Creating (co)limits #
We say that F
creates limits of K
if, given any limit cone c
for K ⋙ F
(i.e. below) we can lift it to a cone "above", and further that F
limits for K
Define the lift of a cone: For a cone c
for K ⋙ F
, give a cone for K
which is a lift of c
, i.e. the image of it under F
is (iso) to c
We will then use this as part of the definition of creation of limits: every limit cone has a lift.
Note this definition is really only useful when c
is a limit already.
- liftedCone : Limits.Cone K
a cone in the source category of the functor
the isomorphism expressing that
lifts the given cone
Instances For
Define the lift of a cocone: For a cocone c
for K ⋙ F
, give a cocone for
which is a lift of c
, i.e. the image of it under F
is (iso) to c
We will then use this as part of the definition of creation of colimits: every limit cocone has a lift.
Note this definition is really only useful when c
is a colimit already.
- liftedCocone : Limits.Cocone K
a cocone in the source category of the functor
the isomorphism expressing that
lifts the given cocone
Instances For
Definition 3.3.1 of [Riehl].
We say that F
creates limits of K
if, given any limit cone c
for K ⋙ F
(i.e. below) we can lift it to a cone "above", and further that F
limits for K
If F
reflects isomorphisms, it suffices to show only that the lifted cone is
a limit - see createsLimitOfReflectsIso
- lifts (c : Limits.Cone (K.comp F)) : Limits.IsLimit c → LiftableCone K F c
any limit cone can be lifted to a cone above
creates limits of shape J
if F
creates the limit of any diagram
K : J ⥤ C
- CreatesLimit {K : Functor J C} : CategoryTheory.CreatesLimit K F
creates limits if it creates limits of shape J
for any J
creates small limits if it creates limits of shape J
for any small J
Instances For
Dual of definition 3.3.1 of [Riehl].
We say that F
creates colimits of K
if, given any limit cocone c
K ⋙ F
(i.e. below) we can lift it to a cocone "above", and further that F
reflects limits for K
If F
reflects isomorphisms, it suffices to show only that the lifted cocone is
a limit - see createsColimitOfReflectsIso
- lifts (c : Limits.Cocone (K.comp F)) : Limits.IsColimit c → LiftableCocone K F c
any limit cocone can be lifted to a cocone above
creates colimits of shape J
if F
creates the colimit of any diagram
K : J ⥤ C
- CreatesColimit {K : Functor J C} : CategoryTheory.CreatesColimit K F
creates colimits if it creates colimits of shape J
for any small J
- CreatesColimitsOfShape {J : Type w} [Category.{w', w} J] : CategoryTheory.CreatesColimitsOfShape J F
creates small colimits if it creates colimits of shape J
for any small J
Instances For
liftLimit t
is the cone for K
given by lifting the limit t
for K ⋙ F
Instances For
The lifted cone has an image isomorphic to the original cone.
Instances For
The lifted cone is a limit.
Instances For
If F
creates the limit of K
and K ⋙ F
has a limit, then K
has a limit.
If F
creates limits of shape J
, and D
has limits of shape J
, then
has limits of shape J
If F
creates limits, and D
has all limits, then C
has all limits.
liftColimit t
is the cocone for K
given by lifting the colimit t
for K ⋙ F
Instances For
The lifted cocone has an image isomorphic to the original cocone.
Instances For
The lifted cocone is a colimit.
Instances For
If F
creates the limit of K
and K ⋙ F
has a limit, then K
has a limit.
If F
creates colimits of shape J
, and D
has colimits of shape J
, then
has colimits of shape J
If F
creates colimits, and D
has all colimits, then C
has all colimits.
A helper to show a functor creates limits. In particular, if we can show
that for any limit cone c
for K ⋙ F
, there is a lift of it which is
a limit and F
reflects isomorphisms, then F
creates limits.
Usually, F
creating limits says that any lift of c
is a limit, but
here we only need to show that our particular lift of c
is a limit.
- makesLimit : Limits.IsLimit self.liftedCone
the lifted cone is limit
Instances For
A helper to show a functor creates colimits. In particular, if we can show
that for any limit cocone c
for K ⋙ F
, there is a lift of it which is
a limit and F
reflects isomorphisms, then F
creates colimits.
Usually, F
creating colimits says that any lift of c
is a colimit, but
here we only need to show that our particular lift of c
is a colimit.
- makesColimit : Limits.IsColimit self.liftedCocone
the lifted cocone is colimit
Instances For
If F
reflects isomorphisms and we can lift any limit cone to a limit cone,
then F
creates limits.
In particular here we don't need to assume that F reflects limits.
- CategoryTheory.createsLimitOfReflectsIso h = fun (c : CategoryTheory.Limits.Cone (K.comp F)) (t : CategoryTheory.Limits.IsLimit c) => (h c t).toLiftableCone
Instances For
If F
reflects isomorphisms and we can lift a single limit cone to a limit cone, then F
creates limits. Note that unlike createsLimitOfReflectsIso
, to apply this result it is
necessary to know that K ⋙ F
actually has a limit.
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Instances For
If F
reflects isomorphisms, and we already know that the limit exists in the source and F
preserves it, then F
creates that limit.
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Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, to show that F
creates the limit for K
it suffices to exhibit a lift
of a limit cone for K ⋙ F
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Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, and HasLimit (K ⋙ F)
, to show that F
creates the limit for K
it suffices to exhibit a lift of the chosen limit cone for K ⋙ F
Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, to show that F
creates the limit for K
it suffices to show that a
limit point is in the essential image of F
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Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, and HasLimit (K ⋙ F)
, to show that F
creates the limit for K
it suffices to show that the chosen limit point is in the essential image of F
Instances For
A fully faithful functor that preserves a limit that exists also creates the limit.
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Instances For
preserves the limit of K
if it creates the limit and K ⋙ F
has the limit.
preserves the limit of shape J
if it creates these limits and D
has them.
preserves limits if it creates limits and D
has limits.
If F
reflects isomorphisms and we can lift any colimit cocone to a colimit cocone,
then F
creates colimits.
In particular here we don't need to assume that F reflects colimits.
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Instances For
If F
reflects isomorphisms and we can lift a single colimit cocone to a colimit cocone, then
creates limits. Note that unlike createsColimitOfReflectsIso
, to apply this result it is
necessary to know that K ⋙ F
actually has a colimit.
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Instances For
If F
reflects isomorphisms, and we already know that the colimit exists in the source and F
preserves it, then F
creates that colimit.
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Instances For
Alias of CategoryTheory.createsColimitOfReflectsIsomorphismsOfPreserves
If F
reflects isomorphisms, and we already know that the colimit exists in the source and F
preserves it, then F
creates that colimit.
Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, to show that F
creates the colimit for K
it suffices to exhibit a
lift of a colimit cocone for K ⋙ F
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Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, and HasColimit (K ⋙ F)
, to show that F
creates the colimit for K
it suffices to exhibit a lift of the chosen colimit cocone for K ⋙ F
Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, to show that F
creates the colimit for K
it suffices to show that
a colimit point is in the essential image of F
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Instances For
When F
is fully faithful, and HasColimit (K ⋙ F)
, to show that F
creates the colimit for K
it suffices to show that the chosen colimit point is in the essential image of F
Instances For
preserves the colimit of K
if it creates the colimit and K ⋙ F
has the colimit.
preserves the colimit of shape J
if it creates these colimits and D
has them.
preserves limits if it creates limits and D
has limits.
Transfer creation of limits along a natural isomorphism in the diagram.
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Instances For
If F
creates the limit of K
and F ≅ G
, then G
creates the limit of K
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Instances For
If F
creates limits of shape J
and F ≅ G
, then G
creates limits of shape J
- CategoryTheory.createsLimitsOfShapeOfNatIso h = { CreatesLimit := fun {K : CategoryTheory.Functor J C} => CategoryTheory.createsLimitOfNatIso h }
Instances For
If F
creates limits and F ≅ G
, then G
creates limits.
- CategoryTheory.createsLimitsOfNatIso h = { CreatesLimitsOfShape := fun {J : Type ?u.68} [CategoryTheory.Category.{?u.67, ?u.68} J] => CategoryTheory.createsLimitsOfShapeOfNatIso h }
Instances For
If F
creates limits of shape J
and J ≌ J'
, then F
creates limits of shape J'
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Instances For
Transfer creation of colimits along a natural isomorphism in the diagram.
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Instances For
If F
creates the colimit of K
and F ≅ G
, then G
creates the colimit of K
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Instances For
If F
creates colimits of shape J
and F ≅ G
, then G
creates colimits of shape J
- CategoryTheory.createsColimitsOfShapeOfNatIso h = { CreatesColimit := fun {K : CategoryTheory.Functor J C} => CategoryTheory.createsColimitOfNatIso h }
Instances For
If F
creates colimits and F ≅ G
, then G
creates colimits.
- CategoryTheory.createsColimitsOfNatIso h = { CreatesColimitsOfShape := fun {J : Type ?u.68} [CategoryTheory.Category.{?u.67, ?u.68} J] => CategoryTheory.createsColimitsOfShapeOfNatIso h }
Instances For
If F
creates colimits of shape J
and J ≌ J'
, then F
creates colimits of shape J'
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Instances For
If F creates the limit of K, any cone lifts to a limit.
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Instances For
If F creates the colimit of K, any cocone lifts to a colimit.
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Instances For
Any cone lifts through the identity functor.
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Instances For
The identity functor creates all limits.
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Any cocone lifts through the identity functor.
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Instances For
The identity functor creates all colimits.
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Satisfy the inhabited linter
- CategoryTheory.inhabitedLiftableCone c = { default := CategoryTheory.idLiftsCone c }
- CategoryTheory.inhabitedLiftableCocone c = { default := CategoryTheory.idLiftsCocone c }
Satisfy the inhabited linter
- CategoryTheory.inhabitedLiftsToLimit K F c t = { default := CategoryTheory.liftsToLimitOfCreates K F c t }
- CategoryTheory.inhabitedLiftsToColimit K F c t = { default := CategoryTheory.liftsToColimitOfCreates K F c t }
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- CategoryTheory.compCreatesLimitsOfShape F G = { CreatesLimit := fun {K : CategoryTheory.Functor J C} => inferInstance }
- CategoryTheory.compCreatesLimits F G = { CreatesLimitsOfShape := fun {J : Type ?u.90} [CategoryTheory.Category.{?u.89, ?u.90} J] => inferInstance }
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- CategoryTheory.compCreatesColimitsOfShape F G = { CreatesColimit := fun {K : CategoryTheory.Functor J C} => inferInstance }
- CategoryTheory.compCreatesColimits F G = { CreatesColimitsOfShape := fun {J : Type ?u.90} [CategoryTheory.Category.{?u.89, ?u.90} J] => inferInstance }