

structure Batteries.DList (α : Type u) :

A difference List is a Function that, given a List, returns the original contents of the difference List prepended to the given List. This structure supports O(1) append and push operations on lists, making it useful for append-heavy uses such as logging and pretty printing.

Instances For
    def Batteries.DList.ofList {α : Type u} (l : List α) :

    O(1) (apply is O(|l|)). Convert a List α into a DList α.

    Instances For

      O(1) (apply is O(1)). Return an empty DList α.

      Instances For
        def Batteries.DList.toList {α : Type u} :
        DList αList α

        O(apply()). Convert a DList α into a List α by running the apply function.

        • { apply := f, invariant := invariant }.toList = f []
        Instances For
          def Batteries.DList.singleton {α : Type u} (a : α) :

          O(1) (apply is O(1)). A DList α corresponding to the list [a].

          Instances For
            def Batteries.DList.cons {α : Type u} :
            αDList αDList α

            O(1) (apply is O(1)). Prepend a on a DList α.

            Instances For
              def Batteries.DList.append {α : Type u} :
              DList αDList αDList α

              O(1) (apply is O(1)). Append two DList α.

              • { apply := f, invariant := h₁ }.append { apply := g, invariant := h₂ } = { apply := f g, invariant := }
              Instances For
                def Batteries.DList.push {α : Type u} :
                DList ααDList α

                O(1) (apply is O(1)). Append an element at the end of a DList α.

                • { apply := f, invariant := h }.push x✝ = { apply := fun (t : List α) => f (x✝ :: t), invariant := }
                Instances For
                  def Batteries.DList.ofThunk {α : Type u} (l : Thunk (List α)) :

                  Convert a lazily-evaluated List to a DList

                  Instances For
                    @[deprecated Batteries.DList.ofThunk (since := "2024-10-16")]
                    def Batteries.DList.lazy_ofList {α : Type u} (l : Thunk (List α)) :

                    Alias of Batteries.DList.ofThunk.

                    Convert a lazily-evaluated List to a DList

                    Instances For
                      def Batteries.DList.join {α : Type u_1} :
                      List (DList α)DList α

                      Concatenates a list of difference lists to form a single difference list. Similar to List.join.

                      Instances For