

Parallel computation #

Parallel computation of a computable sequence of computations by a diagonal enumeration. The important theorems of this operation are proven as terminates_parallel and exists_of_mem_parallel. (This operation is nondeterministic in the sense that it does not honor sequence equivalence (irrelevance of computation time).)

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Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Parallel computation of an infinite stream of computations, taking the first result

      Instances For
        theorem Computation.terminates_parallel.aux {α : Type u} {l : List (Computation α)} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {c : Computation α} :
        c lc.Terminates(Computation.corec Computation.parallel.aux1 (l, S)).Terminates
        theorem Computation.terminates_parallel {α : Type u} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {c : Computation α} (h : c S) [T : c.Terminates] :
        (Computation.parallel S).Terminates
        theorem Computation.exists_of_mem_parallel {α : Type u} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (h : a Computation.parallel S) :
        ∃ (c : Computation α), c S a c
        theorem Computation.parallel_empty {α : Type u} (S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)) (h : S.head.Promises none) :
        def Computation.parallelRec {α : Type u} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} (C : αSort v) (H : (s : Computation α) → s S(a : α) → a sC a) {a : α} (h : a Computation.parallel S) :
        C a
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem Computation.parallel_promises {α : Type u} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (H : ∀ (s : Computation α), s Ss.Promises a) :
          (Computation.parallel S).Promises a
          theorem Computation.mem_parallel {α : Type u} {S : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (H : ∀ (s : Computation α), s Ss.Promises a) {c : Computation α} (cs : c S) (ac : a c) :
          theorem Computation.parallel_congr_lem {α : Type u} {S T : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (H : Stream'.WSeq.LiftRel Computation.Equiv S T) :
          (∀ (s : Computation α), s Ss.Promises a) ∀ (t : Computation α), t Tt.Promises a
          theorem Computation.parallel_congr_left {α : Type u} {S T : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (h1 : ∀ (s : Computation α), s Ss.Promises a) (H : Stream'.WSeq.LiftRel Computation.Equiv S T) :
          theorem Computation.parallel_congr_right {α : Type u} {S T : Stream'.WSeq (Computation α)} {a : α} (h2 : ∀ (t : Computation α), t Tt.Promises a) (H : Stream'.WSeq.LiftRel Computation.Equiv S T) :