Derangements on types #
In this file we define derangements α
, the set of derangements on a type α
We also define some equivalences involving various subtypes of Perm α
and derangements α
: An equivalence betweenderangements (Option α)
and the sigma-typeΣ a : α, {f : Perm α // fixed_points f ⊆ a}
: An equivalence betweenderangements (Option α)
and the sigma-typeΣ a : α, (derangements (({a}ᶜ : Set α) : Type*) ⊕ derangements α)
which is later used to inductively count the number of derangements.
In order to prove the above, we also prove some results about the effect of Equiv.removeNone
on derangements: RemoveNone.fiber_none
and RemoveNone.fiber_some
A permutation is a derangement if it has no fixed points.
- derangements α = {f : Equiv.Perm α | ∀ (x : α), f x ≠ x}
Instances For
If α
is equivalent to β
, then derangements α
is equivalent to derangements β
Instances For
Derangements on a subtype are equivalent to permutations on the original type where points are fixed iff they are not in the subtype.
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Instances For
The set of permutations that fix either a
or nothing is equivalent to the sum of:
- derangements on
- derangements on
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Instances For
The set of permutations f
such that the preimage of (a, f)
is a derangement.
Instances For
For any a : α
, the fiber over some a
is the set of permutations
where a
is the only possible fixed point.
The set of derangements on Option α
is equivalent to the union over a : α
of "permutations with a
the only possible fixed point".
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Instances For
The set of derangements on Option α
is equivalent to the union over all a : α
"derangements on α
⊕ derangements on {a}ᶜ