

Small classes of morphisms #

A class of morphisms W : MorphismProperty C is w-small if the corresponding set in Set (Arrow C) is.

A class of morphisms W : MorphismProperty C is w-small if the corresponding set in Set (Arrow C) is.

    instance CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.isSmall_ofHoms {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] {ι : Type t} [Small.{w, t} ι] {A B : ιC} (f : (i : ι) → A i B i) :
    theorem CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty.isSmall_iff_eq_ofHoms {C : Type u} [Category.{v, u} C] (W : MorphismProperty C) :
    IsSmall.{w, v, u} W ∃ (ι : Type w) (A : ιC) (B : ιC) (f : (i : ι) → A i B i), W = ofHoms f