Disjoint union of types #
This file defines basic operations on the the sum type α ⊕ β
α ⊕ β
is the type made of a copy of α
and a copy of β
. It is also called disjoint union.
Main declarations #
: Returns whetherx : α ⊕ β
comes from the left component or not.Sum.isRight
: Returns whetherx : α ⊕ β
comes from the right component or not.Sum.getLeft
: Retrieves the left content of ax : α ⊕ β
that is known to come from the left.Sum.getRight
: Retrieves the right content ofx : α ⊕ β
that is known to come from the right.Sum.getLeft?
: Retrieves the left content ofx : α ⊕ β
as an option type or returnsnone
if it's coming from the right.Sum.getRight?
: Retrieves the right content ofx : α ⊕ β
as an option type or returnsnone
if it's coming from the left.Sum.map
: Mapsα ⊕ β
toγ ⊕ δ
: Nondependent eliminator/induction principle forα ⊕ β
: Mapsα ⊕ β
toβ ⊕ α
by swapping components.Sum.LiftRel
: The disjoint union of two relations.Sum.Lex
: Lexicographic order onα ⊕ β
induced by a relation onα
and a relation onβ
Further material #
See Init.Data.Sum.Lemmas
for theorems about these definitions.
Notes #
The definition of Sum
takes values in Type _
. This effectively forbids Prop
- valued sum types.
To this effect, we have PSum
, which takes value in Sort _
and carries a more complicated
universe signature in consequence. The Prop
version is Or
{α✝ : Type u_1}
{β✝ : Type u_2}
[DecidableEq α✝]
[DecidableEq β✝]
DecidableEq (α✝ ⊕ β✝)
- Sum.instBEq = { beq := Sum.beqSum✝ }
{α : Type u_1}
{γ : Type u_2}
{β : Type u_3}
{δ : Type u_4}
(r : α → γ → Prop)
(s : β → δ → Prop)
Lifts pointwise two relations between α
and γ
and between β
and δ
to a relation between
α ⊕ β
and γ ⊕ δ
- inl {α : Type u_1} {γ : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} {δ : Type u_4} {r : α → γ → Prop} {s : β → δ → Prop} {a : α} {c : γ} : r a c → LiftRel r s (inl a) (inl c)
- inr {α : Type u_1} {γ : Type u_2} {β : Type u_3} {δ : Type u_4} {r : α → γ → Prop} {s : β → δ → Prop} {b : β} {d : δ} : s b d → LiftRel r s (inr b) (inr d)
Instances For
{α : Type u_1}
{γ : Type u_2}
{β : Type u_3}
{δ : Type u_4}
{r : α → γ → Prop}
{s : β → δ → Prop}
[(a : α) → (c : γ) → Decidable (r a c)]
[(b : β) → (d : δ) → Decidable (s b d)]
(ab : α ⊕ β)
(cd : γ ⊕ δ)
- (Sum.inl val).instDecidableLiftRel (Sum.inl val_1) = decidable_of_iff' (r val val_1) ⋯
- (Sum.inl val).instDecidableLiftRel (Sum.inr val_1) = isFalse ⋯
- (Sum.inr val).instDecidableLiftRel (Sum.inl val_1) = isFalse ⋯
- (Sum.inr val).instDecidableLiftRel (Sum.inr val_1) = decidable_of_iff' (s val val_1) ⋯
Lexicographic order for sum. Sort all the inl a
before the inr b
, otherwise use the
respective order on α
or β
- inl {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β → Prop} {a₁ a₂ : α} (h : r a₁ a₂) : Lex r s (inl a₁) (inl a₂)
- inr {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β → Prop} {b₁ b₂ : β} (h : s b₁ b₂) : Lex r s (inr b₁) (inr b₂)
- sep {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {r : α → α → Prop} {s : β → β → Prop} (a : α) (b : β) : Lex r s (inl a) (inr b)
Instances For
{α✝ : Type u_1}
{r : α✝ → α✝ → Prop}
{α✝¹ : Type u_2}
{s : α✝¹ → α✝¹ → Prop}
[DecidableRel r]
[DecidableRel s]
DecidableRel (Lex r s)
- (Sum.inl a).instDecidableRelSumLex (Sum.inl b) = decidable_of_iff' (r a b) ⋯
- (Sum.inl val).instDecidableRelSumLex (Sum.inr val_1) = isTrue ⋯
- (Sum.inr val).instDecidableRelSumLex (Sum.inl val_1) = isFalse ⋯
- (Sum.inr a).instDecidableRelSumLex (Sum.inr b) = decidable_of_iff' (s a b) ⋯