

Basic results about modules over the rationals. #

theorem map_ratCast_smul {M : Type u_1} {M₂ : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup M] [AddCommGroup M₂] {F : Type u_3} [FunLike F M M₂] [AddMonoidHomClass F M M₂] (f : F) (R : Type u_4) (S : Type u_5) [DivisionRing R] [DivisionRing S] [Module R M] [Module S M₂] (c : ) (x : M) :
f (c x) = c f x
@[deprecated map_ratCast_smul]
theorem map_rat_cast_smul {M : Type u_1} {M₂ : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup M] [AddCommGroup M₂] {F : Type u_3} [FunLike F M M₂] [AddMonoidHomClass F M M₂] (f : F) (R : Type u_4) (S : Type u_5) [DivisionRing R] [DivisionRing S] [Module R M] [Module S M₂] (c : ) (x : M) :
f (c x) = c f x

Alias of map_ratCast_smul.

theorem map_rat_smul {M : Type u_1} {M₂ : Type u_2} [AddCommGroup M] [AddCommGroup M₂] [_instM : Module M] [_instM₂ : Module M₂] {F : Type u_3} [FunLike F M M₂] [AddMonoidHomClass F M M₂] (f : F) (c : ) (x : M) :
f (c x) = c f x

There can be at most one Module ℚ E structure on an additive commutative group.

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theorem ratCast_smul_eq {E : Type u_3} (R : Type u_4) (S : Type u_5) [AddCommGroup E] [DivisionRing R] [DivisionRing S] [Module R E] [Module S E] (r : ) (x : E) :
r x = r x

If E is a vector space over two division rings R and S, then scalar multiplications agree on rational numbers in R and S.

@[deprecated ratCast_smul_eq]
theorem rat_cast_smul_eq {E : Type u_3} (R : Type u_4) (S : Type u_5) [AddCommGroup E] [DivisionRing R] [DivisionRing S] [Module R E] [Module S E] (r : ) (x : E) :
r x = r x

Alias of ratCast_smul_eq.

If E is a vector space over two division rings R and S, then scalar multiplications agree on rational numbers in R and S.

instance IsScalarTower.rat {R : Type u} {M : Type v} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [Module R] [Module M] :
  • =
instance SMulCommClass.rat {R : Type u} {M : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [Module M] :
  • =
instance SMulCommClass.rat' {R : Type u} {M : Type v} [Semiring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [Module M] :
  • =
@[instance 100]
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