

Vertex group #

This file defines the vertex group (aka isotropy group) of a groupoid at a vertex.

Implementation notes #

Tags #

isotropy, vertex group, groupoid

instance CategoryTheory.Groupoid.vertexGroup {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] (c : C) :
Group (c c)

The vertex group at c.

theorem CategoryTheory.Groupoid.vertexGroup_mul {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] (c : C) (x y : c c) :
theorem CategoryTheory.Groupoid.vertexGroup_inv {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] (c : C) (a✝ : c c) :
a✝⁻¹ = inv a✝

The inverse in the group is equal to the inverse given by CategoryTheory.inv.

def CategoryTheory.Groupoid.vertexGroupIsomOfMap {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] {c d : C} (f : c d) :
(c c) ≃* (d d)

An arrow in the groupoid defines, by conjugation, an isomorphism of groups between its endpoints.

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Instances For
    def CategoryTheory.Groupoid.vertexGroupIsomOfPath {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] {c d : C} (p : Quiver.Path c d) :
    (c c) ≃* (d d)

    A path in the groupoid defines an isomorphism between its endpoints.

    Instances For
      def CategoryTheory.Groupoid.CategoryTheory.Functor.mapVertexGroup {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] {D : Type v} [Groupoid D] (φ : Functor C D) (c : C) :
      (c c) →* (φ.obj c φ.obj c)

      A functor defines a morphism of vertex group.

      Instances For
        theorem CategoryTheory.Groupoid.CategoryTheory.Functor.mapVertexGroup_apply {C : Type u} [Groupoid C] {D : Type v} [Groupoid D] (φ : Functor C D) (c : C) (a✝ : c c) :
        (mapVertexGroup φ c) a✝ = φ.map a✝