

The concrete products in the category of modules are products in the categorical sense. #

def ModuleCat.productCone {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) :

The product cone induced by the concrete product.

Instances For

    The concrete product cone is limiting.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      noncomputable def ModuleCat.piIsoPi {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasProduct Z] :
      ∏ᶜ Z of R ((i : ι) → (Z i))

      The categorical product of a family of objects in ModuleCat agrees with the usual module-theoretical product.

      Instances For
        theorem ModuleCat.piIsoPi_inv_kernel_ι_apply {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasProduct Z] (i : ι) (x : (CategoryTheory.forget (ModuleCatMax R)).obj (of R ((i : ι) → (Z i)))) :

        The coproduct cone induced by the concrete product.

        Instances For

          The concrete coproduct cone is limiting.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            noncomputable def ModuleCat.coprodIsoDirectSum {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) [DecidableEq ι] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasCoproduct Z] :
            Z of R (DirectSum ι fun (i : ι) => (Z i))

            The categorical coproduct of a family of objects in ModuleCat agrees with direct sum.

            Instances For
              theorem ModuleCat.ι_coprodIsoDirectSum_hom_apply {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) [DecidableEq ι] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasCoproduct Z] (i : ι) (x : (CategoryTheory.forget (ModuleCatMax R)).obj (Z i)) :
              (coprodIsoDirectSum Z).hom ((CategoryTheory.Limits.Sigma.ι Z i) x) = (ofHom (DirectSum.lof R ι (fun (i : ι) => (Z i)) i)) x
              theorem ModuleCat.lof_coprodIsoDirectSum_inv_apply {R : Type u} [Ring R] {ι : Type v} (Z : ιModuleCatMax R) [DecidableEq ι] [CategoryTheory.Limits.HasCoproduct Z] (i : ι) (x : (CategoryTheory.forget (ModuleCat R)).obj (of R (Z i))) :
              (coprodIsoDirectSum Z).inv ((ofHom (DirectSum.lof R ι (fun (i : ι) => (Z i)) i)) x) = (CategoryTheory.Limits.Sigma.ι Z i) x