

Bitraversable type class #

Type class for traversing bifunctors.

Simple examples of Bitraversable are Prod and Sum. A more elaborate example is to define an a-list as:

def AList (key val : Type) := List (key × val)

Then we can use f : key → IO key' and g : val → IO val' to manipulate the AList's key and value respectively with Bitraverse f g : AList key val → IO (AList key' val').

Main definitions #

References #

The concepts and laws are taken from

Tags #

traversable bitraversable iterator functor bifunctor applicative

class Bitraversable (t : Type u → Type u → Type u) extends Bifunctor t :
Type (u + 1)

Lawless bitraversable bifunctor. This only holds data for the bimap and bitraverse.

  • bimap {α α' β β' : Type u} : (αα')(ββ')t α βt α' β'
  • bitraverse {m : Type u → Type u} [Applicative m] {α α' β β' : Type u} : (αm α')(βm β')t α βm (t α' β')
    def bisequence {t : Type u_1 → Type u_1 → Type u_1} {m : Type u_1 → Type u_1} [Bitraversable t] [Applicative m] {α β : Type u_1} :
    t (m α) (m β)m (t α β)

    A bitraversable functor commutes with all applicative functors.

    Instances For
      class LawfulBitraversable (t : Type u → Type u → Type u) [Bitraversable t] extends LawfulBifunctor t :

      Bifunctor. This typeclass asserts that a lawless bitraversable bifunctor is lawful.

        theorem LawfulBitraversable.bitraverse_id_id {t : Type u → Type u → Type u} {inst✝ : Bitraversable t} [self : LawfulBitraversable t] {α β : Type u} :
        bitraverse pure pure = pure
        theorem LawfulBitraversable.bitraverse_comp {t : Type u → Type u → Type u} {inst✝ : Bitraversable t} [self : LawfulBitraversable t] {F G : Type u → Type u} [Applicative F] [Applicative G] [LawfulApplicative F] [LawfulApplicative G] {α α' β β' γ γ' : Type u} (f : βF γ) (f' : β'F γ') (g : αG β) (g' : α'G β') :
        bitraverse ( f g) ( f' g') = (bitraverse f f') bitraverse g g'
        theorem LawfulBitraversable.binaturality' {t : Type u → Type u → Type u} {inst✝ : Bitraversable t} [self : LawfulBitraversable t] {F G : Type u → Type u} [Applicative F] [Applicative G] [LawfulApplicative F] [LawfulApplicative G] (η : ApplicativeTransformation F G) {α α' β β' : Type u} (f : αF β) (f' : α'F β') :
        (fun {α : Type u} => η.app α) bitraverse f f' = bitraverse ((fun {α : Type u} => η.app α) f) ((fun {α : Type u} => η.app α) f')
        theorem LawfulBitraversable.bitraverse_eq_bimap_id' {t : Type u → Type u → Type u} {inst✝ : Bitraversable t} [self : LawfulBitraversable t] {α α' β β' : Type u} (f : αβ) (f' : α'β') :
        bitraverse (pure f) (pure f') = pure bimap f f'