Basics for the Rational Numbers #
Rational numbers, implemented as a pair of integers num / den
such that the
denominator is positive and the numerator and denominator are coprime.
- mk' :: (
- num : Int
The numerator of the rational number is an integer.
- den : Nat
The denominator of the rational number is a natural number.
The denominator is nonzero.
The numerator and denominator are coprime: it is in "reduced form".
- )
Instances For
- instInhabitedRat = { default := { num := 0, den := 1, den_nz := instInhabitedRat.proof_1, reduced := instInhabitedRat.proof_2 } }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Auxiliary definition for Rat.normalize
. Constructs num / den
as a rational number,
dividing both num
and den
by g
(which is the gcd of the two) if it is not 1.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Construct a normalized Rat
from a numerator and nonzero denominator.
This is a "smart constructor" that divides the numerator and denominator by
the gcd to ensure that the resulting rational number is normalized.
- Rat.normalize num den den_nz = Rat.maybeNormalize num den (num.natAbs.gcd den) ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
Construct a rational number from a numerator and denominator.
This is a "smart constructor" that divides the numerator and denominator by
the gcd to ensure that the resulting rational number is normalized, and returns
zero if den
is zero.
- mkRat num den = if den_nz : den = 0 then { num := 0, den := 1, den_nz := mkRat.proof_1, reduced := mkRat.proof_2 } else Rat.normalize num den den_nz
Instances For
- Rat.instNatCast = { natCast := fun (n : Nat) => Rat.ofInt ↑n }
Form the quotient n / d
where n d : Int
- Rat.divInt x✝ (Int.ofNat d) = inline (mkRat x✝ d)
- Rat.divInt x✝ (Int.negSucc d) = Rat.normalize (-x✝) d.succ ⋯
Instances For
Form the quotient n / d
where n d : Int
- Rat.«term_/._» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `Rat.«term_/._» 70 70 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " /. ") ( `term 71))
Instances For
Implements "scientific notation" 123.4e-5
for rational numbers. (This definition is
because you don't want to unfold it. Use Rat.ofScientific_def
, or Rat.ofScientific_false_def
Instances For
- Rat.instOfScientific = { ofScientific := fun (m : Nat) (s : Bool) (e : Nat) => Rat.ofScientific (OfNat.ofNat m) s (OfNat.ofNat e) }
- a.instDecidableLt b = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (a.blt b = true))
- a.instDecidableLe b = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (b.blt a = false))
Division of rational numbers. Note: div a 0 = 0
. Written with a separate function Rat.div
as a wrapper so that the definition is not unfolded at .instance
- Rat.instDiv = { div := Rat.div }