Categorical images #
We define the categorical image of f
as a factorisation f = e ≫ m
through a monomorphism m
so that m
factors through the m'
in any other such factorisation.
Main definitions #
is a factorisationf = e ≫ m
, wherem
is a monomorphismIsImage F
means that a given mono factorisationF
has the universal property of the image.HasImage f
means that there is some image factorization for the morphismf : X ⟶ Y
.HasImages C
means that every morphism inC
has an image.Let
f : X ⟶ Y
andg : P ⟶ Q
be morphisms inC
, which we will represent as objects of the arrow categoryArrow C
. Thensq : f ⟶ g
is a commutative square inC
. Iff
have images, thenHasImageMap sq
represents the fact that there is a morphismi : image f ⟶ image g
making the diagramX ----→ image f ----→ Y | | | | | | ↓ ↓ ↓ P ----→ image g ----→ Q
commute, where the top row is the image factorisation of
, the bottom row is the image factorisation ofg
, and the outer rectangle is the commutative squaresq
.If a category
, thenHasImageMaps
means that every commutative square admits an image map.If a category
, thenHasStrongEpiImages
means that the morphism to the image is always a strong epimorphism.
Main statements #
- When
has equalizers, the morphisme
appearing in an image factorisation is an epimorphism. - When
has strong epi images, then these images admit image maps.
Future work #
- TODO: coimages, and abelian categories.
- TODO: connect this with existing working in the group theory and ring theory libraries.
A factorisation of a morphism f = e ≫ m
, with m
- I : C
Instances For
The obvious factorisation of a monomorphism through itself.
Instances For
The morphism m
in a factorisation f = e ≫ m
through a monomorphism is uniquely
Any mono factorisation of f
gives a mono factorisation of f ≫ g
when g
is a mono.
- F.compMono g = F.I (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp F.m g) F.e ⋯
Instances For
A mono factorisation of f ≫ g
, where g
is an isomorphism,
gives a mono factorisation of f
Instances For
Any mono factorisation of f
gives a mono factorisation of g ≫ f
- F.isoComp g = F.I F.m (CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp g F.e) ⋯
Instances For
A mono factorisation of g ≫ f
, where g
is an isomorphism,
gives a mono factorisation of f
Instances For
If f
and g
are isomorphic arrows, then a mono factorisation of f
gives a mono factorisation of g
Instances For
Data exhibiting that a given factorisation through a mono is initial.
Data exhibiting that a given factorisation through a mono is initial.
Data exhibiting that a given factorisation through a mono is initial.
Instances For
The trivial factorisation of a monomorphism satisfies the universal property.
- CategoryTheory.Limits.IsImage.self f = { lift := fun (F' : CategoryTheory.Limits.MonoFactorisation f) => F'.e, lift_fac := ⋯ }
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.Limits.IsImage.instInhabitedSelf f = { default := CategoryTheory.Limits.IsImage.self f }
Two factorisations through monomorphisms satisfying the universal property must factor through isomorphic objects.
Instances For
If f
and g
are isomorphic arrows, then a mono factorisation of f
that is an image
gives a mono factorisation of g
that is an image
- hF.ofArrowIso sq = { lift := fun (F' : CategoryTheory.Limits.MonoFactorisation g.hom) => hF.lift (F'.ofArrowIso (CategoryTheory.inv sq)), lift_fac := ⋯ }
Instances For
Data exhibiting that a morphism f
has an image.
- F : MonoFactorisation f
Data exhibiting that a morphism
has an image. Data exhibiting that a morphism
has an image.
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.Limits.ImageFactorisation.instInhabitedOfMono f = { default := { F := CategoryTheory.Limits.MonoFactorisation.self f, isImage := CategoryTheory.Limits.IsImage.self f } }
If f
and g
are isomorphic arrows, then an image factorisation of f
gives an image factorisation of g
- F.ofArrowIso sq = { F := F.F.ofArrowIso sq, isImage := F.isImage.ofArrowIso sq }
Instances For
HasImage f
means that there exists an image factorisation of f
- mk' :: (
- exists_image : Nonempty (ImageFactorisation f)
HasImage f
means that there exists an image factorisation off
. - )
Some factorisation of f
through a monomorphism (selected with choice).
Instances For
The witness of the universal property for the chosen factorisation of f
a monomorphism.
Instances For
The categorical image of a morphism.
Instances For
The inclusion of the image of a morphism into the target.
Instances For
The map from the source to the image of a morphism.
Instances For
Rewrite in terms of the factorThruImage
Any other factorisation of the morphism f
through a monomorphism receives a map from the
Instances For
If has_image g
, then has_image (f ≫ g)
when f
is an isomorphism.
The image of a monomorphism is isomorphic to the source.
Instances For
An equation between morphisms gives a comparison map between the images (which momentarily we prove is an iso).
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Instances For
An equation between morphisms gives an isomorphism between the images.
Instances For
As long as the category has equalizers,
the image inclusion maps commute with image.eqToIso
The comparison map image (f ≫ g) ⟶ image g
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Instances For
image.preComp f g
is a monomorphism.
The two step comparison map
image (f ≫ (g ≫ h)) ⟶ image (g ≫ h) ⟶ image h
agrees with the one step comparison map
image (f ≫ (g ≫ h)) ≅ image ((f ≫ g) ≫ h) ⟶ image h
image.preComp f g
is an epimorphism when f
is an epimorphism
(we need C
to have equalizers to prove this).
image.preComp f g
is an isomorphism when f
is an isomorphism
(we need C
to have equalizers to prove this).
Postcomposing by an isomorphism induces an isomorphism on the image.
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Instances For
- CategoryTheory.Limits.inhabitedImageMap = { default := { map := (CategoryTheory.Limits.image f.hom), map_ι := ⋯ } }
To give an image map for a commutative square with f
at the top and g
at the bottom, it
suffices to give a map between any mono factorisation of f
and any image factorisation of
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Instances For
HasImageMap sq
means that there is an ImageMap
for the square sq
- mk' :: (
HasImageMap sq
means that there is anImageMap
for the squaresq
.- )
Obtain an ImageMap
from a HasImageMap
Instances For
The map on images induced by a commutative square.
Instances For
Image maps for composable commutative squares induce an image map in the composite square.
- CategoryTheory.Limits.imageMapComp sq sq' = { map := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ( sq) ( sq'), map_ι := ⋯ }
Instances For
The identity image f ⟶ image f
fits into the commutative square represented by the identity
morphism 𝟙 f
in the arrow category.
- CategoryTheory.Limits.imageMapId f = { map := (CategoryTheory.Limits.image f.hom), map_ι := ⋯ }
Instances For
If a category has_image_maps
, then all commutative squares induce morphisms on images.
The functor from the arrow category of C
to C
itself that maps a morphism to its image
and a commutative square to the induced morphism on images.
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Instances For
A strong epi-mono factorisation is a decomposition f = e ≫ m
with e
a strong epimorphism
and m
a monomorphism.
- I : C
Instances For
Satisfying the inhabited linter
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A mono factorisation coming from a strong epi-mono factorisation always has the universal property of the image.
- F.toMonoIsImage = { lift := fun (G : CategoryTheory.Limits.MonoFactorisation f) => ⋯.lift, lift_fac := ⋯ }
Instances For
A category has strong epi-mono factorisations if every morphism admits a strong epi-mono factorisation.
- mk' :: (
A category has strong epi-mono factorisations if every morphism admits a strong epi-mono factorisation.
- )
A category has strong epi images if it has all images and factorThruImage f
is a strong
epimorphism for all f
If there is a single strong epi-mono factorisation of f
, then every image factorisation is a
strong epi-mono factorisation.
If we constructed our images from strong epi-mono factorisations, then these images are strong epi images.
A category with strong epi images has image maps.
If a category has images, equalizers and pullbacks, then images are automatically strong epi images.
If C
has strong epi mono factorisations, then the image is unique up to isomorphism, in that if
factors as a strong epi followed by a mono, this factorisation is essentially the image
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Instances For
A category with strong epi mono factorisations admits functorial epi/mono factorizations.
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