

Helpers to invoke functions involving algebra at tactic time #

This file provides instances on x y : Q($α) such that x + y = q($x + $y).

def Expr.instOne {u : Lean.Level} (α : Q(Type u)) :
Q(One «$α»)One Q(«$α»)

Produce a One instance for Q($α) such that 1 : Q($α) is q(1 : $α).

Instances For
    def Expr.instZero {u : Lean.Level} (α : Q(Type u)) :
    Q(Zero «$α»)Zero Q(«$α»)

    Produce a Zero instance for Q($α) such that 0 : Q($α) is q(0 : $α).

    Instances For
      def Expr.instMul {u : Lean.Level} (α : Q(Type u)) :
      Q(Mul «$α»)Mul Q(«$α»)

      Produce a Mul instance for Q($α) such that x * y : Q($α) is q($x * $y).

      • Expr.instMul α x✝ = { mul := fun (x y : Q(«$α»)) => q(«$x» * «$y») }
      Instances For
        def Expr.instAdd {u : Lean.Level} (α : Q(Type u)) :
        Q(Add «$α»)Add Q(«$α»)

        Produce an Add instance for Q($α) such that x + y : Q($α) is q($x + $y).

        • Expr.instAdd α x✝ = { add := fun (x y : Q(«$α»)) => q(«$x» + «$y») }
        Instances For