Central Algebras #
In this file we define the predicate Algebra.IsCentral K D
where K
is a commutative ring and D
is a (not necessarily commutative) K
Main definitions #
Algebra.IsCentral K D
is a central algebra overK
iff the center ofD
is exactlyK
Implementation notes #
We require the K
-center of D
to be smaller than or equal to the smallest subalgebra so that when
we prove something is central, we don't need to prove ⊥ ≤ center K D
even though this
direction is trivial.
Central Simple Algebras #
To define central simple algebras, we could do the following:
class Algebra.IsCentralSimple (K : Type u) [Field K] (D : Type v) [Ring D] [Algebra K D] where
[is_central : IsCentral K D]
[is_simple : IsSimpleRing D]
but an instance of [Algebra.IsCentralSimple K D]
would not imply [IsSimpleRing D]
because of
synthesization orders (K
cannot be inferred). Thus, to obtain a central simple K
-algebra D
one should use Algebra.IsCentral K D
and IsSimpleRing D
Note that the predicate Algebra.IsCentral K D
and IsSimpleRing D
makes sense just for K
but it doesn't give the right definition for central simple algebra; for a commutative
ring base, one should use the theory of Azumaya algebras. In fact ideals of K
immediately give
rise to nontrivial quotients of D
so there are no central simple algebras in this case according
to our definition, if K
is not a field.
The theory of central simple algebras really is a theory over fields.
Thus to declare a central simple algebra, one should use the following:
variable (k D : Type*) [Field k] [Ring D] [Algebra k D]
variable [Algebra.IsCentral k D] [IsSimpleRing D]
variable [FiniteDimensional k D]
where FiniteDimensional k D
is almost always assumed in most references, but some results do not
need this assumption.
Tags #
central algebra, center, simple ring, central simple algebra
For a commutative ring K
and a K
-algebra D
, we say that D
is a central algebra over K
the center of D
is the image of K
in D