

Elaborator framework for (mutual) inductives #

This module defines the framework for elaborating (mutually recursive) inductive types. Commands such as inductive and structure plug into this framework, and the framework orchestrates their mutual elaboration.

The main entry point for new inductive commands are the @[builtin_inductive_elab]/@[inductive_elab] attributes, which register a handler for a given decl syntax.

The main entry point to elaboration are the functions

For mutual ... end in particular:

See the docstring on Lean.Elab.Command.InductiveElabDescr for an overview of the framework.

View of a constructor. Only ref, modifiers, declName, and declId are required by the mutual inductive elaborator itself.

  • Syntax for the whole constructor.

  • declName : Lean.Name

    Fully qualified name of the constructor.

  • declId : Lean.Syntax

    Syntax for the name of the constructor, used to apply terminfo. If the source is synthetic, terminfo is not applied.

  • binders : Lean.Syntax

    For handler use. The inductive uses it for the binders to the constructor.

  • For handler use. The inductive command uses it for the resulting type for the constructor.

Instances For
    Instances For

      A view for generic inductive types.

      Instances For
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

        Elaborated header for an inductive type before fvars for each inductive are added to the local context.

        Instances For
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

          An intermediate step for mutual inductive elaboration. See InductiveElabDescr.

          Instances For
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

            Descriptor for a command processor that elaborates an inductive type.

            Elaboration occurs in the following steps:

            • Every command has its mkInductiveView evaluated, producing InductiveViews and callbacks for the next steps (all recorded in InductiveElabStep1).
            • Each InductiveView gets elaborated, creating ElabHeaderResults, and the local contexts are unified into a single one with a consistent set of parameters between each inductive.
            • Each callback is called to elaborate each inductives' constructors and some additional callbacks (all recorded in InductiveElabStep2).
            • Fvars are collected from the constructors and from the InductiveStep2.collectUsedFVars callbacks. This is used to compute the final set of scoped variables that should be used as additional parameters.
            • Universe levels are checked. Commands can give custom errors using InductiveStep2.collectUniverses.
            • Elaboration of constructors is finalized, with additional tasks done by each InductiveStep2.collectUniverses.
            • The inductive family is added to the environment and is checked by the kernel.
            • Attributes and other finalization activities are performed, including those defined by InductiveStep2.prefinalize and InductiveStep2.finalize.
            Instances For

              Environment extension to register inductive type elaborator commands.

              Returns true if the syntax partipates in the mutual inductive elaborator. These do not need to be commands. In fact inductive and structure are registered on the Lean.Parser.Command.inductive and Lean.Parser.Command.structure syntaxes.

              Instances For

                Initializes the elaborator associated to the given syntax.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                    Instances For

                      Execute k with updated binder information for xs. Any x that is explicit becomes implicit.

                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                      Instances For

                        Returns some ?m if u is of the form ?m + k. Returns none if u does not contain universe metavariables. Throw exception otherwise.

                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For

                          Auxiliary function for updateResultingUniverse. Consider the constraint u ≤ ?r + rOffset where u has no metavariables except for perhaps ?r. This function attempts to find a unique minimal solution of the form ?r := max l₁ ... lₙ where each lᵢ is normalized and not a max/imax.

                          It also records information about how "too big" rOffset is. Consider u ≤ ?r + 1, from for example

                          inductive I (α : Sort u) : Type _ where
                            | mk (x : α)

                          This is likely a mistake. The correct solution would be Type (max u 1) rather than Type (u + 1), but by this point it is impossible to rectify. So, for u ≤ ?r + 1 we record the pair of u and 1 so that we can inform the user what they should have probably used instead.

                          Instances For
                            Instances For

                              Auxiliary function for updateResultingUniverse. Applies accLevel to the given constructor parameter.

                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              Instances For
                                def Lean.Elab.Command.withCtorRef {m : TypeType} {α : Type} [Monad m] [Lean.MonadRef m] (views : Array Lean.Elab.Command.InductiveView) (ctorName : Lean.Name) (k : m α) :
                                m α

                                Executes k using the Syntax reference associated with constructor ctorName.

                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                Instances For

                                  Runs k with the resulting type as the ref or, if that's not available, with the view's ref.

                                  Instances For
                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For
                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For

                                        Returns true if all elements of the mutual block ( are inductive declarations.

                                        Instances For

                                          Elaborates a mutual block, assuming the commands satisfy Lean.Elab.Command.isMutualInductive.

                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For