Multisets #
Multisets are finite sets with duplicates allowed. They are implemented here as the quotient of lists by permutation. This gives them computational content.
Notation #
: The empty multiset.{a}
: The multiset containing a single occurrence ofa
.a ::ₘ s
: The multiset containing one more occurrence ofa
does.s + t
: The multiset for which the number of occurrences of eacha
is the sum of the occurrences ofa
.s - t
: The multiset for which the number of occurrences of eacha
is the difference of the occurrences ofa
.s ∪ t
: The multiset for which the number of occurrences of eacha
is the max of the occurrences ofa
.s ∩ t
: The multiset for which the number of occurrences of eacha
is the min of the occurrences ofa
- Multiset.instCoeList = { coe := Multiset.ofList }
- Multiset.instDecidableEquivListOfDecidableEq l₁ l₂ = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (l₁.Perm l₂))
- Multiset.instDecidableRListOfDecidableEq l₁ l₂ = inferInstanceAs (Decidable (l₁.Perm l₂))
- x✝¹.decidableEq x✝ = Quotient.recOnSubsingleton₂ x✝¹ x✝ fun (x x_1 : List α) => decidable_of_iff' (x ≈ x_1) ⋯
defines a size for a multiset by referring to the size of the underlying list
- s.sizeOf = Quot.liftOn s sizeOf ⋯
Instances For
- Multiset.instSizeOf = { sizeOf := Multiset.sizeOf }
Empty multiset #
- Multiset.instZero = { zero := }
- Multiset.instEmptyCollection = { emptyCollection := 0 }
- Multiset.inhabitedMultiset = { default := 0 }
- Multiset.instUniqueOfIsEmpty = { default := 0, uniq := ⋯ }
cons a s
is the multiset which contains s
plus one more instance of a
- Multiset.«term_::ₘ_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `Multiset.«term_::ₘ_» 67 68 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ::ₘ ") ( `term 67))
Instances For
- Multiset.instInsert = { insert := Multiset.cons }
Dependent recursor on multisets.
TODO: should be @[recursor 6], but then the definition of Multiset.pi
fails with a stack
overflow in whnf
- Multiset.rec C_0 C_cons C_cons_heq m = Quotient.hrecOn m (List.rec C_0 fun (a : α) (l : List α) (b : C ⟦l⟧) => C_cons a ⟦l⟧ b) ⋯
Instances For
Companion to Multiset.rec
with more convenient argument order.
- m.recOn C_0 C_cons C_cons_heq = Multiset.rec C_0 C_cons C_cons_heq m
Instances For
a ∈ s
means that a
has nonzero multiplicity in s
- s.Mem a = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => a ∈ l) ⋯
Instances For
- Multiset.instMembership = { mem := Multiset.Mem }
- Multiset.decidableMem a s = Quot.recOnSubsingleton s fun (l : List α) => inferInstanceAs (Decidable (a ∈ l))
Singleton #
- Multiset.instSingleton = { singleton := fun (a : α) => a ::ₘ 0 }
s ⊆ t
is the lift of the list subset relation. It means that any
element with nonzero multiplicity in s
has nonzero multiplicity in t
but it does not imply that the multiplicity of a
in s
is less or equal than in t
see s ≤ t
for this relation.
Instances For
- Multiset.instHasSubset = { Subset := Multiset.Subset }
Produces a list of the elements in the multiset using choice.
- s.toList = Quotient.out s
Instances For
s ≤ t
means that s
is a sublist of t
(up to permutation).
Equivalently, s ≤ t
means that count a s ≤ count a t
for all a
- s.Le t = Quotient.liftOn₂ s t (fun (x1 x2 : List α) => x1.Subperm x2) ⋯
Instances For
- s.decidableLE t = Quotient.recOnSubsingleton₂ s t List.decidableSubperm
Alias of Multiset.subset_of_le
This is a rfl
and simp
version of bot_eq_zero
Additive monoid #
- Multiset.instAdd = { add := Multiset.add }
Alias of the reverse direction of Multiset.add_le_add_iff_left
Alias of the forward direction of Multiset.add_le_add_iff_left
Alias of the forward direction of Multiset.add_le_add_iff_right
Alias of the reverse direction of Multiset.add_le_add_iff_right
Cardinality #
The cardinality of a multiset is the sum of the multiplicities of all its elements, or simply the length of the underlying list.
Instances For
Induction principles #
Suppose that, given that p t
can be defined on all supersets of s
of cardinality less than
, one knows how to define p s
. Then one can inductively define p s
for all multisets s
cardinality less than n
, starting from multisets of card n
and iterating. This
can be used either to define data, or to prove properties.
- Multiset.strongDownwardInduction H s = H s fun {t : Multiset α} (ht : t.card ≤ n) (_h : s < t) => Multiset.strongDownwardInduction H t ht
Instances For
Analogue of strongDownwardInduction
with order of arguments swapped.
- s.strongDownwardInductionOn H = Multiset.strongDownwardInduction H s
Instances For
Another way of expressing strongInductionOn
: the (<)
relation is well-founded.
replicate n a
is the multiset containing only a
with multiplicity n
- Multiset.replicate n a = ↑(List.replicate n a)
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Multiset.eq_replicate_card
Erasing one copy of an element #
erase s a
is the multiset that subtracts 1 from the multiplicity of a
- s.erase a = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => ↑(l.erase a)) ⋯
Instances For
map f s
is the lift of the list map
operation. The multiplicity
of b
in map f s
is the number of a ∈ s
(counting multiplicity)
such that f a = b
- f s = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => ↑( f l)) ⋯
Instances For
foldl f H b s
is the lift of the list operation foldl f b l
which folds f
over the multiset. It is well defined when f
is right-commutative,
that is, f (f b a₁) a₂ = f (f b a₂) a₁
- Multiset.foldl f b s = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => List.foldl f b l) ⋯
Instances For
foldr f H b s
is the lift of the list operation foldr f b l
which folds f
over the multiset. It is well defined when f
is left-commutative,
that is, f a₁ (f a₂ b) = f a₂ (f a₁ b)
- Multiset.foldr f b s = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => List.foldr f b l) ⋯
Instances For
Map for partial functions #
Lift of the list pmap
operation. Map a partial function f
over a multiset
whose elements are all in the domain of f
- Multiset.pmap f s = Quot.recOn (motive := fun (x : Multiset α) => (∀ a ∈ x, p a) → Multiset β) s (fun (l : List α) (H : ∀ a ∈ (⇑(List.isSetoid α)) l, p a) => ↑(List.pmap f l H)) ⋯
Instances For
"Attach" a proof that a ∈ s
to each element a
in s
to produce
a multiset on {x // x ∈ s}
- s.attach = Multiset.pmap s ⋯
Instances For
If p
is a decidable predicate,
so is the predicate that all elements of a multiset satisfy p
- Multiset.decidableForallMultiset = Quotient.recOnSubsingleton m fun (l : List α) => decidable_of_iff (∀ a ∈ l, p a) ⋯
Instances For
- Multiset.decidableDforallMultiset = decidable_of_iff (∀ a ∈ m.attach, p ↑a ⋯) ⋯
decidable equality for functions whose domain is bounded by multisets
- Multiset.decidableEqPiMultiset f g = decidable_of_iff (∀ (a : α) (h : a ∈ m), f a h = g a h) ⋯
If p
is a decidable predicate,
so is the existence of an element in a multiset satisfying p
- Multiset.decidableExistsMultiset = Quotient.recOnSubsingleton m fun (l : List α) => decidable_of_iff (∃ a ∈ l, p a) ⋯
Instances For
- Multiset.decidableDexistsMultiset = decidable_of_iff (∃ x ∈ m.attach, p ↑x ⋯) ⋯
Filter p s
returns the elements in s
(with the same multiplicities)
which satisfy p
, and removes the rest.
- Multiset.filter p s = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => ↑(List.filter (fun (b : α) => decide (p b)) l)) ⋯
Instances For
Alias of Multiset.filter_map
Simultaneously filter and map elements of a multiset #
filterMap f s
is a combination filter/map operation on s
The function f : α → Option β
is applied to each element of s
if f a
is some b
then b
is added to the result, otherwise
is removed from the resulting multiset.
- Multiset.filterMap f s = Quot.liftOn s (fun (l : List α) => ↑(List.filterMap f l)) ⋯
Instances For
countP #
countP p s
counts the number of elements of s
(with multiplicity) that
satisfy p
- Multiset.countP p s = Quot.liftOn s (List.countP fun (b : α) => decide (p b)) ⋯
Instances For
Multiplicity of an element #
count a s
is the multiplicity of a
in s
- Multiset.count a = Multiset.countP fun (x : α) => a = x
Instances For f
preserves count
if f
is injective on the set of elements contained in
the multiset f
preserves count
if f
is injective
Subtraction #
- Multiset.instSub = { sub := Multiset.sub }
This is a special case of tsub_zero
, which should be used instead of this.
This is needed to prove OrderedSub (Multiset α)
This is a special case of tsub_le_iff_right
, which should be used instead of this.
This is needed to prove OrderedSub (Multiset α)
This is a special case of tsub_le_iff_left
, which should be used instead of this.
Union #
s ∪ t
is the multiset such that the multiplicity of each a
in it is the maximum of the
multiplicity of a
in s
and t
. This is the supremum of multisets.
Instances For
- Multiset.instUnion = { union := Multiset.union }
Intersection #
s ∩ t
is the multiset such that the multiplicity of each a
in it is the minimum of the
multiplicity of a
in s
and t
. This is the infimum of multisets.
- s.inter t = Quotient.liftOn₂ s t (fun (l₁ l₂ : List α) => ↑(l₁.bagInter l₂)) ⋯
Instances For
- Multiset.instInter = { inter := Multiset.inter }
- Multiset.instLattice = (fun (x1 x2 : Multiset α) => x1 ∩ x2) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Associate to an embedding f
from α
to β
the order embedding that maps a multiset to its
image under f
Instances For
Mapping a multiset through a predicate and counting the True
s yields the cardinality of the set
filtered by the predicate. Note that this uses the notion of a multiset of Prop
s - due to the
decidability requirements of count
, the decidability instance on the LHS is different from the
RHS. In particular, the decidability instance on the left leaks Classical.decEq
See here
for more discussion.
Rel r s t
-- lift the relation r
between two elements to a relation between s
and t
s.t. there is a one-to-one mapping between elements in s
and t
following r
- zero {α : Type u_1} {β : Type v} {r : α → β → Prop} : Multiset.Rel r 0 0
- cons {α : Type u_1} {β : Type v} {r : α → β → Prop} {a : α} {b : β} {as : Multiset α} {bs : Multiset β} : r a b → Multiset.Rel r as bs → Multiset.Rel r (a ::ₘ as) (b ::ₘ bs)