

Cartesian morphisms #

This file defines cartesian resp. strongly cartesian morphisms in a based category.

Main definitions #

IsCartesian p f φ expresses that φ is a cartesian arrow lying over f with respect to p in the sense of SGA 1 VI 5.1. This means that for any morphism φ' : a' ⟶ b lying over f there is a unique morphism τ : a' ⟶ a lying over 𝟙 R, such that φ' = τ ≫ φ.

References #

class CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) extends CategoryTheory.Functor.IsHomLift :

The proposition that a morphism φ : a ⟶ b in 𝒳 lying over f : R ⟶ S in 𝒮 is a cartesian arrow, see SGA 1 VI 5.1.

    theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.universal_property {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] {p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮} {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) {φ : a b} [self : p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] :
    ∃! χ : a' a, p.IsHomLift ( R) χ CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp χ φ = φ'
    noncomputable def {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] :
    a' a

    Given a cartesian arrow φ : a ⟶ b lying over f : R ⟶ S in 𝒳, a morphism φ' : a' ⟶ b lifting 𝟙 R, then f φ φ' is the morphism a' ⟶ a obtained from the universal property of φ.

    Instances For
      instance CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.map_isHomLift {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] :
      • =
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.fac_assoc {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] {Z : 𝒳} (h : b Z) :
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.fac {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] :
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.map_uniq {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] (ψ : a' a) [p.IsHomLift ( R) ψ] (hψ : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ψ φ = φ') :

      Given a cartesian arrow φ : a ⟶ b lying over f : R ⟶ S in 𝒳, a morphism φ' : a' ⟶ b lifting 𝟙 R, and a morphism ψ : a' ⟶ a such that g ≫ ψ = φ'. Then ψ is the map induced by the universal property of φ.

      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.eq_of_fac {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsHomLift f φ'] {ψ : a' a} {ψ' : a' a} [p.IsHomLift ( R) ψ] [p.IsHomLift ( R) ψ'] (hcomp : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ψ φ = φ') (hcomp' : CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ψ' φ = φ') :
      ψ = ψ'

      Given a cartesian arrow φ : a ⟶ b lying over f : R ⟶ S in 𝒳, a morphism φ' : a' ⟶ b lifting 𝟙 R, and two morphisms ψ ψ' : a' ⟶ a such that g ≫ ψ = φ' = g ≫ ψ'. Then we must have ψ = ψ'.

      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.map_self {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] :
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.domainUniqueUpToIso_hom {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsCartesian f φ'] :
      theorem CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.domainUniqueUpToIso_inv {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsCartesian f φ'] :
      noncomputable def CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.domainUniqueUpToIso {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' b) [p.IsCartesian f φ'] :
      a' a

      The canonical isomorphism between the domains of two cartesian arrows lying over the same object.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        instance CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.of_iso_comp {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {a' : 𝒳} (φ' : a' a) [p.IsHomLift ( R) φ'.hom] :
        p.IsCartesian f (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp φ'.hom φ)

        Precomposing a cartesian morphism with an isomorphism lifting the identity is cartesian.

        • =
        instance CategoryTheory.Functor.IsCartesian.of_comp_iso {𝒮 : Type u₁} {𝒳 : Type u₂} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₁, u₁} 𝒮] [CategoryTheory.Category.{v₂, u₂} 𝒳] (p : CategoryTheory.Functor 𝒳 𝒮) {R : 𝒮} {S : 𝒮} {a : 𝒳} {b : 𝒳} (f : R S) (φ : a b) [p.IsCartesian f φ] {b' : 𝒳} (φ' : b b') [p.IsHomLift ( S) φ'.hom] :
        p.IsCartesian f (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp φ φ'.hom)

        Postcomposing a cartesian morphism with an isomorphism lifting the identity is cartesian.

        • =