The Beta function, and further properties of the Gamma function #
In this file we define the Beta integral, relate Beta and Gamma functions, and prove some refined properties of the Gamma function using these relations.
Results on the Beta function #
: the Beta functionΒ(u, v)
, whereu
are complex with positive real part.Complex.Gamma_mul_Gamma_eq_betaIntegral
: the formulaGamma u * Gamma v = Gamma (u + v) * betaIntegral u v
Results on the Gamma function #
: for alls : ℂ
withs ∉ {-n : n ∈ ℕ}
we haveΓ s ≠ 0
: for alls
, the limit asn → ∞
of the sequencen ↦ n ^ s * n! / (s * (s + 1) * ... * (s + n))
: Euler's reflection formulaGamma s * Gamma (1 - s) = π / sin π s
: the function1 / Γ(s)
is differentiable everywhere.Complex.Gamma_mul_Gamma_add_half
: Legendre's duplication formulaGamma s * Gamma (s + 1 / 2) = Gamma (2 * s) * 2 ^ (1 - 2 * s) * √π
: real versions of the above.
The Beta function #
Auxiliary lemma for betaIntegral_convergent
, showing convergence at the left endpoint.
Explicit formula for the Beta function when second argument is a positive integer.
The Euler limit formula #
The main technical lemma for GammaSeq_tendsto_Gamma
, expressing the integral defining the
Gamma function for 0 < re s
as the limit of a sequence of integrals over finite intervals.
Euler's limit formula for the complex Gamma function.
The reflection formula #
A weaker, but easier-to-apply, version of Complex.Gamma_ne_zero
Euler's limit formula for the real Gamma function.
The reciprocal Gamma function #
We show that the reciprocal Gamma function 1 / Γ(s)
is entire. These lemmas show that (in this
case at least) mathlib's conventions for division by zero do actually give a mathematically useful
answer! (These results are useful in the theory of zeta and L-functions.)
The reciprocal of the Gamma function is differentiable everywhere (including the points where Gamma itself is not).
The doubling formula for Gamma #
We prove the doubling formula for arbitrary real or complex arguments, by analytic continuation from
the positive real case. (Knowing that Γ⁻¹
is analytic everywhere makes this much simpler, since we
do not have to do any special-case handling for the poles of Γ