Smooth bump functions in inner product spaces #
In this file we prove that a real inner product space has smooth bump functions,
see hasContDiffBump_of_innerProductSpace
Keywords #
smooth function, bump function, inner product space
noncomputable def
(E : Type u_1)
[NormedAddCommGroup E]
[InnerProductSpace ℝ E]
A base bump function in an inner product space. This construction works in any space with a norm smooth away from zero but we do not have a typeclass for this.
- ContDiffBumpBase.ofInnerProductSpace E = { toFun := fun (R : ℝ) (x : E) => ((R - ‖x‖) / (R - 1)).smoothTransition, mem_Icc := ⋯, symmetric := ⋯, smooth := ⋯, eq_one := ⋯, support := ⋯ }
Instances For
@[instance 100]
(E : Type u_1)
[NormedAddCommGroup E]
[InnerProductSpace ℝ E]
Any inner product space has smooth bump functions.