Collect unassigned metavariables occurring in the given expression.
Remark: if e
contains ?m
and there is a t
assigned to ?m
, we
collect unassigned metavariables occurring in t
Remark: if e
contains ?m
and ?m
is delayed assigned to some term t
we collect ?m
and unassigned metavariables occurring in t
We collect ?m
because it has not been assigned yet.
Similar to getMVars
, but removes delayed assignments.
- Lean.Meta.getMVarsNoDelayed e = do let mvarIds ← Lean.Meta.getMVars e Array.filterM (fun (mvarId : Lean.MVarId) => not <$> mvarId.isDelayedAssigned) mvarIds
Instances For
Instances For
Collect the metavariables which mvarId
depends on. These are the metavariables
which appear in the type and local context of mvarId
, as well as the
metavariables which those metavariables depend on, etc.
- mvarId.getMVarDependencies includeDelayed = (fun (x : Unit × Std.HashSet Lean.MVarId) => x.snd) <$> (Lean.MVarId.getMVarDependencies.go includeDelayed mvarId).run ∅
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for getMVarDependencies
Auxiliary definition for getMVarDependencies