Definition of Filter.atTop
and Filter.atBot
filters #
In this file we define the filters
: corresponds ton → +∞
: corresponds ton → -∞
is the filter representing the limit → ∞
on an ordered set.
It is generated by the collection of up-sets {b | a ≤ b}
(The preorder need not have a top element for this to be well defined,
and indeed is trivial when a top element exists.)
- Filter.atTop = ⨅ (a : α), Filter.principal (Set.Ici a)
Instances For
is the filter representing the limit → -∞
on an ordered set.
It is generated by the collection of down-sets {b | b ≤ a}
(The preorder need not have a bottom element for this to be well defined,
and indeed is trivial when a bottom element exists.)
- Filter.atBot = ⨅ (a : α), Filter.principal (Set.Iic a)
Instances For
{ι : Type u_1}
{α : Type u_3}
{β : α → Type u_6}
[Preorder ι]
{s : ι → Set α}
[(i : ι) → DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x ∈ s i]
[DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x ∈ ⋃ (i : ι), s i]
(hs : Monotone s)
(f g : (a : α) → β a)
(a : α)
{ι : Type u_1}
{α : Type u_3}
{β : α → Type u_6}
[Preorder ι]
{s : ι → Set α}
[(i : ι) → DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x ∈ s i]
[DecidablePred fun (x : α) => x ∈ ⋂ (i : ι), s i]
(hs : Antitone s)
(f g : (a : α) → β a)
(a : α)