- BitVec.ofFnBE f = BitVec.ofFnLE fun (i : Fin n) => f i.rev