

Intervals in ℕ #

This file defines intervals of naturals. List.Ico m n is the list of integers greater than m and strictly less than n.


def List.Ico (n m : ) :

Ico n m is the list of natural numbers n ≤ x < m. (Ico stands for "interval, closed-open".)

See also Mathlib/Order/Interval/Basic.lean for modelling intervals in general preorders, as well as sibling definitions alongside it such as Set.Ico, Multiset.Ico and Finset.Ico for sets, multisets and finite sets respectively.

Instances For
    theorem List.Ico.length (n m : ) :
    (List.Ico n m).length = m - n
    theorem List.Ico.pairwise_lt (n m : ) :
    List.Pairwise (fun (x1 x2 : ) => x1 < x2) (List.Ico n m)
    theorem List.Ico.nodup (n m : ) :
    (List.Ico n m).Nodup
    theorem List.Ico.mem {n m l : } :
    l List.Ico n m n l l < m
    theorem List.Ico.eq_nil_of_le {n m : } (h : m n) :
    List.Ico n m = []
    theorem List.Ico.map_add (n m k : ) : (fun (x : ) => k + x) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico (n + k) (m + k)
    theorem List.Ico.map_sub (n m k : ) (h₁ : k n) : (fun (x : ) => x - k) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico (n - k) (m - k)
    theorem List.Ico.self_empty {n : } :
    List.Ico n n = []
    theorem List.Ico.eq_empty_iff {n m : } :
    List.Ico n m = [] m n
    theorem List.Ico.append_consecutive {n m l : } (hnm : n m) (hml : m l) :
    theorem List.Ico.inter_consecutive (n m l : ) :
    List.Ico n m List.Ico m l = []
    theorem List.Ico.bagInter_consecutive (n m l : ) :
    (List.Ico n m).bagInter (List.Ico m l) = []
    theorem List.Ico.succ_singleton {n : } :
    List.Ico n (n + 1) = [n]
    theorem List.Ico.succ_top {n m : } (h : n m) :
    List.Ico n (m + 1) = List.Ico n m ++ [m]
    theorem List.Ico.eq_cons {n m : } (h : n < m) :
    List.Ico n m = n :: List.Ico (n + 1) m
    theorem List.Ico.pred_singleton {m : } (h : 0 < m) :
    List.Ico (m - 1) m = [m - 1]
    theorem List.Ico.chain'_succ (n m : ) :
    List.Chain' (fun (a b : ) => b = a.succ) (List.Ico n m)
    theorem List.Ico.filter_lt_of_top_le {n m l : } (hml : m l) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x < l)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico n m
    theorem List.Ico.filter_lt_of_le_bot {n m l : } (hln : l n) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x < l)) (List.Ico n m) = []
    theorem List.Ico.filter_lt_of_ge {n m l : } (hlm : l m) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x < l)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico n l
    theorem List.Ico.filter_lt (n m l : ) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x < l)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico n (m l)
    theorem List.Ico.filter_le_of_le_bot {n m l : } (hln : l n) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (l x)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico n m
    theorem List.Ico.filter_le_of_top_le {n m l : } (hml : m l) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (l x)) (List.Ico n m) = []
    theorem List.Ico.filter_le_of_le {n m l : } (hnl : n l) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (l x)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico l m
    theorem List.Ico.filter_le (n m l : ) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (l x)) (List.Ico n m) = List.Ico (n l) m
    theorem List.Ico.filter_lt_of_succ_bot {n m : } (hnm : n < m) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x < n + 1)) (List.Ico n m) = [n]
    theorem List.Ico.filter_le_of_bot {n m : } (hnm : n < m) :
    List.filter (fun (x : ) => decide (x n)) (List.Ico n m) = [n]
    theorem List.Ico.trichotomy (n a b : ) :
    n < a b n n List.Ico a b

    For any natural numbers n, a, and b, one of the following holds:

    1. n < a
    2. n ≥ b
    3. n ∈ Ico a b