The expression binderNameHint v binder e
defined to be e
If it is used on the right-hand side of an equation that is used for rewriting by rw
or simp
and v
is a local variable, and binder
is an expression that (after beta-reduction) is a binder
(fun w => …
or ∀ w, …
), then it will rename v
to the name used in that binder, and remove
the binderNameHint
A typical use of this gadget would be as follows; the gadget ensures that after rewriting, the local
variable is still name
, and not x
theorem all_eq_not_any_not (l : List α) (p : α → Bool) :
l.all p = !l.any fun x => binderNameHint x p (!p x) := sorry
example (names : List String) : names.all (fun name => "Waldo".isPrefixOf name) = true := by
rw [all_eq_not_any_not]
-- ⊢ (!names.any fun name => !"Waldo".isPrefixOf name) = true
If binder
is not a binder, then the name of v
attains a macro scope. This only matters when the
resulting term is used in a non-hygienic way, e.g. in termination proofs for well-founded recursion.
This gadget is supported by
in the right-hand-side of an equationsimp
in the assumptions of congruence rules
It is ineffective in other positions (hyptheses of rewrite rules) or when used by other tactics
(e.g. apply
- binderNameHint v binder e = e