Additional results about the liftToFinset
construction #
If f
is a family of objects of C
, then there is a canonical cocone whose cocone point is the
coproduct of f
and whose legs are given by the inclusions of the finite subcoproducts. If C
is preadditive, then we can describe the legs of this cocone as finite sums of projections followed
by inclusions.
{C : Type u}
[Category.{v, u} C]
[Preadditive C]
[HasFiniteCoproducts C]
{α : Type w}
[DecidableEq α]
(f : α → C)
[HasCoproduct f]
(S : Finset (Discrete α))
{C : Type u}
[Category.{v, u} C]
[Preadditive C]
[HasFiniteProducts C]
{α : Type w}
[DecidableEq α]
(f : α → C)
[HasProduct f]
(S : (Finset (Discrete α))ᵒᵖ)
(finiteSubproductsCone f).π.app S = ∑ a ∈ (Opposite.unop S).attach,
CategoryStruct.comp (Pi.π f (↑a).as) (Pi.ι (fun (a : { x : Discrete α // x ∈ Opposite.unop S }) => f (↑a).as) a)