Counting on ℕ #
This file defines the count
function, which gives, for any predicate on the natural numbers,
"how many numbers under k
satisfy this predicate?".
We then prove several expected lemmas about count
, relating it to the cardinality of other
objects, and helping to evaluate it for specific k
Count the number of naturals k < n
satisfying p k
- Nat.count p n = List.countP (fun (b : ℕ) => decide (p b)) (List.range n)
Instances For
A fintype instance for the set relevant to Nat.count
. Locally an instance in locale count
- Nat.CountSet.fintype p n = Fintype.ofFinset (Finset.filter (fun (x : ℕ) => p x) (Finset.range n)) ⋯
Instances For
Alias of the reverse direction of Nat.count_succ_eq_succ_count_iff
Alias of the reverse direction of Nat.count_succ_eq_count_iff
{p : ℕ → Prop}
[DecidablePred p]
{a b : ℕ}
(h : count p a < count p b)
{p : ℕ → Prop}
[DecidablePred p]
{m n : ℕ}
(hm : p m)
(hn : p n)
(heq : count p m = count p n)
Alias of the reverse direction of Nat.count_iff_forall
Alias of the reverse direction of Nat.count_iff_forall_not
{p : ℕ → Prop}
[DecidablePred p]
{q : ℕ → Prop}
[DecidablePred q]
{n : ℕ}
(hpq : ∀ (k : ℕ), p k → q k)