

Nonnegativity of values of holomorphic functions #

We show that if f is holomorphic on an open disk B(c,r) and all iterated derivatives of f at c are nonnegative real, then f z ≥ 0 for all z ≥ c in the disk; see DifferentiableOn.nonneg_of_iteratedDeriv_nonneg. We also provide a variant Differentiable.nonneg_of_iteratedDeriv_nonneg for entire functions and versions showing f z ≥ f c when all iterated derivatives except f itseld are nonnegative.

theorem DifferentiableOn.nonneg_of_iteratedDeriv_nonneg {f : } {c : } {r : } (hf : DifferentiableOn f (Metric.ball c r)) (h : ∀ (n : ), 0 iteratedDeriv n f c) z : (hz₁ : c z) (hz₂ : z Metric.ball c r) :
0 f z

A function that is holomorphic on the open disk around c with radius r and whose iterated derivatives at c are all nonnegative real has nonnegative real values on c + [0,r).

theorem Differentiable.nonneg_of_iteratedDeriv_nonneg {f : } (hf : Differentiable f) {c : } (h : ∀ (n : ), 0 iteratedDeriv n f c) z : (hz : c z) :
0 f z

An entire function whose iterated derivatives at c are all nonnegative real has nonnegative real values on c + ℝ≥0.

theorem Differentiable.apply_le_of_iteratedDeriv_nonneg {f : } {c : } (hf : Differentiable f) (h : ∀ (n : ), n 00 iteratedDeriv n f c) z : (hz : c z) :
f c f z

An entire function whose iterated derivatives at c are all nonnegative real (except possibly the value itself) has values of the form f c + nonneg. real on the set c + ℝ≥0.

theorem Differentiable.apply_le_of_iteratedDeriv_alternating {f : } {c : } (hf : Differentiable f) (h : ∀ (n : ), n 00 (-1) ^ n * iteratedDeriv n f c) z : (hz : z c) :
f c f z

An entire function whose iterated derivatives at c are all real with alternating signs (except possibly the value itself) has values of the form f c + nonneg. real along the set c - ℝ≥0.