

Functors from a groupoid into a monoidal closed category form a monoidal closed category. #

(Using the pointwise monoidal structure on the functor category.)

Auxiliary definition for CategoryTheory.Functor.closed. The internal hom functor F ⟶[C] -

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Instances For

    Auxiliary definition for CategoryTheory.Functor.closed. The counit for the adjunction (tensorLeft F) ⊣ (ihom F).

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    Instances For

      If C is a monoidal closed category and D is a groupoid, then every functor F : D ⥤ C is closed in the functor category F : D ⥤ C with the pointwise monoidal structure.

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      If C is a monoidal closed category and D is groupoid, then the functor category D ⥤ C, with the pointwise monoidal structure, is monoidal closed.

      • CategoryTheory.Functor.monoidalClosed = { closed := inferInstance }