Turing machine tapes #
This file defines the notion of a Turing machine tape, and the operations on it. A tape is a
bidirectional infinite sequence of cells, each of which stores an element of a given alphabet Γ
All but finitely many of the cells are required to hold the blank symbol default : Γ
Main definitions #
The BlankExtends
partial order holds of l₁
and l₂
if l₂
is obtained by adding
blanks (default : Γ
) to the end of l₁
- Turing.BlankExtends l₁ l₂ = ∃ (n : ℕ), l₂ = l₁ ++ List.replicate n default
Instances For
Any two extensions by blank l₁,l₂
of l
have a common join (which can be taken to be the
longer of l₁
and l₂
Instances For
is the symmetric closure of BlankExtends
, turning it into an equivalence
relation. Two lists are related by BlankRel
if one extends the other by blanks.
- Turing.BlankRel l₁ l₂ = (Turing.BlankExtends l₁ l₂ ∨ Turing.BlankExtends l₂ l₁)
Instances For
Construct a setoid instance for BlankRel
- Turing.BlankRel.setoid Γ = { r := Turing.BlankRel, iseqv := ⋯ }
Instances For
- Turing.ListBlank.inhabited = { default := Quotient.mk'' [] }
- Turing.ListBlank.hasEmptyc = { emptyCollection := Quotient.mk'' [] }
A modified version of Quotient.liftOn'
specialized for ListBlank
, with the stronger
precondition BlankExtends
instead of BlankRel
- l.liftOn f H = Quotient.liftOn' l f ⋯
Instances For
We can cons an element onto a ListBlank
- Turing.ListBlank.cons a l = l.liftOn (fun (l : List Γ) => Turing.ListBlank.mk (a :: l)) ⋯
Instances For
Apply a function to a value stored at the nth position of the list.
- Turing.ListBlank.modifyNth f 0 x✝ = Turing.ListBlank.cons (f x✝.head) x✝.tail
- Turing.ListBlank.modifyNth f n.succ x✝ = Turing.ListBlank.cons x✝.head (Turing.ListBlank.modifyNth f n x✝.tail)
Instances For
- Turing.instInhabitedPointedMap = { default := { f := default, map_pt' := ⋯ } }
The map
function on lists is well defined on ListBlank
s provided that the map is
- Turing.ListBlank.map f l = l.liftOn (fun (l : List Γ) => Turing.ListBlank.mk (List.map f.f l)) ⋯
Instances For
The i
-th projection as a pointed map.
- Turing.proj i = { f := fun (a : (i : ι) → Γ i) => a i, map_pt' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Append a list on the left side of a ListBlank
- Turing.ListBlank.append [] x✝ = x✝
- Turing.ListBlank.append (a :: l) x✝ = Turing.ListBlank.cons a (Turing.ListBlank.append l x✝)
Instances For
The flatMap
function on lists is well defined on ListBlank
s provided that the default
element is sent to a sequence of default elements.
- l.flatMap f hf = l.liftOn (fun (l : List Γ) => Turing.ListBlank.mk (List.flatMap f l)) ⋯
Instances For
Alias of Turing.ListBlank.flatMap
The flatMap
function on lists is well defined on ListBlank
s provided that the default
element is sent to a sequence of default elements.
Instances For
Alias of Turing.ListBlank.flatMap_mk
Alias of Turing.ListBlank.cons_flatMap
The tape of a Turing machine is composed of a head element (which we imagine to be the
current position of the head), together with two ListBlank
s denoting the portions of the tape
going off to the left and right. When the Turing machine moves right, an element is pulled from the
right side and becomes the new head, while the head element is cons
ed onto the left side.
- head : Γ
The current position of the head.
- left : ListBlank Γ
The portion of the tape going off to the left.
- right : ListBlank Γ
The portion of the tape going off to the right.
Instances For
- Turing.instInhabitedDir = { default := Turing.Dir.left }
Move the tape in response to a motion of the Turing machine. Note that T.move Dir.left
smaller; the Turing machine is moving left and the tape is moving right.
- Turing.Tape.move Turing.Dir.left { head := a, left := L, right := R } = { head := L.head, left := L.tail, right := Turing.ListBlank.cons a R }
- Turing.Tape.move Turing.Dir.right { head := a, left := L, right := R } = { head := R.head, left := Turing.ListBlank.cons a L, right := R.tail }
Instances For
Construct a tape from a left side and an inclusive right side.
- Turing.Tape.mk' L R = { head := R.head, left := L, right := R.tail }
Instances For
Construct a tape from a left side and an inclusive right side.
Instances For
Construct a tape from a list, with the head of the list at the TM head and the rest going to the right.
Instances For
The nth
function of a tape is integer-valued, with index 0
being the head, negative indexes
on the left and positive indexes on the right. (Picture a number line.)
Instances For
Replace the current value of the head on the tape.
- Turing.Tape.write b T = { head := b, left := T.left, right := T.right }
Instances For
Apply a pointed map to a tape to change the alphabet.
- Turing.Tape.map f T = { head := f.f T.head, left := Turing.ListBlank.map f T.left, right := Turing.ListBlank.map f T.right }