Connected limits #
A connected limit is a limit whose shape is a connected category.
We show that constant functors from a connected category have a limit
and a colimit, give examples of connected categories, and prove
that the functor given by (X × -)
preserves any connected limit.
That is, any limit of shape J
where J
is a connected category is
preserved by the functor (X × -)
The obvious cone of a constant functor.
- CategoryTheory.Limits.constCone J X = { pt := X, π := ((CategoryTheory.Functor.const J).obj X) }
Instances For
The obvious cocone of a constant functor.
- CategoryTheory.Limits.constCocone J X = { pt := X, ι := ((CategoryTheory.Functor.const J).obj X) }
Instances For
When J
is a connected category, the limit of a
constant functor J ⥤ C
with value X : C
identifies to X
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Instances For
When J
is a connected category, the colimit of a
constant functor J ⥤ C
with value X : C
identifies to X
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Instances For
(Impl). The obvious natural transformation from (X × K -) to K.
- CategoryTheory.ProdPreservesConnectedLimits.γ₂ X = { app := fun (x : J) =>, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
(Impl). The obvious natural transformation from (X × K -) to X
- CategoryTheory.ProdPreservesConnectedLimits.γ₁ X = { app := fun (x : J) =>, naturality := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a cone for (X × K -), produce a cone for K using the natural transformation γ₂
Instances For
The functor (X × -)
preserves any connected limit.
Note that this functor does not preserve the two most obvious disconnected limits - that is,
(X × -)
does not preserve products or terminal object, eg (X ⨯ A) ⨯ (X ⨯ B)
is not isomorphic to
X ⨯ (A ⨯ B)
and X ⨯ 1
is not isomorphic to 1